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Attempted IAF incursion - A Failed operation

Should we retaliate?

  • Yes

    Votes: 154 87.5%
  • No

    Votes: 22 12.5%

  • Total voters
Then what's the point of taking a belligerent stand against India?
If we had the necessary might we would have taken Kashmir from India. That would have been the casus belli. Not this incursion which in military tactics achieved little but was a 'surgical strike' in the political realm
Because it gives the institutions a boogey man to keep the population in check. Same goes for India. Neither country will ever get the other half of Kashmir back unless WW3 breaks out. But it is convenient for all sides involved.
Failed operation ? They came they dropped the pay load and went back safely. Payload can be ANYTHING luckily this time it was just unexploded ordinances.

Where was the 10 + 10 buffer ? Where was PAF ?
Please explain to me all enlightened one as to what exactly is going on? You seem to be omniscient.
You are taking a dump on PAF just because the Indian air force managed to drop a fuel tank 3km inside AJK mate intrusion are regular occurrence on both sides just because in this particular intrusion they dropped a fuel tank don't mean PAF is useless if there is a need for war there will be war we have nothing to loose
Balakot is several miles away from the border, I do not understand why people are terming it as some "deep strike".

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They achieve a fake attack. If thats an achievement for you than be my guest. Yes if you want to buy their narrative of 'surgical strike' than you may question the title.

Pakistani military strategists have been schlonged by India is fact, You can give them benefit of doubt that they didn't expected how India will play "surgical strike" as there was no precedence of it before but not this time. If military elite had any brain then they should have identified targets at LOC where Indian posts have advantage and waiting for excuse to do justified airstrikes on them instead of getting bitch slapped again. Now, keep running around like headless chicken to counter Indian claims.
They didn't dropped a single bomb at first place. Why are you buying their narrative ? who cares about their uplift morale crap. That's what their media do, making news of their own to brainwash them. They may come up with 100 surgical strikes stories, who the **** cares.

We need to see REAL Strikes first and than analyze our response accordingly. You want us to fight back by bombing them on Fake strikes. How stupid and kiddish of us than. Violating airspace for kms and do nothing is NOT a STRIKE please.
You own member has confirmed the bombings. It may have been in a hill with no people nearby, still fact remains, bombs were dropped
Oh Bhai ..... Payload fell in open
Doesn't matter. The political objectives have been achieved. The IAF aircrew only had to make it back alive. They did their job. Their propaganda machine will take it from here
Oh Bhai ..... Payload fell in open . No infrastructure and no lives were lost.
Their objective was to intrude Pakistani airspace and drop their payload, then let the media take it over from there. It does not matter if there are casualties.
You have no clue what you are going on about pal

IAF surely have strike video as they use laser guided bombs.
Like this:

Hoping that IAF release that video to general public. Otherwise another early morning toilet strike. And indian people chanting jai hind :D

Some stupid indian media showing this video:

Which anyone can identify that it is not delta wing mirage (But there is no cure to stupidity).
You own member has confirmed the bombings. It may have been in a hill with no people nearby, still fact remains, bombs were dropped

Who ? where are bombed sites....and as per your media 1000 Kg of bombs would had created huge fireballs all over the place and could had been pictured from KMs away.
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