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Attacks outside Indian embassy in Jalalabad left 9 civilians dead.

And I am sure all these attack were inside jobs by Pakistani govt to get sympathy because 'the heralds of truth', "The Taliban" had denied involvement in the attacks..hmm???..

Tehrik-i-Taliban denies bombing Sufi shrine in Lahore - The National

Pakistani Taliban deny anti-polio attacks | NDTV.com

Taliban Deny Role in Red Cross Attack - WSJ.com

Taliban deny responsibility for deadly Lahore bombings - Pakistan - RFI

How TTP can aatck on its own Masters baby :D

any news from Afghan Taliban. TTP don't operate in afghanistan.
Just one answer You Indians and the world call Taliban and Haqqani network as Pakistani tools :))) and we have denied it already neither we had stagged it.

2. NO Indian cant afford killing its officials literally as it will backfire back at home coming with demands of withdrawal from Afghanistan which your govt dont want, So a mere small stagged dramas bringing your consulate to limelight for timebeing

Indians in the past including high level dignitaries have been assassinated by bomb blasts, if really India wants to grab some attention and sympathy, India would have claimed Indians who are serving for Afghan betterment have been killed.

India do not want any lime light in Afghan was and peace, USA will have that neither we want lime light nor we want to wage any war against the taliban. The logic of grabbing lime light is wrong.
And I am sure all these attack were inside jobs by Pakistani govt to get sympathy because 'the heralds of truth', "The Taliban" had denied involvement in the attacks..hmm???..

Tehrik-i-Taliban denies bombing Sufi shrine in Lahore - The National

Pakistani Taliban deny anti-polio attacks | NDTV.com

Taliban Deny Role in Red Cross Attack - WSJ.com

Taliban deny responsibility for deadly Lahore bombings - Pakistan - RFI

Failed attempt.

Afghan Taliban and TTP are two different groups fighting two different wars.

While the Afghan Taliban is fighting in the name of jihad against foreign occupiers, the TTP is fighting in Pakistan with no ideology of its own. Time has shown that Afghan Taliban does not get bought. Even the most recent Doha talks have failed. On the other hand, there is enough evidence to prove that TTP is being used as a proxy. Those who have been arrested admit this
How TTP can aatck on its own Masters baby :D

any news from Afghan Taliban. TTP don't operate in afghanistan.

Guess you are too dumb to understand my post!!

PS : the third link is about Afghan Taliban.
India does not have boots on ground. It only has consulates and embassy in Afghanistan.

No withdrawal is possible if there is nothing to withdraw.

Probably you could not comprehend that.::

Your consulates :))) with zero visa activity are for what??
Failed attempt.

Afghan Taliban and TTP are two different groups fighting two different wars.

While the Afghan Taliban is fighting in the name of jihad against foreign occupiers, the TTP is fighting in Pakistan with no ideology. Time has shown that Afghan Taliban does not get bought. Even the most recent Doha talks have failed. On the other hand, there is enough evidence to prove that TTP is being used as a proxy. Those who have been arrested admit.

Why offcourse the Good Taliban and the Bad Taliban.

Good Taliban doing God's work killing evil Afghans and evil Americans, only speak the truth, are a force of ultimate justice.

..where as the bad taliban(the devils spawn), are evil force paid American, Indians, Israelis and Martians are liars, scoundrels unlike their holy Afghan counterparts!!

Anything else??
NO i believe an Indian staged drama.

And NO Indian Consulate is attack just a nearby madrassa killing innocent childern. Haqqani network and taliban denied the attack.

And both are the custodians of truth and their words are golden.
According to some Pakistanis, Indian intelligence gets to defame the pure, peaceful image of Pakistan.

(Beats me why Indians should undertake that mission, when Pakistanis are themselves doing it so marvelously everyday. But then, you can't expect logic from these "cRAWnspiracy" theorists.)

According to us India is out desparatly seeking attention as Kerry just left Pakistan, NO mention of India in Afghan end game.

India in desparation even was willing to support Taliban but they dint give you any attention now India wants some limelight by stagging such attacks which halmark of Indians

Providing moral and political support to Afghans :azn:

:laugh: moraly corrupt bharatis providing moral support to Afghans :P epic
NO i believe an Indian staged drama.

And NO Indian Consulate is attack just a nearby madrassa killing innocent childern. Haqqani network and taliban denied the attack.

for you...

Pakistan denied that OBL was in Pak over 10 years...

in 11th year,he was killed right under the nose of Pakistan's Military training center...

unlike Pakistan,which is a shining star in failed state index,as well as unable to protect its own civilians and armed forces from getting bombed everyday(Be it drones or TTP),our intel agencies has atleast sometimes delivered results...

now,I understand you're addicted with Indian saas bahu serial,but this one isn't in serial..get out of dreams buddy..
RIP to the innocent afghani kids .

Hope the culprits of this crime and their supporters gets highest of highest punishment .
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