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Attacks outside Indian embassy in Jalalabad left 9 civilians dead.

If Pakistan only did things that it gained from, it wouldnt have been in the mess it is now.. So that's hardly an explanation ;)

well 5 years of zardari curse would inevitably have taken us steps backwards, but his time is up as is his stay in Pakistan (hopefully)

by the way, if Pakistan's economy can still grow and if it's stock market can still be a top performer during this time of conflict both internal and regional then it speaks volumes about what can be achieved if there are proper leaders; or rather one strong leader not bogged down by some unruly parliament where shyt never gets done

but you're right on one thing - no need for explanation. that especially applies to this incident where bharatis are pointing fingers on us without a shred of evidence :)
Being in the area i know their goal is bigger than killing clerical Indian staff.

even if NO group denies it , we know for sure that my agency is NOT wasting time on a spook/failed attack. If US airbase/ if Bagram can be hit so accuratly then be sure Indian Consulate in JALALABAD is a toffee if it was finalised as target.

The bottom of this drama is that INDIANS in an attempt to gain some gutter level attention wrg to Afghanistan in view of US withdrawal and Taliban influence, had innocent Children, indeed with help of ANA.

RIP to kids killed by Indians

if someone wanted a few indian diplomats whacked, they'd wait till they leave the premises

bombs outside of buildings with blast walls isn't the M.O. anymore especially in Afghanistan for missions that can afford the extra security

india obviously needs the attention it is yearning for regarding it's concerns of "evil Pakistan" in a post 2014 Afghanistan....what better way than to kill Afghan civilians AND make a mere symbolic attack on its own embassy

now of course what happened to Brigadier Mehta a few years back -- the (late) defense attache who surely oversaw "tourist visas" to Afghans is a separate issue altogether though to date no evidence implicates Pakistan on that one though I know I wasnt crying tears that day :laugh:
Had the attack been successful and would have killed Indians instead of Afghans, the Pakistani members here would have been falling over themselves trying to imply how ISI gave a tight one to India. Now they are just trying to ensure that the blame stays with Taliban :lol:

no actually anyone with a modicum of common sense knows that Afghanistan is polarized and that when you take sides in such a conflict, you will have enemies

Pathetic mentality. you people can't even spare such a tragedy to create some recruiting opportunity. For one, if it was an inside attack, Indian government wont be sharing the intelligence with media.

what intelligence and provided by who? ToI-let news? :laugh:
I think there is some kind of agreement/contract between haqqani network and ISI......Pakistan provides sanctuaries to haqqanis, in exchange they have to carry out some special tasks for ISI in Afghanistan on demand......Interesting thing is that headquarter of haqqani network is in in miranashah just infront of FC fort where army is stationed.

Thats what I think too. Also, nobody takes responsibility of attacks where only mosque going kids were killed.

The bottom line is, this way or that, the pakhtuns remain a pawn and keep suffering. Pathans need leadership and self interest, and they need to understand self interest does not only flow from the barrel of a gun but also from books. That only will stabilize Afghanistan and Pakistan. An integration of the Pakhtun tribes in the modern world.
I thought zabihullah mujahid was spokesperson of Afghan Taliban.........or they have joint spokesperson?

Sirji, he is the spokesman of the Haqqani co , NOT Mullah Omar's group. If you, are familiar with the division of the talibs,you should know the difference.
no actually anyone with a modicum of common sense knows that Afghanistan is polarized and that when you take sides in such a conflict, you will have enemies

The comment was on the reactions of Pakistani members.. Not on the situation in afg :)

well 5 years of zardari curse would inevitably have taken us steps backwards, but his time is up as is his stay in Pakistan (hopefully)

by the way, if Pakistan's economy can still grow and if it's stock market can still be a top performer during this time of conflict both internal and regional then it speaks volumes about what can be achieved if there are proper leaders; or rather one strong leader not bogged down by some unruly parliament where shyt never gets done

but you're right on one thing - no need for explanation. that especially applies to this incident where bharatis are pointing fingers on us without a shred of evidence :)

Yeah! I dont like that either.. What's the point of pointing fingers when you are already in a state of undeclared war
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