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Attacks outside Indian embassy in Jalalabad left 9 civilians dead.

One thing I would like to add for Indian folk here is that "Mr Zabihullah Mujahid" the "Taliban spokesman" your media is citing as if Taliban have nothing to do with this attack is "NOT a Taliban spokesman" --- He is "Haqqani Network's spokesman" - he is NOT associated to Mullah Omar group.

If Indian assertions of Haqqani network being based in Pakistan are to be believed, than in other words "Pakistani based taliban groups" have denied responsibility.

@karan.1970 @ares @Contrarian @Spring Onion @balixd

Being in the area i know their goal is bigger than killing clerical Indian staff.

even if NO group denies it , we know for sure that my agency is NOT wasting time on a spook/failed attack. If US airbase/ if Bagram can be hit so accuratly then be sure Indian Consulate in JALALABAD is a toffee if it was finalised as target.

The bottom of this drama is that INDIANS in an attempt to gain some gutter level attention wrg to Afghanistan in view of US withdrawal and Taliban influence, had innocent Children, indeed with help of ANA.

RIP to kids killed by Indians
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Being in the area i know their goal is bigger than killing clerical Indian staff.

even if NO group denies it , we know for sure that my agency is NOT wasting time on a spook/failed attack. If US airbase/ if Bagram can be hit so accuratly then be sure Indian Consulate in JALALABAD is a toffee if it was finalised as target.

The bottom of this drama is that INDIANS in an attempt to gain some gutter level attention wrg to Afghanistan in view of US withdrawal and Taliban influence, had innocent Children, indeed with help of ANA.

RIP to kids killed by Indians

Pathetic mentality. you people can't even spare such a tragedy to create some recruiting opportunity. For one, if it was an inside attack, Indian government wont be sharing the intelligence with media.
"Who" did this attack is NOT "our" concern. Who they are blaming is our concern.

We will not allow you to blame our country on our website, just because you "suspect" it to be the case. If you do not have any solid contribution to this thread, i suggest you either quit or stick to the topic being discussed.

1. we dint do it. So its very much our concern to find out and ask who did it. As you said it is something which is used to blame us without any proof.

2. The Indian asked who is going to benefit from such an attack? well NONE other than INDIA as it brought to tried to brought some limelight to India in Afghanistan which they failed to get even by this .
mehh oh yeh super doper indians a few moment after the lies spread by Indian media you got the attack. Thats where your ToI type plans are pathetic exposing you fully. such patakhas are Indian halmark NOt ours

sorry I replied to your post. I didn't know this blabber has been going on for a while now.
India has no business in Afghanistan affairs and should leave.
India has no business in Afghanistan affairs and should leave.

We are helping them rebuild their country while giving help and assistance.Who are you to say Indians should leave?Can your country offer any kind of aid/help to Afganistan like India

Especially, India wants to improve transport connectivity and economic collaboration with countries in Central and South Asia. India has already invested US$ 10.8 billion in Afghanistan as of 2012. More such projects are likely to come up after Nato's withdrawal. This includes setting up Iron ore mines, a 6 MTPA steel plant (by SAIL--Steel Authority of India Limited), a 800 MW power plant, Hydro-electric power projects, transmission lines, roads etc., India and Iran are set to ink a transit agreement on transporting goods to landlocked Afghanistan. The Indian government is investing more than US$100 million in the expansion of the Chabahar port in south-eastern Iran which will serve as a hub for the transportation of transit goods

It has pledged or spent some $2bn (£1.3bn) worth of aid over the last decade to build roads, power stations and even the Afghan parliament.
BBC News - India's growing stake in Afghanistan
A common thread that permeates through the entire islamosphere is denial.
Its haqqani network again..................

The spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid، who refused to accept responsibility is Haqqani network's spokesman. How do you believe its Haqqani network, if their account is to be believed. [hypothetically] ?
The spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid، who refused to accept responsibility is Haqqani network's spokesman. How do you believe its Haqqani network, if their account is to be believed. [hypothetically] ?

I thought zabihullah mujahid was spokesperson of Afghan Taliban.........or they have joint spokesperson?
Shame on you for dancing on the corpses of little Afghan Children and using it to float your usual Baloney........

Let it go. The verbal diarrhea may be because kids were killed and she really feels sorry at the plan gone wrong. Who knows. In any case moderators are active on the thread and they will handle this with their unbiased moderation.
Let it go. The verbal diarrhea may be because kids were killed and she really feels sorry at the plan gone wrong. Who knows. In any case moderators are active on the thread and they will handle this with their unbiased moderation.

Who cares for all that? It was just another serving of Baloney Dopiaza.
It is the absolutely shameful pits to see people stoop to such abysmally low levels.
Yes its them. That's our assessment. We do not expect them to start taking credit for it because only civilians, that too kids died.

As someone who actually lives there, in your assessment Haqqani network enjoys full state support of Pakistan army or are they rebels?

I think there is some kind of agreement/contract between haqqani network and ISI......Pakistan provides sanctuaries to haqqanis, in exchange they have to carry out some special tasks for ISI in Afghanistan on demand......Interesting thing is that headquarter of haqqani network is in in miranashah just infront of FC fort where army is stationed.
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