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attacks in the region

don't need for dip up ... just go back to 9/11 , Taliban taking over the Kabul , creating the mess out of the region , Attacks in Pakistan , and now recruiting ground for ISIS ..
oh and yes AQ ..

OK genius, shows you have zero understanding of the region.
OK genius, shows you have zero understanding of the region.
bhi tumhein itni alaa understanding hai region ki to kuch okhar lo -
Pakistan mein dehshat gerdi k hamlay to tumhein yaad nai hein-
banay phirtay ho mazloom-
Unfortunately the security events in the last couple of days, 2 bomb attacks in Kabul, attack in Mazar Sharif, then the episode in India will negatively effect the positive atmosphere that was there last week.

Seems the misery and distrust will continue in our region for the forceeable future.
I wonder who benefits from all of this? Who does not want peace talks to happen?
I wonder who benefits from all of this? Who does not want peace talks to happen?

God of war who else?!!! We can beat him by firm determination. There must be god of peace as well.
Not sure what you are blabbering about, but take a chill pill, sitting in Sweden enjoying the winter and here you are trying to understand the heat that we in the region are going through.

Taking jibes at my place of residence will not give more weight to your argument. Answer why you as a person who understands the region so well did not include the attacks in Mardan, as part of your list of attacks that are affecting the positive vibe in the region. If you did not know about this attack, then its glaringly obvious that you do not know the region half as well (if even that) as you would like us to believe you do, thereby making your attack on my place of residence and supposed subsequent lack of knowledge of the region look like a joke. If you did know about the attacks and yet intentionally choose not to mention it, then you are portraying yourself and your Indian ally's as 'mazloom', as another member put it, and in affect engaging in the same anti Pakistan rhetoric that Northern Alliance cronies and their Indian overloads regularly engage in, i.e us mazlooms suffering from terrorist attacks vs those evil Pakistanis sponsoring attacks against us.
Taking jibes at my place of residence will not give more weight to your argument. Answer why you as a person who understands the region so well did not include the attacks in Mardan, as part of your list of attacks that are affecting the positive vibe in the region. If you did not know about this attack, then its glaringly obvious that you do not know the region half as well (if even that) as you would like us to believe you do, thereby making your attack on my place of residence and supposed subsequent lack of knowledge of the region look like a joke. If you did know about the attacks and yet intentionally choose not to mention it, then you are portraying yourself and your Indian ally's as 'mazloom', as another member put it, and in affect engaging in the same anti Pakistan rhetoric that Northern Alliance cronies and their Indian overloads regularly engage in, i.e us mazlooms suffering from terrorist attacks vs those evil Pakistanis sponsoring attacks against us.

Such attacks have been norm in Pakistan so it does make sense. Its worrying when such attacks occur in surrounding countries simultaneously.
Such attacks have been norm in Pakistan so it does make sense. Its worrying when such attacks occur in surrounding countries simultaneously.

Terrorist attacks fell by 70% in Pakistan in 2015 so the number of attacks in the country have fallen drastically in the last year thanks to operation Zarb e Azb (70% decline in terrorist attacks in Pakistan - The Express Tribune ).Afghanistan still is attacked regularly by terrorist attacks and violence has been on the upsurge in Indian occupied Kashmir in recent months. So no it does not make sense that all the terrorist attacks that took place in the region last week or so were mentioned except the one in Pakistan. It is indeed worrying and sad when such attacks occur simultaneously, but refusal to mention one victim nation whilst listing all the others around suggests something, especially since the political establishment in Kabul and New Delhi are hell bent on declaring that essentially all violence that takes place in their respective country's originates in one way or another from Pakistan.
Terrorist attacks fell by 70% in Pakistan in 2015 so the number of attacks in the country have fallen drastically in the last year thanks to operation Zarb e Azb (70% decline in terrorist attacks in Pakistan - The Express Tribune ).Afghanistan still is attacked regularly by terrorist attacks and violence has been on the upsurge in Indian occupied Kashmir in recent months. So no it does not make sense that all the terrorist attacks that took place in the region last week or so were mentioned except the one in Pakistan. It is indeed worrying and sad when such attacks occur simultaneously, but refusal to mention one victim nation whilst listing all the others around suggests something, especially since the political establishment in Kabul and New Delhi are hell bent on declaring that essentially all violence that takes place in their respective country's originates in one way or another from Pakistan.

Bhai jan bache ki jan lo ge kia. OP has already admitted incident of Pak as well. Better please talk about the topic.
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