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Attack on Srilankan cricket team in Lahore

Doesn't that sound like a threat?

What else likes of paranoid Purnab can have? Bullying.

When Sri Lanka announced to send Cricket team to Pakistan, India was the one who had protested and tried to bully Sri Lanka not to send the team.
India had to attack Pakistan. That is bizarrly different compared to who Pakistan needs to fight. Its within their sovereign territory. If naxals had done something like this within India. We would have manslaughtered them. You cant spend time "understanding" terrorists. THey are fanatics.
Sir ji,
Can I suggest a break here. This is not the place or time for these type of mails. Will suggest if you delete this.

NZ and Indian teams don black arm bands

From correspondents in Napier, New Zealand

Agence France-Presse

March 03, 2009 06:48pm
THE New Zealand and Indian teams donned black arm bands midway through their one-day cricket match today as a mark of respect for the Sri Lankan cricketers wounded in Pakistan.

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key condemned the attack, in which six of Sri Lanka's team were injured when gunmen targeted their bus as they headed to Gadaffi Stadium in Lahore to play a Test against Pakistan.

"I condemn this despicable terrorist act. I am sure all New Zealanders will be outraged, as I am, at hearing this news,'' Mr Key said.

"I am very concerned at this turn of events, where an international sports team has been targeted by terrorists.''

The New Zealand and Indian cricketers were informed of the shooting during the innings break in Napier, New Zealand, in the first of their five ODI matches, and put the arm bands on before play resumed.
My point is only that RAW is using Afghanistan to spread terrorism in Pakistan. They quite cleverly have turned the situation in their favor by using the WOT and one of the steps to ensure safety of the people is to dismantle the Indian consulates along with the border of Pakistan.

These Bollywood movies style attacks says it all.
My point is only that RAW is using Afghanistan to spread terrorism in Pakistan. They quite cleverly have turned the situation in their favor by using the WOT and one of the steps to ensure safety of the people is to dismantle the Indian consulates along with the border of Pakistan.

These Bollywood movies style attacks says it all.

This is th point what i want to say..Afghani's can do everything for Money.. i m living in NWFP nd sure about that..they can even sell their daughter (sorry but reality is reality)..the same in the swat nd FATA..Raw is using Afghani's there.
Raw----->Research nd analysis wing...HUH
Very sad news,we must capture these bastards, it is quite suspected that it is Indian Supported.

to created testability in Pakistan.
Srilankan team visited Pakistan for one day before but nothing happened.

Why now....

for what purpose
The mroe i think about the incident, the more perplexed I am.

The MO of this operation does not fit the usual militant attacks in Pakistan.

First and foremost, the target is unconventional. Militants have usually targetted police/army/administration officials or tried to cause random panic. The attack on a specifically sri lankan cricket team seems more geo political. It doesn't seem to help the TTP cause.

Secondly, the fact that the pepetrators were bearded. Conventional militant attacks now use clean shaved individuals, as they can blend back into society. A bearded man stands out, and is easily trackable since the majority of people in cities, esp. Punjab do not wear beards. It is well known that jihadist militants shave their beards before any such operations.

It seems like somebody is desperately trying to show that this was a jihadist militant attack. Who could that be?

in all likelihood, RAW (the most succesful intel. agency in Asia) can not be discounted. It would be an insult to the prowess and reach of RAW to do so.
im sure they are indians because if they were have been pakista did not done that theynis they will make sucide bomb attack and those who were invoved in lahore masacare they dont used sucide jackets and they have them in bag pack when they ran they leaved it so people thinks that attack is carried out by pakistanis and im sure no indians have guts to wear the sucide jackets any way and india also unhappy with srilankan tour of pakistan i hope and pray that zardari should now open his eyes and show the world that india is also exporting terrorism and when mumbai attack happend some of indian leaders told that pakistan have to pay for this and we should not forgot election in india in corner so they did that to show indian people they took their revenge and so they can win the votes of india
SuperFalcon the Indian member duhastmish has told one of his countrymen not to make this a finger pointing exercise I strongly advise you on the same course of action.

On this matter it is a grave development in that aside from attacking Pakistani civilians they are now opting to attack foreign tourists

There's one more point that should be discussed. Our records show that 99% of the attacks in Pakistan have been suicide attacks. Their method of carrying out an attack is simply by putting on a suicide vest, blending in, and then detonating themselves up near the target which is SUFFICIENT to kill people around the ground zero to the maximum.

Now we're getting reports that Suicide JACKETS have been recovered from these terrorists and their bags. That's a PATHETIC attempt at linking this event with Pakistan's militants. Because frankly, they don't carry their jackets around in bags so that they can first make sure that they have a good ol hunting spree and THEN carry out the suicide attack. Their ideology is brainwashed so that they can go and take only ONE step. Which is to carry out a suicide attack. There's no room for any other "Action" on their part.

Secondly, Suicide jackets don't make sense with the size of the group that carried out this incident. 12 armed people for the sake of killing a Cricket team? ONE suicide bomber would've been enough to take out the entire convoy IF it was an attack lead by someone from within Pakistan.

InshAllah we WILL capture these morons and bring their real identity out for the rest of the world to see. In the mean time, I SERIOUSLY want the leadership to grow a pair and give their statements like real MEN!
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If putting the blame on others could solve problems, no-one in the world would ever have any.

It’s time for our rulers to wake up and smell the Jahadi Frankenstein.
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If putting the blame on others could solve problems, no-one in the world would ever had any.

It’s time for our rulers to wake up and smell the Jahadi Frankenstein.

And also expose those who are now sponsoring these so called jihadis.
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