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Attack on Srilankan cricket team in Lahore

Its about time, the gung-ho Pakistanis of this forum restrain themselves !!
GOP has not made any statements linking any Indian hand to this dastardly episode.
Once the investigation starts, then only facts can be correlated and Pakistan can zero down on the terrorists !
Sure this can be RAW inspired but there are also many other suspects like the LET , Taliban etc.
In fact GOP has been remarkly restrained vis a vis GOI (led by Pranab Mukherjee) re. Mumbai attacks. Geo TV and other Pakistan TV have also been restrained and they have covered the event not speculated like the Indian media during 26/11.

Our government does not have the moral rectitude, nor the political courage to stand up to terror emenating from Bharat/Afghanistan.

We have, on previous ocasions, given detailed evidence to the Americans regarding Bharati involvement in terrorist activities in Pakistan, from bomb blasts to the support of the Taliban TTP, to no avail. We were brushed off and ignored.
The mroe i think about the incident, the more perplexed I am.

The MO of this operation does not fit the usual militant attacks in Pakistan.

First and foremost, the target is unconventional. Militants have usually targetted police/army/administration officials or tried to cause random panic. The attack on a specifically sri lankan cricket team seems more geo political. It doesn't seem to help the TTP cause.

Secondly, the fact that the pepetrators were bearded. Conventional militant attacks now use clean shaved individuals, as they can blend back into society. A bearded man stands out, and is easily trackable since the majority of people in cities, esp. Punjab do not wear beards. It is well known that jihadist militants shave their beards before any such operations.

It seems like somebody is desperately trying to show that this was a jihadist militant attack. Who could that be?

in all likelihood, RAW (the most succesful intel. agency in Asia) can not be discounted. It would be an insult to the prowess and reach of RAW to do so.

Thanks man.
I didn't know people respect (in other sense) RAW this much!!
Geo news is reporting that Agencies had the info that lankan team could be targeted by RAW..Reports had been gathered on 22nd Jan.
Thanks man.
I didn't know people respect (in other sense) RAW this much!!

Ha Ha. Actually its as per convenience, on days it is intelligent, other times it stupid. Depends on how it suits people thoeries. Just like our Govt, which blames everything on ISI. ..... net net .. both are usual suspects.
Do not go off topic, and make senseless statements about Pakistan. If you want to discuss the mumbai attakcs, the relevant threads are available.
GEO Pakistan
4 suspects arrested in Model Town
Updated at: 1200 PST, Tuesday, March 03, 2009
LAHORE: Police in Model Town has arrested four suspected persons after attack on Sri Lankan team on Tuesday. Arms have been recovered from two of them.

Police also recovered explosive laden jacket and arms from a rickshaw.
Doesn't that sound like a threat?


After 26/11. on Dec 10 we were told 'Unless kashmir issue is solved, things like 26/11 would continue repeating'.

We never said that as a threat, but as a effort to derail.
Anyone could be behind this, especially when weapons, logistics and funding plentily available for the terrorist groups such as Taliban, LeT etc. These could be possible perpetrators


It is unwise at this point to attribute this attack to any organization without proper evidence. Everyone of the above have motives to do this kind of attack.
Anyone could be behind this, especially when weapons, logistics and funding plentily available for the terrorist groups such as Taliban, LeT etc. These could be possible perpetrators


It is unwise at this point to attribute this attack to any organization without proper evidence. Everyone of the above have motives to do this kind of attack.

Hmm... let's see how many of those parties give a flying **** about Sri Lanka or it's cricket team... 2 from what I can count, both are sister organizations.
Who has the motive for such an attack?(correct me)
LTTE, RAW(as a tit for tat), Baloch nationalists, Al Qaeda(to disturb the government and weaken the international image of Pakistan) and other jihadi groups

I think the attack was meant to take hostages. They most probably deliberately avoided damage to the bus. They did not(may be cud not but more plausibly) bomb the bus. May be an LTTE angle to blackmail Srilankan government. But why did they back off? May be the resistance was too much. But LTTE cadres are known to be highly motivated(they used to carry cyanide tablets around their neck to avoid giving away vital information to enemise if they get captured)
LTTE has very strong reasons against Srilanka Pakistan cooperation and Srilanka itself.
The Baloch separatism is another contender for a hostage situation. Possible they aborted the plan when they could not take hostages.

Equally likely is the attack being a hit and run to avoid detection. This leaves a signature of RAW or Baloch involvement.

Grande Strategy: India's Revenge: RAW Attacks Cricketers in Pakistan
This guys claims that Gustav rifle(the missile launcher found is of this type) are issued to Indian army. But conveniently forgets that they are with the Pakistani army too. Also the version of rifle that Indian army carries seems to be different.
View attachment 1810

View attachment 1811

Can anyone provide pictures of the kind Pak army uses?
Anyway the one used might be older versions. Oh WTH if RAW wants to do something they can source it anywhere. But to get it from far is difficult.
But the men are very hard to find. The reasons are obvious...
Most importantly No ideological similarities with anyone in Pakistan(correct me). My view is that with whatever money you are going to pump in without an ideology( to satisfy the ego or crappy issues like afterlife, nationalism whatever ) no man can go on such a suicidal attack.
RAW seriously lacks this. Baloch organizations have this as a plus.RAW doesn't even have good proxies like the Al Qaeda has. LeT has its own issues though very very less likely- revenge for shutting down their frontal organizations. I believeLeT is still counting on Pak's support whether they are going to get it or not. They have no choice to turn against Pak's government.

Also the timespan of planning must be small. Because Srilanka decided about the tour only recently. This is another minus for RAW because, being far away, they need more time to mobilize things .

Enough time has passed after Solecki's kidnapping. So the window may be enough for them to plan this thing. They are in an excellent position for everything except for a lack of spread and probably(I don't know much about how they get their supplies. Many people here blame it on RAW).

Somebody rightly pointed out that Indian attacks have less likelihood of being suicidal. Yeah may be because Indians in general are less pissed off with their lives this partly because they take their religions rather lightly. One of the main reasons for me to believe in foreign origins of mumbai attacks is this.

Whatever is the reason...
Pakistani cricket fans are going to be able to watch international cricket only at the additional cost of an airticket in the near future.

Correct me about anything above...

Can some body plzz point the place in an online map like wikimapia?
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More information coming in:

1) Pakistani sports minister reiterating what the Punjab governer said a few hours back .. The terrorists modus operandi similar to 26/11.. Further he said , that people responsible for 26/11 could be responsible here !

2) Pakistani busdriver of the Sri Lankan team - Mehr Mohd Khalil heroic efforts to drive the bus to safety into the stadium. He said that bullets were flying every where but he did not leave his seat . One grenade hurled towards the bus window by a bearded man in his late 20's. He drove very fast and the grenade exploded as the bus passed over.

3) Unconfirmed reports of Indian markings on grenades and rockets launchers as per foreign ministry.

4) 9 suspects held so far and kalashnikovs and grenades recovered from various parts of Lahore

5) Indian security expert lamblasting Sri Lankan and Pakistani cricket security saying lapses in security responsible for the attacks. Says that , no bullet proof bus provided to Sri Lanka, no plan B in case of such attacks, no clearance of designated routes and no coordination of multi security agencies. He said that when India toured Pakistan in 2005, Indian agencies had all these security measures covered in tandem with Pak agencies.

6) Mahendra Singh Dhoni speaking from Napier said that he is glad that they did not tour Pakistan.
They should patrol all the borders and make sure the indians, i mean terrorists dont escape to india or afghanistan.
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