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Attack on Shias in Pakistan

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Shina and sunnis live in peace and harmoney.. there are no issues beyond differences on few relegious aspects and they accept and live with the others keeping those. These are facking terrorists supported by let me say (RAW MUSAD AND SHITTY CIA) who wanted to create all sorts of disturbances in Pakistan, in FATA, in Baluchistan and elswehre because of their sick sick sickkkkk agendz! but Inshallah Inshallah Inshallah these sick terrorists backed by equally sick mentality are going to fail. This is one desperate and well-failed strategy which couldn't get them results in the past and wouldn't give them outcome which they are desperate to see.

100% agree with you..
Shina and sunnis live in peace and harmoney.. there are no issues beyond differences on few relegious aspects and they accept and live with the others keeping those. These are facking terrorists supported by wanted to create all sorts of disturbances in Pakistan, in FATA, in Baluchistan and elswehre because of their sick sick sickkkkk let me say (RAW MUSAD AND SHITTY CIA) who agendz! but Inshallah Inshallah Inshallah these sick terrorists backed by equally sick mentality are going to fail. This is one desperate and well-failed strategy which couldn't get them results in the past and wouldn't give them outcome which they are desperate to see.

MAy they rest in peace :cry:
Is it me or this seems so similar to the Caste System of ancient India (though still prevalent) with distinction based on Ideology instead of social structure..

Shia –Sunni divide is not similar to the caste system but more like a divide between Korus and Pandas of the Mahabharata.

Historically it dates back to the rivalry between the two sons of the leader of Quraish called Abd Munaf. Our holy Prophet was great grandson of Hashim. Whereas his chief rival Abu Sufyian was a descendant of Abdul Shams another son of Abd Munaf.

Shias’ consider Hazrat Ali (RA) who was from Banu Hashim as the rightful heir of the Prophet (PBUH). Banu Ommaya gained resurgence during the reign of Hazrat Osman (RA) and were strong enough to militarily change Hazrat Ali (RA) under the leadership of Muwviya son of Abu Sufiyan. It culminated at Karbala when forces loyal to Yazid, grandson of Abu Sufiyan massacred Hazrat Imam Husain (RA) grandson of the holy Prophet (PBUH) and his small part of followers.

Enmity between the two families ran so deep that Hazrat Ali (RA) one of the Rashideen was publically cursed after every Friday prayers until stopped by a pious Omayyad Caliph Hazrat Omer bin Abdul Aziz.

The difference was originally purely political; theological split occurred 80 years later when descendants of Abbas (Prophet’s uncle and a Hashemite) eliminated the whole Omayyad by killing of nearly 80 princes of the Omayyad branch. However Abbasids were the main reason why Sunni Islam in its various sub sects constitutes 80% of all Muslims.

Split between Shia and Sunnis in Pakistan was not deep when I was growing up and not all Sunnis consider Shias ‘Kaffir’. I am from Sargodha where Sunnis used to set up Sabeel (free water fountains) for the Moharram processions. In Multan family of Yusuf Raza Giyani (current PM) despite being a Sunni used to accompany Tazia procession during Moharram. However large influx of the Deobandis after the partition and especially after Salaafin and Takfiris gained political backing during the bigot Zia era changed the situation.

Shias are also not innocent as some of them curse first 3 Caliphs of Islam, a practice started by the Fatimid Caliphs whose followers are now call Isamilies.

I am not scholarly enough to pass judgement as to what is right. I am dead gainst cursing the any of the Sehaaba especially the Rashideen. At the same time I am staunchly anti Takifiri as I believe that these peoples follow the scholars who were sympathetic to Banu Omayya and were anti Hazrat Ali (RA).

This view has come about when I came across a mosque named ‘Masjid Abu Sufiyan’. Pray tell me when there are scores of very exalted companions names available such as Omar, Osman, Abu Bark, Salman Farsi, Abu Zarr, Ammar Yasser, Amir Hamza, Saad bin Abi Waqas, Zubair etc., must you chose Abu Sufiyan as your place of worship? Doesn’t this indicate a preference of Banu Omayyad above the family of the holy Prophet?

By the way, majority of the religious parties currently under the ‘Difae Pakistan’ are those which are strongly sectarian and anti-Shia.
RIP to the dead.I think it's a shame for Pakistan's government for not even trying to stop these Salafi extremists,Shias in Pakistan are really helpless.
How is that Misleading....isn't that happening for so long. I recommed to make it sticky

this is attack on buss which had Humans, Pakistanis, Muslims and then Shias. Defend your stance.. what makes you skip first 3 identities and jump to 4th one? Biasses or ill Intents?


Please force people not to spread difference on the basis of casts, sects and relegion.
RIP to the dead.I think it's a shame for Pakistan's government for not even trying to stop these Salafi extremists,Shias in Pakistan are really helpless.

As every body knows that Pakistan is still suffering from war on terrorism.. As in the position of minorities we are very careful , if we do not follow some one on their specific set in religion so it does not mean we are against them but as a decent society we are also claiming that every minorities have their fundamental right to live in peace full manners and arrange their ritual ceremonies in specific environment.. As the attacks on any minorities is depend on the situation and it is all about the Sectarian insurgency which is promoting by foreign hands to destabilize the Pakistan....:pop:
RIP to the dead.I think it's a shame for Pakistan's government for not even trying to stop these Salafi extremists,Shias in Pakistan are really helpless.

ooh the shias are innocent and all others are evils, you guys across the border fund shia mullahs and extremists

btw its our internal matter so stay away because you guy has not an ounce of knowledge

shias are helpless?? your fart of mind

---------- Post added at 07:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:16 PM ----------

Sunnis consider them muslims, but extreme wahabis and taliban do not consider them muslims.

sunnis dont even think if they are muslims are not just like bohris, aga khanis, barelvis etc,its a debatable issue, the thing which i know is, they arnt considered kafirs and they frequently hold the matams and jalsas in muharram

and same goes for shias if they consider others as muslims or not
Is it me or this seems so similar to the Caste System of ancient India (though still prevalent) with distinction based on Ideology instead of social structure..

NO, the cast system is an evil system meant to keep the Brahman in power and to prevent the lower classes from getting into power.

Sunni Shia divide is purely an ideological one. No one is preventing Shias from achieving any position they want.
Unlike the lower casts India, where lower cast are even forced to be "cleansed" with cow urine.
ooh the shias are innocent and all others are evils, you guys across the border fund shia mullahs and extremists

btw its our internal matter so stay away because you guy has not an ounce of knowledge

shias are helpless?? your fart of mind
I never said others are evil or Shias are the only good ones.
I will reply to you post when you learn to speak politely...like a human.
People who target and kill innocents are terrorists. The terrorists can call themselves by any name they wish, but they will always be identified by their actions. Pakistanis have been under attack by the terrorists for quite some time, and these terror attacks have increased in the last few days. Our sympathies and condolences go out to the Pakistani nation and the families of the innocent people killed in today’s attack. It is ridiculous to blame any of these attacks on the United States. There is no evidence whatsoever to support this accusation against the U.S. The terrorists are as much our enemy as Pakistan’s. We need to step-up up our cooperation and go full force against these killers. Their attacks without remorse on innocent women and children show how desperate they have become. Isn’t this the time to stop indulging in conspiracy theories and focus on the menace of terrorism? Peace can only prevail if this menace is eliminated once and for all.

Maj David Nevers
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
RIP to the dead. I am worried that anti-Shia groups like the LeJ might be working with Jundullah & others, & providing them with support & reinforcements. These groups unfortunately seem to be gaining a lot of momentum, & it is happening openly in front of everyone's eyes.

I have no doubts in my mind that there are fierce "intelligence games" being played in Western Pakistan, & now that the Iran-Pakistan economic/political cooperation is on the rise, "outside influence" might aid Jundullah & other groups to escalate their violence inside both Pakistan & Iran, acting as a spoiler. The Pakistani intelligence needs to get its act together, it feels like they are losing their sway, & losing their way a bit. Even though the ISI has an image of being ruthlessly good at what it does, I feel that is overrating their performance, & they definitely need to get their act back together. While they have done an ok job over the years, they need to shore up the country's defenses from such threats. They also need to clamp down on local sectarian groups like the LeJ that might support sectarian groups like Jundullah & al-Qaeda.

As a Pakistani Shia Muslim, while the incident itself is heartbreaking & disheartening, I am more interested/worried about the performance of our security/intelligence personnel in countering such future threats, & protecting the interests of Pakistan (both internally & externally).
The guys responsible for this heinous crime, will wish their fathers never met their mothers, that is a promise.
NO, the cast system is an evil system meant to keep the Brahman in power and to prevent the lower classes from getting into power.

Sunni Shia divide is purely an ideological one. No one is preventing Shias from achieving any position they want.
Unlike the lower casts India, where lower cast are even forced to be "cleansed" with cow urine.

And Shias and Ahmadis are blown up or shot.. I personally think while the origins and nuances of the 2 are different, the impact is the same.. Oppression of the weak/minority by the strong/majority.. Feel free to disagree...
I am quite shocked at this news...Meaning the terrorists have now infiltrated far north...
Kohistan District never comes in any news as this is one of the most peaceful parts of the country and nothing ever happens there...
Parts of the District is inhabited by Pushto speakers but a vast majority are ethnic Greeks,and speak a very strange language which nobody understands.....Generally very friendly people..I used to have friends there..
The district Borders with Swat district which is currently in turmoil..which is agains puzzle to me as Yousufzais of Swat are probably the most peaceful of Pathan Tribes.

Most probably it had nothing to do with sectarian or ethnic violence and was a Robbery attempt gone wrong , as the area is mountainous and extremely difficult terrain...which is home to all the outlaws,and we do get occasional Bus robbery in the area.
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