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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

What if Orion destruction is part of the collatoral damage? like attention diversionary tactics?
If India really want to destroy them, they got 120+ Bisons armed with BVRAMs.( lets not forget the history :P )

Only Indians can think and afford to inflict such things on theirself to blame other later just like saffron brigade did in Malagaon whereas we cant afford to destroy our best line of defence viz a viz Sea on which we spent a HUGE money
my friend SSg arrived there early, but they said that there might be other people inside with terrorists, and they also might have explosive material which they could use to blow the civilians and themself up. thats why they waited till the morning, i kno its not an excuse but ur counting those hours in ur "10-11hour long operation"

I never said SSG came late. I was merely pointing out the wastage of crucial time....but there is no point arguing when everything is finished. RIP to the fallen soldiers.
This attack is very well planned and impossible without external help TTP is on CIA-RAW payroll i hope someone will take revenge of this attack.

This attack might be a part of a revenge attack. And this chain of revenge attacks will lead to?
No man island?
I never said SSG came late. I was merely pointing out the wastage of crucial time....but there is no point arguing when everything is finished. RIP to the fallen soldiers.

NO they did not wast. they were taking utmost care keeping in view the vital installations and foreigners inside the base.
Americans CIA don't have to go through this much trouble to take out a plane they supplied to you they can simply refuse to sell you one every body with eyes can read the news Most support for these terrorist is coming from Arab states Not India as far as Revenge is concerned i think Americans did kill few more of the terrorist.

MIRAMSHAH: A US drone strike on Monday destroyed a vehicle in Pakistan’s Taliban and al-Qaeda-linked stronghold of North Waziristan on the Afghan border, killing seven militants:yahoo:, officials said.

The attack took place on the outskirts of Mir Ali, some 30 kilometres east of Miramshah, the main town of the district where US officials want Pakistan to launch an offensive against networks fighting in Afghanistan.

“A US drone fired two missiles which hit a vehicle. At least seven militants have been killed:yahoo:,” one security official in Peshawar told AFP.

Another intelligence official in Miranshah said two drones fired four missiles, hitting a van and killing at least seven militants.

“I do not know whether there was a high-value target. We received reports that those killed in the van were all foreigners,” he said.

Monday’s attack was the eighth to be reported in Pakistan’s tribal areas near the Afghan border since US commandos killed Saudi-born terror mastermind Osama bin Laden in a secret raid in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad on May 2.

this is one of the immediate effects of the attack on the Pak-naval base.Now,a significant number of Pakistanis will support the drone attacks which were gaining unpopularity among the common masses.
P-3 C orion surely is not used in mountains against militants :)))))))) so you can understand who might had been benefited by damaging Pakistani naval defence

You are right....why not being a little candid here....Obviously it is India...India will benefit the most by destroying the Naval assets...Anyways PN is too much for us and now by destroying the Orion's we can easily defeat them....In fact warships from India are already on the move :hitwall::hitwall:

When educated folks talks such nonsense what can be said about the ordinary person...For heaven sake look inside....
attack on PNS mehran, destruction of two aircraft and death of navy/rangers men is NOT the sad part in this whole episode as it is part of collateral damage during the war our country is facing. however the sad part is the shouting from all the corners that "attackers were not muslims/pakistanis, this is the job of CIA/RAW/MOSSAD".

how much more lives are needed to be lost before we wakeup ? how much more of our society needs to be devided before we come out denial ?

i am sure the esteemed Pakistani members of this forum are well educated and devout muslims, who would visit mosques regularly (mean every friday). and ofourse they must be obvious of the sermons being delivered there :)

wasnt mumtaz qadri glorified accross the country, with sermons praising him in friday prayers ?
how many times have we heard the local mullah giving fatwas against shia/ahmedi/hindu/jew/christian?

green turban is the path to heaven, black turban is the way to glory/ white turban makes you true muslim/ oh kill the guy wearing red turban ....

and it was CIA who arranged for fatiha for osama in National assembly ? was it RAW that arranged for funeral prayer of osama infront of lahore high court being offered by lawyers ?

i could carry on for days and would not run out of examples of insanity in our society. but it would not be enough for the taliban/extremeism appologists.

even if we accept that the whole world is hell bent in destroying us and taking out our nukes, should we think for a moment that it is us, our very own socity which presented them with this oppurtunity ????

we would blame politicians and army for the present failures, but would forget that those people in government and army are part of us. they are from us and they are among us. so this makes us any different from them ?

we live in Pakistan. whatever we have today is because of Pakistan. its not because we are muslims or punjabi/pathan/baluch/sindhi/kashmiri...

religion and democracy without education is the recipe of disaster. and we are cooking it from last 64 years.
Jana has totally derailed the thread in last 2-3 pages, to India and China topic, instead of Karachi attack.

You are dragging India into this thread . i am on topic totally after Osama operation this attack on our Naval base and damaging our naval defence is all going to culminate at Balochistan the propaganda for which is already started by our enemies . We must be prepared for the future war in our province against the bigger powers along with local terrorists
P-3 C orion surely is not used in mountains against militants :)))))))) so you can understand who might had been benefited by damaging Pakistani naval defence

You are asking a recorded question. Its time to see bigger picture, my friend. The era of Pakistan-India rivalry has passed.

People are still missing why USA is angry over Pakistan. Its not because of OBL. Revisit cricket match and listen what Afridi said, after match.
I agree with you completely, our constitution is one that supports and encourages the use of religion for political/personal goals.

The problems are internal, the support is internal and until we overlook this fact, we will be stuck in this rut.

The only way forward is to be clear and root out this extremism, intolerance in our nation.

Some insane solutions are being given in this thread by seculars- I think, lets wake up and come back to the real world. This is the reality of "America" and it's sympathizers in Pakistan:

Only 11pc Pakistanis like US: survey

apparently the Pakistani Navy and its installations. they according to planned strategy destroyed the air-crafts .
What if Orion destruction is part of the collatoral damage? like attention diversionary tactics?
If India really want to destroy them, they got 120+ Bisons armed with BVRAMs.( lets not forget the history :P )

Hmm...so you mean in order to save one's arse, one should just chop both his cheeks off, right?

As for the latter part, i'll refrain to comment as it would attract trolls, only that in order to destroy the Orions with your 120 plus Bisons you guys need to accept the destruction of a few dozen other air crafts of yours (as this would only happen in an event of war), this way (the terrorism way) one dont need to put 'their' men into harms way and yet achieve the goal - that's the basic essence of (state sponsored) terrorism. Kabhi, kabhi kitabain perh laini chaiye..acha hota hai..

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