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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

This attack is very well planned and impossible without external help TTP is on CIA-RAW payroll i hope someone will take revenge of this attack.

Whats the replacement of P3C aircrafts? :undecided:
In west when some animals become a problem for Humans Governments issue license to hunt them benefit Revenue generation plus animals problem solved since Mostly FATA area is inhabited by Animals Pakistan Government should start issuing Kill visas Most terrorist sympathizer will tell me i am wrong am i am i isn't Talibans taking Money from Arabs to kill Pakistanis.

actually it's the sold out ruling elite and American slaves who should be taken out ...........
This attack is very well planned and impossible without external help TTP is on CIA-RAW payroll i hope someone will take revenge of this attack.

Whats the replacement of P3C aircrafts? :undecided:

You got 6 more coming in.
This attack is very well planned and impossible without external help TTP is on CIA-RAW payroll i hope someone will take revenge of this attack.

Whats the replacement of P3C aircrafts? :undecided:

You know what's sad... even now it's a conspiracy theory about a CIA/RAW angle to it... I am honestly worried about two things (not as an Indian, but as a fellow human being)...
1. Young lives of brave soldiers were lost today... And yet, there is no worry about how to help keep these young men alive...as they are always ready to make the ultimate sacrifice... Where is the concern for lack of security and governance
2. even if it was an external hand.. TTP and it's cohorts are still very much in Pakistan and even if your rambling was to be true (which I truly contest), these external parties could not have done anything without internal help... So, why don't you even address the issue of the 'internal element' and simply running to point fingers at almost everyone else?
Just thinking out loud; which country is benefited the most by the destruction of Pakistani Orions..?

P-3 C orion surely is not used in mountains against militants :)))))))) so you can understand who might had been benefited by damaging Pakistani naval defence
There are too many bearded mullah society, I don't mean to hate them, myself is moderate Muslim and respect other people. TTP, JUI, armed forces elements, ISI elements. Whatever they put symapthizer first, Pakistan second. What can we do better for Pakistan?

so on one hand you dont want to look bad by admitting that you hate those who are getting in your way, and on other you are pointing out... if a society cannot cooperate within it self, how will it survive against the external invasion? and tell you the truth the with external factor being minimized, 80% of our problems will be solved....and you wont feel the hate that you are feeling towards the other segment of the society.... be brave, dont lose hope, its not the end of the world...
This attack is very well planned and impossible without external help TTP is on CIA-RAW payroll i hope someone will take revenge of this attack.

Whats the replacement of P3C aircrafts? :undecided:

Americans CIA don't have to go through this much trouble to take out a plane they supplied to you they can simply refuse to sell you one every body with eyes can read the news Most support for these terrorist is coming from Arab states Not India as far as Revenge is concerned i think Americans did kill few more of the terrorist.

MIRAMSHAH: A US drone strike on Monday destroyed a vehicle in Pakistan’s Taliban and al-Qaeda-linked stronghold of North Waziristan on the Afghan border, killing seven militants:yahoo:, officials said.

The attack took place on the outskirts of Mir Ali, some 30 kilometres east of Miramshah, the main town of the district where US officials want Pakistan to launch an offensive against networks fighting in Afghanistan.

“A US drone fired two missiles which hit a vehicle. At least seven militants have been killed:yahoo:,” one security official in Peshawar told AFP.

Another intelligence official in Miranshah said two drones fired four missiles, hitting a van and killing at least seven militants.

“I do not know whether there was a high-value target. We received reports that those killed in the van were all foreigners,” he said.

Monday’s attack was the eighth to be reported in Pakistan’s tribal areas near the Afghan border since US commandos killed Saudi-born terror mastermind Osama bin Laden in a secret raid in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad on May 2.
Just thinking out loud; which country is benefited the most by the destruction of Pakistani Orions..?

What if Orion destruction is part of the collatoral damage? like attention diversionary tactics?
If India really want to destroy them, they got 120+ Bisons armed with BVRAMs.( lets not forget the history :P )
Just thinking out loud; which country is benefited the most by the destruction of Pakistani Orions..?

Which country(ies) are scared of Pakistan-India coming closer? (Pakistan PM Gilani sitting with MMS during Cricket match, seems to have unsettled many in both sides of region).

*Both sides = east/west.
Just thinking out loud; which country is benefited the most by the destruction of Pakistani Orions..?

no one.
These planes could have caused trouble to India in case of war but India is not at war with Pakistan.
The planes were parked in open and were juicy targets, might have been in the line of fire. Not a rocket science to understand.
They had plenty of time if these planes were sole target to burn the third one and many others.
my friend SSg arrived there early, but they said that there might be other people inside with terrorists, and they also might have explosive material which they could use to blow the civilians and themself up. thats why they waited till the morning, i kno its not an excuse but ur counting those hours in ur "10-11hour long operation"

Dont pay much heed to such posts. The main reason for a delayed operation was to remain bery bery cautious as regards to the conduct of the ops, so that 1) No more naval assets (the planes and gadgets etc)are damaged, because unplanned ops can result into the terrorists blowing themselves up/indiscriminate firing 2) To be certain if any hostages were taken, a hostage/no hostage scenario can define the difference between a successful or a failed operation.

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