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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Priceless, absolutely priceless -- this Pakistan must be killed so a more islamic one can be crated -- but some Pakistanis still refuse to understand

it would be better than fascist scum bags taking over... no ?
Operation over: Media sources

From a comment on my facebook page: Allah says "To not take Jews and Christians as Auliya (Patrons and allies) and whososver does is AMONGST THEM...". Imam Ibn taimiyya said "if you find me in the ranks of enemy then KILL ME".. Pakistan should not be your God Mr. Haider Ali because you are giving precedence to Indians and Israelis to do the same. If Pakistan goes against the Deen of Allah following US, India or Israel, then Pakistan must be taught a lesson to prevent any harm coming from it. Mere existence of Pakistan on earth is not a guarantee for implementation of Islam. Pakistan is tool promised to promote and implement Islam, it has no intrinsic value of itself. If it becomes part of Kufr war then it is to be fought in similar manner as Israel and US.

Rightnow Taliban are doing work for enemies of Pakistan so we should kill all of them without thinking and anyone supporting them should have the samw results.
Yes.. Agree.. But that does not mean we should keep shielding the incompetency of our Bureaucracy..And should not call others incompetent especially in a time like this.. I am not pleased to say but some Indians here also disappoint me..

yes they disappoint me too but i know that there are pakistani members who understand that immaturity does not belong to particular nationality...
Operation over: Media sources

From a comment on my facebook page: Allah says "To not take Jews and Christians as Auliya (Patrons and allies) and whososver does is AMONGST THEM...". Imam Ibn taimiyya said "if you find me in the ranks of enemy then KILL ME".. Pakistan should not be your God Mr. Haider Ali because you are giving precedence to Indians and Israelis to do the same. If Pakistan goes against the Deen of Allah following US, India or Israel, then Pakistan must be taught a lesson to prevent any harm coming from it. Mere existence of Pakistan on earth is not a guarantee for implementation of Islam. Pakistan is tool promised to promote and implement Islam, it has no intrinsic value of itself. If it becomes part of Kufr war then it is to be fought in similar manner as Israel and US.

What logic

Here a nation is almost tearing itself apart and persons are suggesting of teaching it a lesson !
I hope the ones caught are grilled and toasted until they accept tha Bharti men are behind the attack.
If they have initiated this attack during the night it means that they have night vision equipment - there is no other way they could have had this level of success in this attack.
Operation over: Media sources

From a comment on my facebook page: Allah says "To not take Jews and Christians as Auliya (Patrons and allies) and whososver does is AMONGST THEM...". Imam Ibn taimiyya said "if you find me in the ranks of enemy then KILL ME".. Pakistan should not be your God Mr. Haider Ali because you are giving precedence to Indians and Israelis to do the same. If Pakistan goes against the Deen of Allah following US, India or Israel, then Pakistan must be taught a lesson to prevent any harm coming from it. Mere existence of Pakistan on earth is not a guarantee for implementation of Islam. Pakistan is tool promised to promote and implement Islam, it has no intrinsic value of itself. If it becomes part of Kufr war then it is to be fought in similar manner as Israel and US.

Are you really in the US?

I better start calling you DG - Danger Girl !!!
The timing of this attack does raise some eyebrows.. Just in the past day or so Defence Minister requested Chinese assistance to build a Naval Port @ Gwadar.

This a very curious statement, especially coming from you -- are you suggesting that a operation this complex can just be thrown together in a couple of days, or even a couple of weeks??

Really curious coming from you
If they have initiated this attack during the night it means that they have night vision equipment - there is no other way they could have had this level of success in this attack.

No man.... Its the TTP with one AK47.... Came all the way from waziristan .... Just to destroy our P3..... P3 was the biggest threat to TTP as P3 can detect TTP Submarines and can be used against TTPs electronic warfare.... :what:
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