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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

the terrorists didnt come through the fishing boat from the sea, please dont in anyway compare it to mumbai attacks, these terrorists were professional well trained and they knew well about this military area

does it really matter ? High time Pakistan realise that its defence forces need a overhaul.

He looks like he's from the Makrani tribe in Balochistan Province.

Is BLA also involved in this attack?
There are so many conspiracy theorists here and there in real world, if one they something really happens and their words might be true, nobody will believe them because of their past conspiracy theories. it is like the story of shepherd and the wolf.
if 5 are dead and 7 captured, what happened to 9-10 terrorists???, as told there were 20-22 terrorists

did they escape??
A humble request to all the brainiacs around here please remove your thinking caps and quit posting your subjective theories about security in Pakistan and let the average users follow up the news
There are so many conspiracy theorists here and there in real world, if one they something really happens and their words might be true, nobody will believe them because of their past conspiracy theories. it is like the story of shepherd and the wolf.

the terrorists are foreigners and seem most probably afghans
I guess the terrorists from that side are too scared to encounter our forces..or are too poor to buy a fishing boat.

Pakistani terrorists did not come on their own. They got adequate support from ISI. And it is difficult to defend the whole coast compared to military installations.
What about the earlier 3:00 am news about the terrorist being french and turkish, equipted with night vision goggles.
This is very very unfortunate... No one should lose sons of their soil (Read, soldiers) to these lunatics... RIP to the brave soldiers, who died defending their country against these lunatics...

Who do they think will support them in Pakistan, if all they are doing is destroying national assets of Pakistan...

I hope some will rise above the conpiracy theories and really demand the government to introspect that if their Military bases are not secure, then what will happen to civilian population? and how will the confidence come back? With what right will they go back to civilians to beg for their vote again? IMHO I do think that it is high time of a fresh leadership face in Pakistan... A new fresh guy, with fresh perspective and a new outlook to take Pakistan to her potential glory in an inclusive way...
Indian Security Force response was also Pathetic.. Infact whole establishment's attack was pathetic including Media..
10 intruders killed 176 civilians..Many lives could have been saved if the forces were properly equipped and the terrorists would have been killed...

Mombai attack was different as the intruder was came in private uniforms, the problem here was that the terrorist was in full army uniform that will make hard for the security forces find the enemy thats why these type of operations took time..........
Operation over: Media sources

From a comment on my facebook page: Allah says "To not take Jews and Christians as Auliya (Patrons and allies) and whososver does is AMONGST THEM...". Imam Ibn taimiyya said "if you find me in the ranks of enemy then KILL ME".. Pakistan should not be your God Mr. Haider Ali because you are giving precedence to Indians and Israelis to do the same. If Pakistan goes against the Deen of Allah following US, India or Israel, then Pakistan must be taught a lesson to prevent any harm coming from it. Mere existence of Pakistan on earth is not a guarantee for implementation of Islam. Pakistan is tool promised to promote and implement Islam, it has no intrinsic value of itself. If it becomes part of Kufr war then it is to be fought in similar manner as Israel and US.
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