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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Curious that you would think that the army should not take care - after all do you not care if this army learns?

And does the Islamist enemy need my help? Really?

Curious- did you read what i wrote or you assumed that by looking at the flag?-

If you have something you think can help the army pass it to some relevant guy on the forum instead of putting that in open- thats what i ment- but the flag seemed to obvious for the conclusions isn't it?
we never had such attack before 21/11..and we all know about our police force equipments....i hope we have learned good lesson about handling such situations now...

Yes.. Agree.. But that does not mean we should keep shielding the incompetency of our Bureaucracy..And should not call others incompetent especially in a time like this.. I am not pleased to say but some Indians here also disappoint me..
If Pakistan goes against the Deen of Allah following US, India or Israel, then Pakistan must be taught a lesson to prevent any harm coming from it. Mere existence of Pakistan on earth is not a guarantee for implementation of Islam. Pakistan is tool promised to promote and implement Islam, it has no intrinsic value of itself. If it becomes part of Kufr war then it is to be fought in similar manner as Israel and US.

Priceless, absolutely priceless -- this Pakistan must be killed so a more islamic one can be crated -- but some Pakistanis still refuse to understand
Mombai attack was different as the intruder was came in private uniforms, the problem here was that the terrorist was in full army uniform that will make hard for the security forces find the enemy thats why these type of operations took time..........

Yes..Only Similarity is that the terrorists caught the intelligence agencies sleeping.. I have deepest sympathy to the affected one as i for one know how it feels..
The timing of this attack does raise some eyebrows.. Just in the past day or so Defence Minister requested Chinese assistance to build a Naval Port @ Gwadar.

good point... I think the real story has not come yet, not even in bits and pieces, Kamran khan said we know nothing by now, whats happening...
im talking about the thing that it maybe from the tajik, uzbek northern alliance of afghanistan

They dont do suicide bombing, the case of uzbek terrorists from uzbekistan is different from the above mentioned.

btw, the ttp have been their number one enemy, so they wont join their forces with them.
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