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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

This is still not Pakistan's war. At least huge population of Pakistan doesn't consider it to be Pakistan's war. And in my view they are justified. It is not Pakistan's war. It was showed down our throats by a phone call from Washington and our commando president submitted to it. It isn't our war when Americans dictating Pakistani establishment over it. It isn't our war when Americans bombing our people. This isn't our war. If this is war then it should be Pakistani people who should decide how we will fight this war not America. Unfortunately right now it is America who is deciding how Pakistan will fight "it's own" war. This isn't our war.

You're right in that it wasn't our war to begin with but what about after today? We've have been consistently attacked and 35,000 people have died. We have to fight this war whether we like it or not because it has affected us so greatly. We should fight this war not because America wants us to or for American interests but rather for Pakistan/Pakistani interests. If we don't take proper action against these people then more people are going to die and Pakistan will be fast on its way on becoming another Afghanistan/Sudan/etc. This may not be like the convential wars we've been through with india but we're still in war state
what we have done we know what you have done your agencies know but now what we will do with you will be really for you to know because you will be no more INSHALLAH

An here all the problem lies............ "your own house is in mess but still plannin to bullet the neighbour house"

Pak has nukes n arms but only ammo wont solve your purpose what if you wnt sustane a war a single day...... Yeah you got me right ?

Dnt take me wrong but ------ At every front pakistan bearing problems....your first priority must be to sustane every single day without any incident.... Earlier US now China - Think why you always need a supporting hand to backup your situation.
You want to stop WOT, go ahead do it...but do it on your terms...not because you are not able to control terrorists...bcoz even if you stop they will not....You had understanding with them and even agreed to Sharia law in some pockets of Pakistan...guess what they took over banur....so please think from all those angles.....

Obviously if we back out of this war we would definitely end it on our terms. You know what is the problem right now. When ever we ask TTP terrorists that why they are attacking Pakistan their first answer is we are fighting war against America and it's "agents". The thing is our military and our state is considered as the agents by these guys. We have to get rid of this label. If they continue their activities even after that their would be more consensus among Pakistani nation against these people. Right now not only Pakistani nation is divided but also I can see rift in the military. This incident can't be possible without inside help. This is the worst part of this stupid WOT. Just because of this war after society I feel a divide in the military too. This might be the worst fruit we can get of this pathetic war.
WTF is going on, what are our security forces & spy agencies are doing, Number of our jawan has been killed & under hostage several warplane has been destroyed by those morons but not a single of them has been killed or captured yet, a big question on the credibility of our forces & spy agencies, what the Fcuk is going on, it has been getting daily routine now, after every mishap we heard beefing from ISPR that fool prof security has been arranged for all the intensive areas, where are these fool proof arrangements, i am worried some day some one will be able to fly away F-16 with fully loaded armament...............
Some "traitor" was involved in this operation , there is NO WAY someone can get in and do whatever they want to do without any help from inside.

Help and intel was provided along with training, weapons and equipment. This much is certain. All we need to determine is whether all that came from within or from a place very far away. My bet is on the place that is very far away as TTP is trained, recruited, armed and guided by ......... CIA. Ofcourse CIA is not the lone ranger in this game, RAW and MOSSAD, very likely, play their part too.

The next logical step is an attack on some important European city, probably with a dirty bomb which would provide a final opportunity to the US to prove that Pakistani Nuclear material is not secure enough. It will also ensure renewed European support and involvement in the war of terror against Muslims. God knows what will happen in the next 5-10 years but the state of the world today sure brings to memory some of the end of world prophecies defined in all 3 religions (Islam, Christianity & Judaism).
You're right in that it wasn't our war to begin with but what about after today? We've have been consistently attacked and 35,000 people have died. We have to fight this war whether we like it or not because it has affected us so greatly. We should fight this war not because America wants us to or for American interests but rather for Pakistan/Pakistani interests. If we don't take proper action against these people then more people are going to die and Pakistan will be fast on its way on becoming another Afghanistan/Sudan/etc. This may not be like the convential wars we've been through with india but we're still in war state

Sir as long as Americas name will remain attached to this war till that day we will still keep getting hit but our own people we have to first end all cooperation with America than talk to Tribes and than make them our allies and than take on these bastards
first end all cooperation with America than talk to Tribes and than make them our allies

Exactly the choice this operation is designed to force Pakistani politics into -- and now look at the prescription - first make the enemy an ally --- and then go after.... who ??
Sir as long as Americas name will remain attached to this war till that day we will still keep getting hit but our own people we have to first end all cooperation with America than talk to Tribes and than make them our allies and than take on these bastards

Madam* I personally think that even if America withdraws or we end our cooperation with them they will still keep attacking us, which is why we need to finish them off.The tribes in FATA are mostly our allies, they have have born the brunt of the taliban the most out of everyone in Pakistan.
You're right in that it wasn't our war to begin with but what about after today? We've have been consistently attacked and 35,000 people have died. We have to fight this war whether we like it or not because it has affected us so greatly. We should fight this war not because America wants us to or for American interests but rather for Pakistan/Pakistani interests. If we don't take proper action against these people then more people are going to die and Pakistan will be fast on its way on becoming another Afghanistan/Sudan/etc. This may not be like the convential wars we've been through with india but we're still in war state

Nope. Pakistan isn't going to become sudan if we get out of this war but if we remain part of this war we will definitely be sudan or somalia or afghanistan(if Pakistan exist). a common Pakistani doesn't agree with the ideology of TTP but they also don't like America's invasion of Pakistani territory. It is because of Pakistani establishment's continuous slavery to America that is increasing support for these terrorists. If we minus America from this equation I don't think their would be any Pakistani who would support these guys. We have to get out of this stupid war. It is leading us to a total disaster.
Exactly the choice this operation is designed to force Pakistani politics into -- and now look at the prescription - first make the enemy an ally --- and then go after.... who ??

Probably to go after terrorists. Ofcourse my definition of a 'terrorist' is extremely different to that of the US.
Exactly the choice this operation is designed to force Pakistani politics into -- and now look at the prescription - first make the enemy an ally --- and then go after.... who ??

So you want to say Pakistan's tribes are Pakistan's enemies??? Bravo Think Tank!!!!
As a spectator who is seeing this tragedy unfold on his TV screen i would like to offer my condolences to People of Pakistan and the brave who have fallen thus far. its truly a sad day for Pakistan and its people. Having said that, i feel its high time that the Army and the Intelligence chiefs of the country should be sacked as they have failed to deliver time and time again. Furthermore, the Pakistan Army should launch an internal investigation to see if any of its personal were involved in tipping the terrorists off. Secondly, i feel that the Pakistanis need to rid themselves of the mentality that they are fighting an American proxy war as it is quite evident from this attack that Pakistan is fighting a battle for its survival. The Pakistani's should find the people responsible and deal with them accordingly. Its make or break time for Pakistan and its people as now is the time to decide the future they want for themselves and their country.
Its been 11 hours now. Does any one know if this operation is even close to being done?
And That my friend is the reason we get attacked regularly - If our population keep having sympathy for these scums then it does not matter how high our security is we will get attacked - The reason why US Has not been attacked after 9/11 it is because the population does not support extremists.

Their president wasn't call and forced to join someone else war. You made a wrong analogy dear.
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