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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Any why wouldn't you think that "Mumbai Attack" was internal job?

- American public opinion goes against Pakistan
- Israel's blabbering about Pakistan is justified
- Indians get "pity" from all over the world
- Pakistan gets bad name in Global community..

Sure, the possibility can not be ruled out.

But the investigation has lead us to other conclusions. Ajmal Kasab, Headley, Rana, the telephone calls...
If my "Theory" is correct than there is a time lag between replacement planes available to Pakistan and probable readiness timelines for such a raid.

Mind you, India might be happy with all of this, overtly but if there is any sense prevailing on the other side of the border, they would be deeply worried on these and other developments in Pakistan that can affect them directly.

Why I am say what I am saying -- the purpose of any guerrilla type of war or insurgency is not to fight pitched battle with regular army troops but to relentlessly downgrade the will to put up resistance by escalating the targets list from front line units to military families, rear areas, key political or religious figures, and sensational symbolic hits like GHQ, PNS Mehran etc

If so the logical follow through would be an attack either on Pakistani or Indian side via the sea route wouldn't it?? So what are the installations so worthy that the Orions had to be taken out??
He's either an Indian with Canadian flag or belongs to tea party of Canada. Either way his opinion as far as war in Afghanistan is concerned is accept by a small minority of Canadians.

I know lots of Canadians. Most white, one Indian. The vast majority of them support WoT, even tho some think Americans take the Canadian contribution lightly.
Arrested marine commando had warned Pak of imminent attack

A Pakistani marine commando posted at the PNS Mehran naval airbase, which was attacked by terrorists on Sunday, had been arrested in January for his links with Taliban [ Images ] and Al Qaeda [ Images ] affiliates. The marine commando had warned authorities about an impending attack in Pakistan.

The commando belongs to south Waziristan agency, The News daily quoted its sources as saying. Besides disclosing details about the impending attack on the naval airbase, the marine commando had warned that oil depots and power grid stations were on the hit list of terrorists.

The commando had warned the authorities of attacks on naval installations, said an unnamed official privy to the details. However, no measures were taken to avert the attacks, the report said. The Pakistan Navy's directorate of public relations offered no comment on the matter.

The arrested commando is a member of the Mehsud tribe, which has produced Taliban leaders like Baitullah Mehsud, Qari Hussain and Hakimullah Mehsud, who have carried out a wave of bombings and suicide attacks across Pakistan.

The banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility for the attack on PNS Mehran, saying it was carried out to avenge the killing of Osama bin Laden [ Images ] in a United States raid on May 2. Besides the attack on PNS Mehran, credible intelligence was available of an attack on the army's general headquarters, six months before it was carried out in October 2009, but the army "sat over the information", The News reported.

The "negligence on the part of the intelligence community and security czars has encouraged militants who have named the intelligence agencies as sheep", the report said. Other personnel of the armed services are dubbed as "goats" by the militants, according to communication records obtained from a flash drive, the report said
Sure, the possibility can not be ruled out.

But the investigation has lead us to other conclusions. Ajmal Kasab, Headley, Rana, the telephone calls...

IF you are so sure, why not let Pakistan investigate with those people? besides, Headley and Rana are not worthy witnesses, their honesty is highly questionable, secondly, that case is still in process, so nothing could be said until a ruling..

Any confirmed fact?
Arrested marine commando had warned Pak of imminent attack

A Pakistani marine commando posted at the PNS Mehran naval airbase, which was attacked by terrorists on Sunday, had been arrested in January for his links with Taliban [ Images ] and Al Qaeda [ Images ] affiliates. The marine commando had warned authorities about an impending attack in Pakistan.

The commando belongs to south Waziristan agency, The News daily quoted its sources as saying. Besides disclosing details about the impending attack on the naval airbase, the marine commando had warned that oil depots and power grid stations were on the hit list of terrorists.

The commando had warned the authorities of attacks on naval installations, said an unnamed official privy to the details. However, no measures were taken to avert the attacks, the report said. The Pakistan Navy's directorate of public relations offered no comment on the matter.

The arrested commando is a member of the Mehsud tribe, which has produced Taliban leaders like Baitullah Mehsud, Qari Hussain and Hakimullah Mehsud, who have carried out a wave of bombings and suicide attacks across Pakistan.

The banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility for the attack on PNS Mehran, saying it was carried out to avenge the killing of Osama bin Laden [ Images ] in a United States raid on May 2. Besides the attack on PNS Mehran, credible intelligence was available of an attack on the army's general headquarters, six months before it was carried out in October 2009, but the army "sat over the information", The News reported.

The "negligence on the part of the intelligence community and security czars has encouraged militants who have named the intelligence agencies as sheep", the report said. Other personnel of the armed services are dubbed as "goats" by the militants, according to communication records obtained from a flash drive, the report said

pakistani source please thanks, marines dont take part in NW operations, its not there duty
Arrested marine commando had warned Pak of imminent attack

A Pakistani marine commando posted at the PNS Mehran naval airbase, which was attacked by terrorists on Sunday, had been arrested in January for his links with Taliban [ Images ] and Al Qaeda [ Images ] affiliates. The marine commando had warned authorities about an impending attack in Pakistan.

The commando belongs to south Waziristan agency, The News daily quoted its sources as saying. Besides disclosing details about the impending attack on the naval airbase, the marine commando had warned that oil depots and power grid stations were on the hit list of terrorists.

The commando had warned the authorities of attacks on naval installations, said an unnamed official privy to the details. However, no measures were taken to avert the attacks, the report said. The Pakistan Navy's directorate of public relations offered no comment on the matter.

The arrested commando is a member of the Mehsud tribe, which has produced Taliban leaders like Baitullah Mehsud, Qari Hussain and Hakimullah Mehsud, who have carried out a wave of bombings and suicide attacks across Pakistan.

The banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility for the attack on PNS Mehran, saying it was carried out to avenge the killing of Osama bin Laden [ Images ] in a United States raid on May 2. Besides the attack on PNS Mehran, credible intelligence was available of an attack on the army's general headquarters, six months before it was carried out in October 2009, but the army "sat over the information", The News reported.

The "negligence on the part of the intelligence community and security czars has encouraged militants who have named the intelligence agencies as sheep", the report said. Other personnel of the armed services are dubbed as "goats" by the militants, according to communication records obtained from a flash drive, the report said

pakistani source please thanks, marines dont take part in NW operations, its not there duty
By this logic, any attack by Pakistan on India through proxy would be stupid because India will eventually blame Pakistan.

Dude that theory works for nations and people who plan based on worldly gains,not for those folks who just wanna spank enemies and go to heaven for 72 virgins..For example we can not even imagine some chinese coming to india and killing random people,because they know it is counterproductive to their nation.But in the case of pakistan,there had always been many ajmal kasabs(even in establishment)who gladly do any irrational thing for the sake of some stupid ideology.
If so the logical follow through would be an attack either on Pakistani or Indian side via the sea route wouldn't it?? So what are the installations so worthy that the Orions had to be taken out??

The importance of the P3C is all about detection on route to a possible target and not about any possible installation. I just do not see the connection between P3C and an "Installation."
IF you are so sure, why not let Pakistan investigate with those people? besides, Headley and Rana are not worthy witnesses, their honesty is highly questionable, secondly, that case is still in process, so nothing could be said until a ruling..

Any confirmed fact?

LOL, so you are saying if Pakistan is involved in Mumbai attacks, why not let Pakistan investigate it? LOL

Buddy, I'm not a shrink and this is no place to fix your state of denial. I know the type, they believe in flying angels but won't believe a flying plane hit WTC.
LOL, so you are saying if Pakistan is involved in Mumbai attacks, why not let Pakistan investigate it? LOL

Buddy, I'm not a shrink and this is no place to fix your state of denial. I know the type, they believe in flying angels but won't believe a flying plane hit WTC.

You sure are not a shrink but you do need to see one.. i'll suggest on ASAP basis..

Its a "person" you caught (apparently) from Pakistan who (apparently) committed a crime in India (apparently), so why not let Pakistan Investigate the matter?? Why should we take your "word of mouth" on as-it-is basis?? You ain't no USA now are you? :P

Until then.. cya.. Adios..

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Embarrassed by the Osama bin Laden raid and by a series of insurgent attacks on high-security sites, top Pakistani military officials are increasingly concerned that their ranks are penetrated by Islamists who are aiding militants in a campaign against the state.

Those worries have grown especially acute since the killing of bin Laden less than a mile from a prestigious military academy. This week’s naval base infiltration by heavily armed insurgents in Karachi — an attack widely believed to have required inside help — has only deepened fears, military officials said.

Pakistan’s army chief, Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, who like the civilian government has publicly expressed anger over the secret U.S. raid, was so shaken by the discovery of bin Laden that he told U.S. officials in a recent meeting that his first priority was “bringing our house in order,” according to a senior Pakistani intelligence official, citing personal conversations with Kayani.

“We are under attack, and the attackers are getting highly confidential information about their targets,” said the official, who, like others, would speak only on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter.

Pakistan’s top military brass claimed to have purged the ranks of Islamists shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Since then, the nation’s top officials have made repeated public assurances that the armed forces are committed to the fight against extremists and that Pakistan’s extensive nuclear arsenal is in safe hands.

But U.S. officials have remained unconvinced, and they have repeatedly pressed for a more rigorous campaign by Pakistan to remove elements of the military and intelligence services that are believed to cooperate with militant groups.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, on a previously unannounced visit to Islamabad on Friday, emphasized U.S. demands for greater cooperation in the war against al-Qaeda, the Taliban and other violent Islamist organizations that have taken root in Pakistan. Standing beside Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Clinton said the United States would be looking “to the government of Pakistan to take decisive steps in the days ahead.”

It is unclear how authentically committed Kayani and other top military leaders are to cleansing their ranks. U.S. officials and Pakistani analysts say support by the nation’s top military spy agency for insurgent groups, particularly those that attack in India and Afghanistan, is de facto security policy in Pakistan, not a matter of a few rogue elements.

But Kayani is under profound pressure, both from a domestic population fed up with the constant insurgent attacks and from critics in the U.S. government, who view the bin Laden hideout as the strongest evidence yet that Pakistan is playing a double game.
^^^ lol at the above news.

SHAHEED AMJAD RAZZAQ (Navy Commando) Martyred in PNS Karachi




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