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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Guys destroying p3c Orion is actually to destroy our surveillance capability
so that USA could easily penetrate our defence and they knew p3c orion are a important for pakistan navy so US planned so that in near future we can easily destroy pak navy ship which are old !!
Please elaborate -- and consider, if their entry was undetected, should we not be open to the suggestion that their exit was similarly meticulously planned and may have allowed for multiple options ?

Please also keep your attention to the kinds of "stories" which you may be reading in the papers and also the TV -- from the admittedly few stories I have read, I think we are being fed "facts" which will help establish enough ambiguity to allow for "officially released" conspiracy stories, which will help obscure the truth to such a degree, that like much else in Pakistan, will come to be seen as more of a cartoon or caricature.

I would also like to bring to your attention, another related aspect - namely, the political battle between the civilian government and the armed forces - notice that the armed forces have not called for any kind of review, in fact it's incredible that they have done or said nothing that might suggest that a review of policies and procedures is in effect --- notice that the Civilian government has been made to take up the slack and has to call a meeting to review the security situation --- It seems Kiyani has decided to play the "spoiled child" and has decided to leave Pakistani people to fend for themselves unless, the army it's get way in it's continuing war against the legitimate government of Pakistan ---- Think that's sobering? Just look at what's going on with this army -- even with this mess, no claim of responsibility for the failure to prevent the breach, no offer of resignations by any of the security bosses

I do agree with you upto some extent
See when the op started there were only handfull officers at the base but when ended there were close to 1000

when I say that i dont agree with terorrist escaping is because they say "MAY BE" we saw 2 terorrist running
if they saw them running that mean it was definately not night time ( if they had saw them at night the distance would have been short and they would have taken them down) and if there was natural light ( ie what we see before sunrise ) they would have cordoned off the area and would have killed or captured them.
and when our honourable and mos respected ARM ( lol ) say there were only 6 I could not disagree more.

but again we are discusing the non issues here.
what we should be discussing on ( what ARM should have told us ) is how many security personals were there and how many should have been.
when we are at state of war why didnt we took the necessary measures that we should have taken.
I am not related to miltary in any sense. but trust me when this thing was happening only one thing came into my mind
why the heck there is no F****** snipper with night vision at the tower
we need to adapt different measure in these difficult times. we need to use our common sense we need to identify worst case scenarios and should have counter to them.
we need to be proactive not reactive.

And about civil miltary clash I have some thoughts which might be called a conspiracy theory.

And the naval chief did call for a review I think

My heart bleeds when people here on this forum says it was an inside job by our force's rouge or islamist factors.
I am not saying it was not. may be or may be not.

But again we should use the thing in our heads thats called brain.

Army was demoralised after OBL op. we know for a fact that our govt want ISI under civil govt control they want that army should not be interfering in govt matters ( remember when the floods came there was talk of change of govt with the help of army ). fine these measures should taken and I agree with them.

what I am trying to say is that it may be possible that someone in govt have stage all this to put more presssure on Forces.if they can use all sort of unimaginable tactics to win the election why cant they do this.
Why ARM went straight to karachi he was not going to define a plan to take down terrorist ? tell me which camp did he vist during flood and after how long? Instead he went straight there release the picture and said only 4 came and 2 ran away.

there are so many possibilities It could be RAW or CIA job or it colud be a pure terrorist attack but we are never gona know the truth trust me.

And I am against all this resigning thingi. someone should prove that someone is incompetant or negligent that person should be sacked.
Apparently the Pakistani Navy used surveliance aircrafts against the Taliban and Navy SSG played major roles in operations like Rah-i-Najat and Rah-i-Raast.

So the claim that Navy did not fight the Taliban is incorrect.

Before Attack, Pakistan's Navy Boasted of Role in Fight Against Taliban - NYTimes.com


People are still living in denial and just blaming outsiders. If you look closely, terrorists were trained inside Pakistan. Only difference is, before they were attacking India(and people were happy), now they are attacking Pakistan(now people are unhappy).
This is rubbish analysis as usual T Faz... In reality why we are in such a mess is because the secularists are trying to control Islam by harsh measures... This is now being used by anti state forces... our enemies are telling those who have been wronged all their lives by these secularist elements that Islam teaches retribution and revenge...

Your post is inane as usual, there are no 'secularist' leaders in this nation as you like to put it, a secular leader would advocate separation of state and religion. Zardari, Sharif, Gilani, Chaudhary brothers, Imran et al are not secular leaders, they are just following the old mantra of keeping state and religion together. Was Gen Zia a secularist, I think not, was Sharif a secularist, not really, did Musharraf do anything to promote secularism, nothing.

Your affiliation means that you are unable to comprehend things properly and blame it all on some non-existent 'seculars' while all along its the Islamists who have maligned and hurt Islam.

There is no anti-state force apart from the Islamists who opposed Pakistan throughout and want to establish a regressive Islamic state at war with others.

The harder you go against the militant Islamists, the greater you ll cause bloodshed now... Its time for restrain instead of further aggression... This event has actually opened my eyes... I m now beginning to see some terrible terrible consequences for Pak Army... The boldness with which our enemies are now talking about striking Pak Army is frightening... and as long as this Secularist nonsense continues within our military, well you are digging your own graves...

The militants have killed 35,000 people.

Do you even understand how much that is, do you even know what the people have been through. We even tried to bring peace through dialog but these people rebuked us. Now it is time to deal with them in the harshest manner possible, there are many Islamists in the military who facilitate such attacks, their ideology and them need to be dealt with.

There is no secularist nonsense in this scenario as there are no seculars involved, its all to do with Islamists who want to impose themselves on us and on this state.
What concerns me more is that the same Raga is being harped by the officials over again instead of coming up with some viable modus operandi.
Guys destroying p3c Orion is actually to destroy our surveillance capability
so that USA could easily penetrate our defence and they knew p3c orion are a important for pakistan navy so US planned so that in near future we can easily destroy pak navy ship which are old !!

Why do Pakistan want to destroy their own ships??

If you mean US....why do they want to destroy their own toys??

Please go through this thread first.

It is fascinating that the janglee terrorist who know crack about aircraft came to mount a precise attack against survelliance aircrafts and were wise enough in tactics as well well versed with directions inside the base. Some forgien agency is at work here and mullahs are know to sell religion for dollars. Throughout the history the mullahs have not done anything good other than mutilating religion for money.
Two PC 3 orion will no more serve PN, a welcome news for east.
Two PC 3 orion will no more serve PN, a welcome news for east.

even if they were standing they were not of a concern for the east... 2 planes dont make the difference ... u are talking as if the half of air force is destroyed
It is an Old Story US Kills its useless agents it destroys its own toys without Mercy . The Question is how much ready we are to make them realize , We are not unarmed,we got hands,we got more toys,some really use full one :flame:,we got minds,we can do anything,
WE SHALL RISE:pakistan:
It is fascinating that the janglee terrorist who know crack about aircraft came to mount a precise attack against survelliance aircrafts and were wise enough in tactics as well well versed with directions inside the base. Some forgien agency is at work here and mullahs are know to sell religion for dollars. Throughout the history the mullahs have not done anything good other than mutilating religion for money.
Please specify your term "Mulahs",otherwise its too Rude Sir
im sick of this shitt, why bring ideology debate like these guys muse, t-faz, niaz, and why not discuss the actull facts sorrounding the stories and debate, whats the problem with these people???????????????

i hate when people always cry mullah mullah, islamist islamic terrorists, jemati, jehadi, tafkiri, secular republic of pakistan, pakistan must follow turkey, 72 virgins in heaven blah blah
even if they were standing they were not of a concern for the east... 2 planes dont make the difference ... u are talking as if the half of air force is destroyed
Well, please go through Indian media reports pertaining PN P3C Orion, there's a definite concern for east.
BTW P3C Orion serves PN not PAF.
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