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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Generally why its taking much time to kill a small number of terrorists in this case 6 terrorists fought with 200 commandos for 16 hours

out of that 10 commandos and 4 terroists are dead in Mumbai it took 60 hours to kill 10 terrorists with the loss of 2 commandos

are the terrorists outsmarting the SSG and NSG . Any experts here can answer why its taking much time to kill a small number of terrorists

If your intention is not trolling, then you can spare some time to read the previous pages, the answer is there.
How did six Taliban hold off 100 security forces for 16 hours?

It took about 100 commandos, rangers and marines to kill four militants and recapture the base, further humiliating the military. Two militants are believed to have escaped.

wrong, 100 commandos and rangers and marines doesn't mean they all went straight at 4 militants. It was a very large buildings and they didn't know all the locations of where the militants might be hiding. They must have made small units of 3-5 SSG and looked and searched on every floor and room.

The security official said the militants looked foreign, with fair complexions, perhaps Chechens or Uzbeks. Foreign militants tied to al Qaeda’s international network are known to train in Pakistan’s unruly tribal areas along the Afghan border. Many of them are allied with the Pakistani Taliban.

and somebody was suggesting here they could be our soldiers. Conspiracy theories abound.
This is the problem when religion and state are fused together and as this religion is not only found within this nation, the foreign variations can influence and perverse the teachings of religion.

Initially the country has to limit the influence of religion and religious parties to put an end to this madness. Look at the harm that has been caused by all this and to this day a lot of people openly support the terrorists because they are apparently doing gods work.

When you have entire generations who grew up with violent variations of religion, this had to occur but now is the time to take harsh action against the perpetrators.

Its Pakistan first and Pakistan alone, any one who disagrees should be removed or held out of important positions.

This is rubbish analysis as usual T Faz... In reality why we are in such a mess is because the secularists are trying to control Islam by harsh measures... This is now being used by anti state forces... our enemies are telling those who have been wronged all their lives by these secularist elements that Islam teaches retribution and revenge...

The harder you go against the militant Islamists, the greater you ll cause bloodshed now... Its time for restrain instead of further aggression... This event has actually opened my eyes... I m now beginning to see some terrible terrible consequences for Pak Army... The boldness with which our enemies are now talking about striking Pak Army is frightening... and as long as this Secularist nonsense continues within our military, well you are digging your own graves...

anyway this is nt really directed at you... the ones who are being addressed here by me know who they are...
Honourable Sir,

I would rather remain stupid than join the ranks those who have a soft spot for killers of innocent Pakistanis and destroyers of Pakistani State's assets. Those who can’t stomach criticism of these terrorists and reply with sarcasm are even worse.

Your opinion is nevertheless highly valued and I would keep it in mind when I meet Obama next.

Make up your mind... Do you support drone strikes or not?

If you do... well you are supporting killing of many innocent people...

Oh and I met Obama yesterday... He had the same stupid smile he always has... the fool
How did six Taliban hold off 100 security forces for 16 hours?

Well I sincerely doubt the number declared by R.malik.

on the other hand, yes it took long, as they came with the intension of destroying our assets. They were able to enter as the first retaliation they faced was from a commando and shot him dead, and then they were able to fire one of our aircrafts. After that our commandos handled them in a way that they could not fire rest of the planes / assets.

Why the pictures of rest of the dead bodies are not released?
Generally why its taking much time to kill a small number of terrorists in this case 6 terrorists fought with 200 commandos for 16 hours

Perhaps because there were more terrorists than the authorities now say there were -- This operation was long in the planning, the operators (terrorists) apparently better trained than what the Pakistanis claim are their best, the SSG, SSGN (and this should be sobering tot the ordinary Pakistanis)

Look, what is different today from the first hours of this attack?? what is different in what we thought this event is about??

Allow me to say, that for most people, absolutely nothing is different, they know this attack was long planned, well executed and achieved it objective of making the world reconsider the degree to which the Pakistani armed forces can be trusted to safe guard nuclear materials

Yet for whom has the story changed??

Certainly the authorities - they have only partially figured out how to use the "facts" -- the one thing they have figured out is that there were just 6 terrorists, 2 of whom escaped - so there was never any threat to any "strategic assets or components thereof"

Now everything (facts) that does not fit this, will have to be "cleansed".
ISLAMABAD: Identification records of the dead terrorists involved in the attack on PNS Mehran base in Karachi could not be found, DawnNews reported on Tuesday.

SP Investigation Niaz Ahmed Khoso said that the police had earlier sent the terrorists’ fingerprints to NADRA, however NADRA officials said that they could not find any record of the fingerprints in their databases.

Regarding identification through DNA testing, Khoso said that DNA samples had already been dispatched to Islamabad. However, NADRA databases do not have the capability of identification through DNA samples, footprints or eye-scans.

Khoso further added that judging from their physical appearances, the attackers did not seem to be locals.
Well I do agree with you, thats why they are using TTP.

Yes they are using TTP which is getting education in Pakistani madrassas, recruitment from southern punjab and FATA, right under our eyes. So shut those madrassas and freeze their assets. THEY wouldn't have anybody to use.
Checking for circumcision is not odd , the Germans used the same method to id the jews [ since jews also do circumcision ] at that time the Germans were technically miles ahead of the rest yet the most basic check for doing an id of the jews was to pull down their pants
Yes they are using TTP which is getting education in Pakistani madrassas, recruitment from southern punjab and FATA, right under our eyes. So shut those madrassas and freeze their assets. THEY wouldn't have anybody to use.

No man, thats not the problem, the problem is the arms and ammunition which they get from the afghanistan. If our Pak Afghan is secured then at least half of the problems will die their own death, as unarmed people in madrassas cannot do anything.
We need to kill the causes first.
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