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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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At the time of attack one company of the Special Service Wing (SSW) was present at the airbase and two additional companies have reached to assist in the operation.

Anti-Terror unit of Pakistan Police and Paramilitary forces have deployed at the outer parameter of the airbase.

Terrorists have been pinned down by the commandos of the Special Service Wing (SSW).

Operation against the terrorist is being conducted by the Special Operations Force of the Pakistan Air Force, Special Service Wing (SSW).

Read more: PAF Minhas Airbase / Kamra Air Base Under Attack: Updates ~ Pakistan Military Review
Since there are two separate posts going on..I posted to one. But here it is again, in more direct way:
ANYONE who was even emotionally supportive of the goons of the Lal Masjid is at least partially responsible for this attack on Kamra and for much else.
I pride in saying that I have supported PPP--the only party which, while in opposition, came out in full support of Musharraf THEN about the Lal Masjid Operation and continues to do so now.
We need have our 'Qibla' right.

I don't want to sound like a broken record. But it is important to understand and expose a mindset. I am not ruling out 'foreign' elements. Of course, targeting aircrafts which are for external enemies, makes it suspicious.
BUT... it is the mindset which needs to be expose.
In my 2009 visit to Pakistan. Unfortunately it was for the funeral of very dear one. One of the visitors to the funeral home was from up north. The conversation chanced upon the Lal Masjid Operation. He condemned Musharraf roundly. When I asked about as to why some people would take over a school, a mosque, and even put arms in a mosque, the 'Lathy Brigade' of women roaming Islamabad, his reply was 'Yeah, that was a mistake'. I retorted, not just a 'mistake' but 'terrorism'.
No numbers of Chinese Massage Parlours, Brothels etc could justify the behavior of these thugs. But we have their sympathizers even in this forum!
It is the mindset we have to defeat. Pakistan doesn't and shouldn't go the Kemal Ataturk route. But Pakistanis shouldn't go to the route of the Talibans, the Ayatollahs, the Jamaatis either.
they have targeted saabs ,
motive behind it was to destroy our surveillance aircrafts ,
how is gona benefit from it , surely our enemies
and who was most concerned about these surveillance aircrafts ,
they attacked saabs and jf-17 factory ..
According to analyst they are very well equipped with stolen military asset from NATO forces. But it is intelligence negligence, they knew about this attack during sahari but , who they are going to blame.
I guess that rules out USA being behind this. Looks like our Frankeinstein monster has run amok.

time to pull its plug.

What do you mean our?

Who is feeding and arming these perpetrators?

Do you not know the safe havens of the terrorists of Pakistan?

Every one knows where Brahamdagh Bugti live today and where he lived before and from which airport he use to travel to India.
What is wrong in what I said? I am saying they should be on their posts! Not abandon it for ANYTHING!

The guards and officers on duty were on posts, do you expect every officer to be on boundary fences?
I can't understand why our security agencies do not heed to intelligence reports.. Lack of proper co-ordination there for sure.

Apathy is the glove into which evil slips its hand!
A faceplam is less for you and your posts. No wander the moderators and administrators love to keep you banned.

Really ? What exactly should the personnel have done on the duty ? :azn: Pray and let the terrorist inflict damage worth billions ? ... Duty comes first !
Everything under control, ISI knew this since 6 days due to intelligence reports.


- 30 Aircraft on the base, Saab-2000, C-130, F-16s, JF-17 and Mirage are all SECURED.
- 111 Brigade, SSW, SSG, FC and Rangers have taken control of base and 9-10 terrorists are surrounded.
- Attack failed miserably!
- No deaths on Pakistani side yet, though there are injuries due to explosion of fuel depot.
- The attackers were in PA and PAF uniform.
- The personnel on base were on Lay-atul-Qadr prayers.
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