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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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I think we should stick to what the official version is, i.e. one damaged but repairable. There is no reason for PAF to hide truth as eventually it will come out and they will become a laughing stock; more importantly loose CREDIBILITY. PNS Mehran attack was not kept secret so why this one???

From what i have gathered reading this thread, more news pieces indicate one damaged Saab 2000 which will be repaired and sent to Sweden for further inspection.
Wait till the press release comes, stop spreading **** guys.

Goto the barbers and get your eid clothes ready oh and make sure you give your zakat and fitrana.

Eid Mubarak in advance.
You are saying 'Unfortunately the TTP thugs did not do their homework properly'!!?? Were you hoping they would cause more death and destruction!!?? As for the base commander - he can't win - if he had stayed in the control room pakistanis would call him a coward - if he leads from the front - pakistanis will call him stupid. Don't understand what your logic is for court marshall. Negligence?? They stopped the terrorists with minimum damage.

Please replace 'unfortunately' with 'fortunately'!! Sorry for the typo!

The Base Commander had already 'lost' when the terrorists crossed over the first line of defense (the outer wall) and were able to come so close to our multi billion dollar strategic assets! Responsibility of the base security rests with one man - the base commander - and he failed miserably in my opinion in his task to let the thugs penetrate so deep into the base. Hence he is responsible for the damage and the loss of both life and property. That is enough reason for a court martial.
Islamabad to send damaged plane to Sweden for repairs Saturday, 18 August 2012 09:54


ISLAMABAD: The defence minister of Pakistan has conceded that one of the Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW and C) System air craft of SAAB-2000 category has been hit at its nose during the attack on Minhas Airbase at Kamra by the Taliban and the government will send the plane to Sweden for inspection after its initial repair here.

Talking to The News newspaper in a report published yesterday, Defence Minister Syed Naveed Qamar said in the briefing given to him by the senior officials of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) it was not made clear that the plane hit by a stray bullet or rocket is worthy to fly anymore or not.

He said the plane could be repaired in the country but to be on safe side the machine must be examined by the manufacturer.

In the meanwhile, sources said on Friday that the federal cabinet would discuss different aspects of the Kamra attack in its meeting next week wherein the initial investigation report would also be presented. The cabinet would formally discuss awarding of the highest gallantry award, ‘Nishan-i-Haider’, to Sepoy Asif Ramzan, who laid down his life and foiled the terrorist attack.

Although Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the assault, the sources questioned the veracity of the statement by saying that the surveillance planes have no significant role in the war against the extremists in tribal areas in Pakistan.

The purpose of the attack has a close resemblance with what was visible in the attack on Mehran Naval Base in Karachi as the miscreants wanted to destroy the surveillance planes in Karachi and SAAB-2000 were the target here.

Hence, an attempt to damage the aircraft was aimed at depriving the country of surveillance ability and was a work of Pakistan’s known enemies, the sources argued.


Islamabad to send damaged plane to Sweden for repairs
Please replace 'unfortunately' with 'fortunately'!! Sorry for the typo!

The Base Commander had already 'lost' when the terrorists crossed over the first line of defense (the outer wall) and were able to come so close to our multi billion dollar strategic assets! Responsibility of the base security rests with one man - the base commander - and he failed miserably in my opinion in his task to let the thugs penetrate so deep into the base. Hence he is responsible for the damage and the loss of both life and property. That is enough reason for a court martial.

Yes security was inadequate...
The distance between rear wall and hangers is hardly 200 meters....
Any healthy man can cover this distance in less than a minute...
Yet the security was less than 4 soldiers stationed on watch towers many hundreds of meters apart...and no secondary watch tower inside the wall..
There may have been cctv outside hangers...and they may be watvhing..
But it took 12 minutes for SSG to arrive,when the terrorists could have sprinted to hangers in kess than a minute..
The base commanders failed to take this fator in consideration.
As for now, it is being reported in that one SAAB ERIEYE had got some damaged to its nose part, NOT THE ERIEYE RADAR but perhaps the aircraft Radar Radome, it will be repaired!


if anyone have different information, please share and correct me!

Your information is Correct :)
First off, Monday quarterbacking is the worst thing anyone can do. You weren't in the situation so you can't tell the security personnel involved what the should have or shouldn't have done.

I don't why such a bright and intelligent person like Mr. Mastan Khan agreed with you and thought your post was good, I think it's the worst ever analysis of the situation and combat norm ever.

A leader leading his troops into battlefield himself and putting himself in front is the most courageous and battleworthy thing ever. A normal soldier becomes superhuman all of a sudden knowing his commander is right there with him, fighting and facing the barrage of bullets and bombs with his soldiers.

And so what if the commander dies in the battle, no way can the enemy use his death in combat to their propaganda. On the contrary actually, his death will be glorified among his troops, their bravery and courage becomes ten fold knowing their commander died fighting with his troops. And it's proudest moment for any nation knowing their armed forces commanders are as brave and courageous as normal foot soldiers.

I never got the chance this entire episode of the event but salute to sepoy Asif shaheed and the base commander for their valiant bravery. I hope Shaheed Asif is considered for the highest Military medal.

What a fcuking dumb response!!

Preparedness is to DENY entry to an intruder! Of Course the element of surprise is with the TTP as no one on the base has any perimeter surveillance to even raise an alarm of these thugs surveying the area, burying the cache of arms, digging them out to carry out the mission. Alarm was only raised when TTP terrorists breached the outer perimeter and penetrated deep into the base just like PNS Mehran incident. The base commander is DIRECTLY responsible for the security of the base. He FAILED Miserably in his assigned job irrespective if he lead form the front or the rear!! The death of the base commander would not have raised the moral of the base as this is NOT and INFANTRY fighting unit engaged face-to-face with the TTP guerrillas in Waziristan. It would have raised hue and cry from the rest of the country and everyone would have thought that it is a piece of cake to walk into a base and shoot the Commander. Your vision above is a 'Tonga Horse' view only seeing what is in front and not aware of the reality around! The reason Mastan Khan has understood and appreciated the analysis is because it gives a realistic approach to the situation and not the usual Fauji 'ALLAH HO AKBAR WE WON AND WE HAVE DEFEATED THE ENEMY'!! YADA YADA YADA!!
If you check the PAF website, even the Mirage crash which happened a day or two before the Kamra incident is not mentioned.
Firstly, during Ramazan, every one seems to knock off at around 1.00 PM, then you had the Independence day holiday, now the weekend and the Eid break. To be honest, i am not expecting a statement before Monday.
While we are going on about the SAAB, the TTP were claiming JF-17s, and all others pointing to some damage to an IL-76.

I was not expecting something like this from a senior member like you , You are comparing a mirage crash which btw are 4 decades old to a full fledged attack on one of the major airforce base in the country with PAF's credibility at stake? tell me why on the earth a so sensitive institution will not try to defend its credibility and success had the case been limited upto just a minor damage? are these two by any means share any resemblance which you tried to create?

Secondly with due respect did i need to tell you that professional life doesnot have excuses like ramadan holidays or eid specially when the countries existence is at stake? We have seen our jawans fighting on eids and ramadans and independence days then why not a spokesman will bother to sit in an air conditioned room for 15 minutes ? Is it asking too much?

Do you expect military to not fought on the war fronts just because there is Ramadan or eid holidays in between? We are not talking about a school kid here rather a professional military force that is answerable to 18 million of people .
Yes security was inadequate...
The distance between rear wall and hangers is hardly 200 meters....
Any healthy man can cover this distance in less than a minute...
Yet the security was less than 4 soldiers stationed on watch towers many hundreds of meters apart...and no secondary watch tower inside the wall..
There may have been cctv outside hangers...and they may be watvhing..
But it took 12 minutes for SSG to arrive,when the terrorists could have sprinted to hangers in kess than a minute..
The base commanders failed to take this fator in consideration.

The Base Commander had not calculated this simple breach scenario into the security equation of the base. Reason enough for the Court Martial to take place. TTP found the chink in the Armour and it hit!

Great! RAW, MOSSAD, CIA, AMAN, DIA, etc, etc, etc!! The usual mumbo jumbo spewed by the Establishment. Of course it's not about the abject failure of intel, the lack of preparedness at the base, the warnings by the TTP, the overall aim and objectives of the TTP working against Pakistan's interests. It's all about shifting the blame to all and sundry and hatching conspiracy theories in order to save the necks of the powers-that-be.

The blame game is an old habit not only in Pakistan but India too. Deflecting the blame to everyone else but those responsible, has become a fine art. How come the much vaunted ISI's counter intel wing knew nothing of what was happening? Was there inside help like some contend, like what happened at Mehran?

The issue is much more serious than just taking the easy way out by blaming the U.S, India, Afghanistan, Israel etc etc. It seems no lessons have been learnt from the previous episodes.
Even before Meharn attack, i concluded that Indians would be stepping up the cold war and TTP attacks will increase, squarely, because Zardari's co-operative regime is coming to end.

Cold war is warming up, dear Pakistanis, get ready for more action. 2012 will be a memorable year.

Great! RAW, MOSSAD, CIA, AMAN, DIA, etc, etc, etc!! The usual mumbo jumbo spewed by the Establishment. Of course it's not about the abject failure of intel, the lack of preparedness at the base, the warnings by the TTP, the overall aim and objectives of the TTP working against Pakistan's interests. It's all about shifting the blame to all and sundry and hatching conspiracy theories in order to save the necks of the powers-that-be.

The blame game is an old habit not only in Pakistan but India too. Deflecting the blame to everyone else but those responsible, has become a fine art. How come the much vaunted ISI's counter intel wing knew nothing of what was happening? Was there inside help like some contend, like what happened at Mehran?

The issue is much more serious than just taking the easy way out by blaming the U.S, India, Afghanistan, Israel etc etc. It seems no lessons have been learnt from the previous episodes.

Why TTP would specifically target an awacs? And leave the big fat IL 78 ?
They were not there for terrorism..they came there to destroy pakistans survailance and early warning capability..
Taliban has monkeys to do with this..
India has.
Even before Meharn attack, i concluded that Indians would be stepping up the cold war and TTP attacks will increase, squarely, because Zardari's co-operative regime is coming to end.

Cold war is warming up, dear Pakistanis, get ready for more action. 2012 will be a memorable year.

What action mate? do you seriously think coward zardari and co will try to take any initiative they are more into making money. And let alone Mr Kayani and co they are not even interested in looking at the angle you mentioned leave alone any response . What progress we made after mehran attack? Even you ask any tom, dick and harry and he will tell you that who has invested in these attacks and the destroyed assets were dangerous to whom . And our think tanks are not even willing to go for this prospect rather they are busy in all that aman stuff which we know how fake it is on the other side of the border. Let a fire cracker explode and you will have them all guns blazing at you

We are openly inviting them to kick our butt , so why wouldnot they? who spares their enemy with such chance?

We are reaping what we sow , we lead the americans use our bases against afghanis then we lead afghanis to cross the borders and settle in, then the active campaigns by our opponents of making afghans think that Pakistan is the one who is responsible to their sufferings , then the sense of deprivation and hatred prevailed among the afghanis . Now you have dont know how many groups like ttp with training across the border and sponsorships ... They are getting more than what they thought or desired thanks to our sleeping security and egoistic followers. who dont want to give a damn even the whole country is set on fire, you criticize their ideals and bang you are tagged with dont know what labels
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