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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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Alot of uncertainties now.

If they were spotted from the first point, that makes it at the minimum, 1, and at the most, 1.6 km from their incursion point. If they fired a RPG from back then, no chance it would be a clean hit. For doing a clean hit, they would have to cross the runway and attack, which is a distance itself.

The possibility of AWACS being on the runway is also gone because the debris would have been on the runway.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3318009 said:
i think they achieved their target way before by breaching security, launching an attack, quite a shame on pakistan side

In many such cases, where large facilities have to be protected, a limited breech can be effected and is possible. What matters is that they were identified while attempting the breech, cordoned off within 15 -20 meters of the outer perimeter wall, could not go any further and could not even escape. And subsequently were killed one by one.

This is not a failure, but is a success. Those who understand the overall physical security management systems for such facilities call it a successful security operation.

Please don't jump to uninformed and poor analytical conclusions.
I don't think its possible to hide such big event of loosing two aircraft from the media. If PAF came out with the statement that nothing was lost and that only one aircraft got minor damage, then it seems correct statement as if they had lied and later it is reveled that 2 major assets are lost, it would be a big embarrassment for the PAF and that would call some action.

I pray that what you are saying is right and there should just be a minor damage to only one aircraft...if ALLAH forbid the case is what nuclearpak mentioned ...then dont know what i am gonna do...... i m going nuts
I don't think its possible to hide such big event of loosing two aircraft from the media. If PAF came out with the statement that nothing was lost and that only one aircraft got minor damage, then it seems correct statement as if they had lied and later it is reveled that 2 major assets are lost, it would be a big embarrassment for the PAF and that would call some action.

THat's what i think. Something like this is too difficult to hush up, and if anybody has been to Kamra, the place where the Saabs are placed are either the shelters at the end of the runway, or the hangar across the runway (visible to media). Had the hangar been destroyed, it would have been clearly visible, and the shelters are too too far away.

The official version is that a RPG hit the hangar, Il-78 suffered body damage, and Saab some FCS damage. The Air Commodore also got injured in this area.

The version doing the rounds within is that 2 got down.

PAF either know how to keep really quiet, or are doing a big hush up (improbable).

its time PAF shlod take image of all saab-2000 togather and publish them . then case will be closed .

Like those Mirages with India!!!

Either this, or disclose it once and for all.
PAF is not telling what kind of damage has been done. This behaviour is confirming the rumours, something very bad has happened.

Also the base commandor joining the fight, we dont see such kind of news until something serious happens and top leadership involve themselve in fighting, which again arouse the suspicion of something ugly happening.!

O comeon you're exaggerating now, isn't it possible base commander volunteered himself? With only causality I doubt there was a situation hard to tackle.
PAF playing the hush up game again.
PAF is not telling what kind of damage has been done. This behaviour is confirming the rumours, something very bad has happened.

Also the base commandor joining the fight, we dont see such kind of news until something serious happens and top leadership involve themselve in fighting, which again arouse the suspicion of something ugly happening.!

The Base Commander was there at the scene of intrusion within may be 10 minutes. His base is under attack and you think it is not serious enough for him to take charge and command his troops.

The Deputy Chief of Air Staff was there in the command center within 20 minutes.

Such was the response and displays the will and resolve of these people.

Take your suspicions and ugliness somewhere else please.
This is what someone has posted on sister forum and i am quoting it

It's always heartening to see Taliban supporters creeping out of the wood-works and blaming US/India/Israel rather than their beloved terrorists and their ideology of bigotry and religious extremism.

Anyway, this is what someone at the scene had to say. I'm only sharing the parts that are not sensitive and shed light on the events that are already public knowledge:

1. I won't mention the type of air-craft destroyed that my source identifies but sooner than later, the info is going to become public knowledge.

2. "[The Taliban] entered at a time when the strike force guards were changing and away for sehri, a few DSG guards were all that were left on the posts, one of whom ran to the next post and raised alarm and was later martyred as he tried to stop some guy physically(hospital reports that half his body was blown away). Two commando units are stationed here (air force commandos) which were quickly brought in thru [deleted] and they quickly took control, there was an exchange of fire on the tarmac(body parts were strewn across the area) and almost within 45 minutes at least 8 of the 9 terrorists were finished off(or they probably detonated themselves on being challenged and having accomplished most of what the'd come to do)"

3. "there are conflicting reports on the 9th, he was captured and died while in custody or was found dead not known. However they have also fired a rocket at the f7 hanger which was thankfully not much damaged."

4. "Its true that the commandos fought valiantly and were quick to overcome the terrorists and specially the base commander is worthy of mention as he led from the front, got injured(shot in the arm, bullet passed thru) got the wound dressed and went back into the heat and oversaw most of the search operation."

5. "Certainly there was inside help and timing was calculated to the minute!
O comeon you're exaggerating now, isn't it possible base commander volunteered himself? With only causality I doubt there was a situation hard to tackle.

you discussed one possibilty and i discussed another possibility. Tell me, why Base commandar, Wing Commandor and other senior officer went to fight the terrorists? Like the maani said above, it is driving him nuts. Than obviously it is the case of driving something nuts to senior leaders of base due to which they jumped into a fire fight?
Earlier TTP spokperson claimed 3 a/c damaged. If what nuclearpak saying truth, then there was ttp loyalist inside afb during aattack ,who could have leaked the news to TTP after assesing the dmage. We have a habit of ignoring TTPs tall claims.
you discussed one possibilty and i discussed another possibility. Tell me, why Base commandar, Wing Commandor and other senior officer went to fight the terrorists? Like the maani said above, it is driving him nuts. Than obviously it is the case of driving something nuts to senior leaders of base due to which they jumped into a fire fight?

Maybe they really did not want the embarrassment of PNS base Mehran to be repeated again on their base.
This is one area where the A/C could have been kept in the open, parking.

But there is no Saab there.

Now onto the second area, although this is not the exact place, but near to it. This is to the east end of the runway.


No destroyed Saab here either. That leaves the possibility of being in the shelters. And the distance to shelters is long. But the report is that they were identified and killed on or before the runway, not getting into the other side.

its forces men hair cut ?:tdown: when you have such things anything can happen
In normal days everyone chips in with the info saying my uncle,dad,dad's friend, grandfather etc etc is in airforce or military and today when its the most needed where are all those contacts and sources???
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