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Atomic bomb in hiroshima( Not for faint hearted)

I thought Hiroshima and Nagasaki were rebuilt in place. No?

have you heard about the plights of the people who survived the explosion only to suffer from radioactive illnesses and mutations.
The atom bomb maimed generations...people suffered pain for a long time many had to be put down...now all that to me is scary to call Hiroshima and naga the worst attack on humanity in the history...the yanks would always defend it.

The carpet bombing of Dresden killed 135,000. Comparable to Hiroshima (150,000) and Nagasaki (75,000).

have you heard of euthanasia?
that is what a lot of cancer patients in Japan wanted years after witnessing the bombing.
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I think this nuclear saved lot of civilians too. If war is between Army its ok but when it becomes civilians it harms society. Germany and Japan have started killing civilians and therefore they deserve it. Although Germany would deserve it more, but it was just unfortunate that Japan got the worst gift. If some consider Japan was good then its not true. They were using Comfort Women for their satisfaction. They were not man they were worst and two bombs made them man. If Japan could have nuclear tech, America would have been wiped out.

The worst Enemies of the century America and Japan are now the best Friend of 21st century. So, Fights and Friendship are not static.
the Japs were as bad as the Germans...they practiced controversial medical experiments on their PoWs...they attacked the civilians as well...what happened in Manchuria is well known...but all those who consider the recent Mumbai attack as atrocious for targeting people not at all involved with the "illegal occupation of Kashmir by India" would see the nuking of Japan as a horrible mistake.

"The worst Enemies of the century America and Japan are now the best Friend of 21st century. So, Fights and Friendship are not static."

nuking the best CBM possible eh?
IMO..considering the dropping of the global view of the American policies...the yanks ought to h-bomb a country or two!
The Japs were on the back-foot, the wars in the pacific were going in your favor...Indo-china was almost liberated...Australia fought the Japs back...you were winning the naval war.What the bomb did..was that it shortened your expenses.There was i believe no grave threat coming from the Japs at that moment....the bomb had more of a symbolic meaning than it had a practical meaning.The Germans,Brits and the Ruskies had their own A-bomb programs going on(at least they claimed so)...and in the race to be the next true superpower...you needed a Hiroshima and naga to straighten the Soviets.
even the Soviets were planning to invade Japan...and your capture of Guam was to initiate an invasion into the mainland.An invading army would not have killed the civilian population....but only the people wielding weapons.Even a Blockade of the islands of Japan would have made sure the country which had scarce resources of it's own surrenders.
Those bombs killed women, children and the elderly.
The Atom bombs should be the last resort if at all for a country...and it wasn't that the united states of america was running the risk of suffering an invasion of it's own...Germany was defeated....and there was only one front left to conquer.

That is exactly my point. To add more Why was asia specifically choosen for this laboratory experiment?
If the bomb had not been dropped ,Stalins 47 Siberian divisions would have entered Japan and today we would have thought that"Once upon a time there was a country called Japan"

I will still say Japanese deserved those nukes
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have you heard about the plights of the people who survived the explosion only to suffer from radioactive illnesses and mutations.
The atom bomb maimed generations...people suffered pain for a long time many had to be put down...now all that to me is scary to call Hiroshima and naga the worst attack on humanity in the history...the yanks would always defend it.

have you heard of euthanasia?
that is what a lot of cancer patients in Japan wanted years after witnessing the bombing.

I am not denying the suffering of the survivors. I was curious about the statement that a nuclear bomb leaves the area uninhabitable for 1000 years.

As far as suffering goes, it's hard to compare "suffering". How about survivors from regular bombs who have to live life without various body parts, or who become orphans, or who get horrible flashbacks from the war? I knew some kids from Iraq who almost went hysterical at the sound of fireworks because they had lived through the Baghdad "shock and awe" bombing.
These are Saddams WMD sad Japan is a pupet of US now or perhaps i should say the impact of Hersohima got them being slaves feel sorry for them i didn't learn this in my US history class that US created the Japan Hollacaust although i read very often abotu JEWS.

What a silly thing to say, Japanese are no slaves to the Americans, infact all Americans now buy Japanese things, televisions, cars, radios, electronics you name it lol.. Japanese auto industry raped the American Auto industry, last time I remembered the big two were begging for Bailout money where as the guys at Toyota and Honda are probably sitting on a nice pile of cash.

With that being said

"Pity the nation that raises not its voice save when it walks in a funeral, boasts not except among its ruins, and will rebel not save when its neck is laid between the sword and the block."

Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)
(Thanks Developereo)
Well the fat of the matter is that japanese were already on the verge of surrender infact thay offered it in june 1945 which was thoroughly rejected.
Well...The fact of the matter is that Imperial Japan was NOT willing to surrender...

The strategy for Ketsu-Go was outlined in an 8 April 1945 Army Directive.(4) It stated that the Imperial Army would endeavor to crush the Americans while the invasion force was still at sea. They planned to deliver a decisive blow against the American naval force by initially destroying as many carriers as possible, utilizing the special attack forces of the Air Force and Navy. When the amphibious force approached within range of the homeland airbases, the entire air combat strength would be employed in continual night and day assaults against these ships. In conducting the air operations, the emphasis would be on the disruption of the American landing plans. The principal targets were to be the troop and equipment transports. Those American forces which succeeded in landing would be swiftly attacked by the Imperial Army in order to seek the decisive victory. The principal objective of the land operation was the destruction of the American landing force on the beach.

Ketsu-Go operation was designed as an all-out joint defense effort to be conducted by the entire strengths of the Army, Navy and Air Force. In the various orders and directives issued by IGHQ regarding Ketsu-Go, inter-service cooperation was stressed.(5) The basic plan for the operation called for the Navy to defend the coasts by attacking the invasion fleets with its combined surface, submarine, and air forces. The Air General Army would cooperate closely with the Navy in locating the American transports and destroying them at sea. Should the invasion force succeed in making a landing, the Area Army concerned would assume command of all naval ground forces in its area and would exercise operational control of air forces in support of ground operations. An integral part of the Ketsu-Go operational planning included reinforcement of sectors under attack by units transferred from other districts. Since U.S. air raids had already seriously disrupted the transportation system, time schedules were planned to provide for all troop movements to be made by foot.(6) If the battle at the beach showed no prospect of a successful ending, then the battle would inevitably shift to inland warfare; hence, interior resistance would be planned. Guard units and Civilian Defense Corps personnel, with elements of field forces acting as a nucleus, would be employed as interior resistance troops. Their mission would be to attrite the Americans through guerrilla warfare, espionage, deception, disturbance of supply areas, and blockading of supplies when enemy landing forces advanced inland. It is interesting to note that the Japanese normally exercised little inter-service coordination throughout the war. Now when the homeland was threatened, the Japanese finally stressed inter-service coordination and unity of command.
The estimated deaths for EACH side, Allies and Japanese, was about one million with increases for the Japanese as occupation of the Japanese home islands continues. The estimated one million deaths for the Allies would come from the Quantung Army which by the time of the planning of Operation Olympic was en route to the home islands. Even though defeated by the Soviets, this was an experienced and combat hardened force, responsible for many atrocities in Manchuria. As a guerilla force, the soldiers of this army would have made occupation extremely bloody for the Allies.

Naval blockade of the Japanese islands? For how long? And how would this remove the leadership that led the world to war? Occupation was the best option to completely disarm Imperial Japan back to Japan. So please spare us all, US and Asians, the crocodile tears for this version of Japan. Like it or not, those nuclear weapons gave Japan the chance to remain whole, retaining its culture and racist mentality to boot.
The bomb IMHO was necessary to stop the war early although some in US did want to use it just to show off their power to soviets but it was not US fault entirely.Japan was no better then Germany and deserved it and today Japan is one of the best nation on world and WMD stopped a lot of wars so any one who is saying if there was no WMD the world would be peaceful is only kidding...It's the WMD that stopped WW3 Between SU AND US..
The bomb IMHO was necessary to stop the war early although some in US did want to use it just to show off their power to soviets but it was not US fault entirely.Japan was no better then Germany and deserved it and today Japan is one of the best nation on world and WMD stopped a lot of wars so any one who is saying if there was no WMD the world would be peaceful is only kidding...It's the WMD that stopped WW3 Between SU AND US..

You are right in this way but we can't say it human. You know the effects of nuclear bomb.
Well...The fact of the matter is that Imperial Japan was NOT willing to surrender...


The estimated deaths for EACH side, Allies and Japanese, was about one million with increases for the Japanese as occupation of the Japanese home islands continues. The estimated one million deaths for the Allies would come from the Quantung Army which by the time of the planning of Operation Olympic was en route to the home islands. Even though defeated by the Soviets, this was an experienced and combat hardened force, responsible for many atrocities in Manchuria. As a guerilla force, the soldiers of this army would have made occupation extremely bloody for the Allies.

Naval blockade of the Japanese islands? For how long? And how would this remove the leadership that led the world to war? Occupation was the best option to completely disarm Imperial Japan back to Japan. So please spare us all, US and Asians, the crocodile tears for this version of Japan. Like it or not, those nuclear weapons gave Japan the chance to remain whole, retaining its culture and racist mentality to boot.

The US did the right thing by clipping Japans wings sir.Reading about some the atrocities they committed makes me puke
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