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Atmaca Anti Ship Missile first live fire testing...

LoL, what is with that range thing. Did you used in a EW enviroment i mean really strong, is it tested without GPS and only INS?

Does it have data link? Can you reprogram it after it is fired?
Because we are not interested in getting involved in a dog fight with Indian ships. Modern warfare will be based on keeping your ship far away from your enemy ships. For that you need long range missiles which can hit a moving ship with same accuracy as a still target on land. A missile with 180 KM range, no matter how accurate it's, doesn't work for us.
Because we are not interested in getting involved in a dog fight with Indian ships. Modern warfare will be based on keeping your ship far away from your enemy ships. For that you need long range missiles which can hit a moving ship with same accuracy as a still target on land. A missile with 180 KM range, no matter how accurate it's, doesn't work for us.

180km ?

ATMACA has range of 250 km
even with indigenous KTJ3200 turbojet Engine ATMACA will have range of 250+ km
LoL, what is with that range thing. Did you used in a EW enviroment i mean really strong, is it tested without GPS and only INS?

Does it have data link? Can you reprogram it after it is fired?
The Pak General Staffs aren't amongst those who take EW way too lightly, for they defeated 7x stronger India/Israil joint ops in the arena of EW....
WOW beautiful. Not only amazing technology but also HD cameras. They need to ship a few of those cameras to ISPR.
Because we are not interested in getting involved in a dog fight with Indian ships. Modern warfare will be based on keeping your ship far away from your enemy ships. For that you need long range missiles which can hit a moving ship with same accuracy as a still target on land. A missile with 180 KM range, no matter how accurate it's, doesn't work for us.

First Atmaca have 220KM plus range, second one when a missile is jammed he will get lost in the sea if it have not good ECM. You can fire from 1000km when it come close 50km he will not hit the target:p:.
MaShaAllah. Turkey's achievements are a matter of pride for us Pakistanis too. However, please note that the enemy too is watching all this with deep concern. Be careful and watch out for possible traps. Don't forget the fate of Saddam's Iraq. He once threatened Israel saying he would allow his arsenal to eat up that tiny country. He was subsequently trapped by world powers and now Saddam, his arsenal, and Iraq (that was a threat to Israel) are no more. All of those became a part of history. It'll be advisable to our Turkish brothers that never become a party in any dispute between two Islamic countries or against a Muslim country. Don't get involved in Afghanistan on behalf of the enemies of Islam and Muslims against the will of Afghans.
Looks like a copy.of Harpoon

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Harbah’s has only been tested in a land attack capacity.

The ATMACA is an anti-ship missile which will be part and parcel of the Milgem’s arsenal.
The navy will use this.

What about Zarb??

Also what I liked about ATMACA is it's low launch signature, which is also a feature of CAMM-ER.
LoL, what is with that range thing. Did you used in a EW enviroment i mean really strong, is it tested without GPS and only INS?

Does it have data link? Can you reprogram it after it is fired?

Iam quite sure that In this day and age we didnt test a stone from a slingshot ------.
Ideally it should be VLS. VLS can triple or quadruple number of missiles carried compared to slanted box launchers.
However advantage of slanted box is you don't have any size restriction on missile size because of VLS dimensions of the ship, so the missiles can be be of longer range. There are Pros and Cons to both types.
Because we are not interested in getting involved in a dog fight with Indian ships. Modern warfare will be based on keeping your ship far away from your enemy ships. For that you need long range missiles which can hit a moving ship with same accuracy as a still target on land. A missile with 180 KM range, no matter how accurate it's, doesn't work for us.
PN will use submarines for offensive punch and surface assets for defence and blockade/area denial. For longer ranged missiles since curvature of Earth limits ship sensors, surface vessels will need targeting information from air assets.
The ATMACA needs to be coming with Pakistan’s Milgems.

ours are coming with the PNs new supersonic AShM.

The atmaca in its current form is nothing more than a harpoon analog. When upgraded with new guidance like they are planning itll be alot better.

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