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Atheism: Next threat to humanity

So the universe is eternal.And you think consciousness is like software or computer data. In this universe of entropy there are uncountable Ways of death a destruction and even if just for sake of argument we are able to transfer our experiences and consciousness to say an android will that android be indestructible. We should think before we make such remarks

An android body that is replaceable,if the body is destroyed the consciousness can be transfered to a new one.If man can successfully map the whole brain(a process that has only started) study the bioelectric charges,genetic codes.With cloning,biotechnology it is possible and will happen in the next few hundred years.After that once man colonizes space he is effectively immortal and free to spread across the galaxy.
Another method to stop aging.This happens because the cells lose their capacity to replace themselves with age.But there are organisms who have the capacity to stay alive for thousands of years,because their cells don't have this weakness due to specific properties.These can be mimicked.
A mere 150 years ago flight and electricity were magic found in science fiction.General human IQ is also increasing due to greater daily cognitive exercises.We cant even imagine what our earth and society will look like in next 100-200 years.One thing is certain - man will eventually find a way to become immortal.And when he does ,he will no longer have need of god or his judgement.
Sir aaj aap serious nazar aa rahe hain.
Allah khayr kary.
He is serious to his core, and that I recognized very late.
Bro it's just a discussion don't take it seriously

I know. But this topic gets my nerve...
I know. But this topic gets my nerve...
You know bro the amount of material written against Islam is more than the amount of material written against all the ism's in this world.but still we survive it's just a discussion
don't take it to heart.

Given a certain argument going on here, I wanted to add something.

  • Being a 'believer' does not automatically make one good. You have to do good works with the 'beliefs' to be good. (Il.alaazi na amanu wa amilis saulihaati)
  • Being a disbeliever (some who does not believe) does not automatically make someone a bad person. being a Kaafir, however, does make you a bad person. The difference between a simple disbeliever and a Kaafir is that a Kaafir rejects truth after it has become apparent to them. The word kufr means to cover up - like a farmer who covers a seed is also called a kaafir (Surah hadid 20 أعجب الكفار نباته (
    plant growth pleases the farmers)). Whereas a disbeliever maybe someone who disbelieves because the truth has not reached them in a way that makes it clear to them.

Anyways, rise and fall of civilisations and empires is not limited to believers or disbelievers. In this world, those who work for this world get the reward of their works here. In the hereafter, the reward would be for those worked for the hereafter as well.

The world is a trial, sometimes you tried with abundance and sometimes with poverty and weakness. It's just the way of the world.

Harmony is our believe.
Harmony is our believe.
And that's what I am trying to do here sir.
An android body that is replaceable,if the body is destroyed the consciousness can be transfered to a new one.If man can successfully map the whole brain(a process that has only started) study the bioelectric charges,genetic codes.With cloning,biotechnology it is possible and will happen in the next few hundred years.After that once man colonizes space he is effectively immortal and free to spread across the galaxy.
Another method to stop aging.This happens because the cells lose their capacity to replace themselves with age.But there are organisms who have the capacity to stay alive for thousands of years,because their cells don't have this weakness due to specific properties.These can be mimicked.
A mere 150 years ago flight and electricity were magic found in science fiction.General human IQ is also increasing due to greater daily cognitive exercises.We cant even imagine what our earth and society will look like in next 100-200 years.One thing is certain - man will eventually find a way to become immortal.And when he does ,he will no longer have need of god or his judgement.
Provided that
1) the whole system of transfer and storage is indestructible and 2) consciousness is transferable and is the function of brain not universe or God.
3) a general cataclysm will not affect the whole system and its dependents.
And so on so please dont trolle.
Provided that
1) the whole system of transfer and storage is indestructible and 2) consciousness is transferable and is the function of brain not universe or God.
3) a general cataclysm will not affect the whole system and its dependents.
And so on so please dont trolle.

If living clones can be made of creatures,its already a step in that direction.Next is ectogenesis which is already here - birth outside body.Gene editing has begun.Artificial intelligence is almost here.In our lifetimes we will see sex with robots and other weird things.You can close your eyes if you want,but given a couple of centuries its inevitable man will conquer his body and death.And then...
They were Christians first and racists second! They were against Jews the same as you! Don't tell me that ISIS are racists!

Here is your precious jew's view on the Chinese:

These racists are worse than ISIS.
If living clones can be made of creatures,its already a step in that direction.Next is ectogenesis which is already here - birth outside body.Gene editing has begun.Artificial intelligence is almost here.In our lifetimes we will see sex with robots and other weird things.You can close your eyes if you want,but given a couple of centuries its inevitable man will conquer his body and death.And then...
Little knowledge is a curse a human clone is nothing more than an identical twin we are product of nature and nurture each and everyone of the clones will have its unique life history individuality and personality please study
Identical twins.
More like the future of humanity.And i don't think thats necessarily a good thing.What i don't like is organized religion.Religion itself can be a type of moral philosophy and help many.
Once man learns to use technology to stop aging and eliminate diseases,or to map his brain and transfer his consciousness into an indestructible body/machine he will lose the need for god , there will no longer be any 'judgement day'/heaven-hell for him.This will happen within the next few hundred years the speed with which technology is advancing.Robots won't replace us,we will merge.Humans will employ technology to become android like creatures devoid of weaknesses that the natural physical body otherwise would have and leapfrog evolution.Once they recah that point ,where they conquer death it will be very difficult for religion to sustain itself.
However or whatever religious ppl do or want ,the coming death of religion is inevitable,,,inside even they themselves know it,yet they keep telling themselves otherwise.
cloning is already a reality,,molecular/personalised medicine is a reality.its just a matter of time.death of religion will further hasten it as ppl will leave dogma n thrive newer horizons
Japan = Shintoism

China = Taoism and Confucianism

They don't need Western religions. They already have beautiful religions.

this is not religion, from the founder himself.
tao is not religion, it became religion because one of the laozi student want to spread the teaching, that's way the student make it become religion after laozi death, the original tao is not religion and the founder against the idea tao become religion.
confucianism also not a religion, it's a philosophy. when confucius still alive, he just act like a teacher. and he never thought his teaching will wide spread throught out east asia.
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