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Ataturk's Legacy vs Caliphate and implications for Pakistan

There is no doubt in my mind that Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was a great man of his time. His legacy is the modern Turkish Republic. I fail to understand how people call him a Western 'stooge' when he was one of the few Muslim leaders to save his country from being enslaved by he West. I regret that we did not have anybody of his stature in our part of the world - Who might have saved us being slaves of the British for 97 years.

Had Ataturk not been there for Turkey after WW1 Greece would have annexed most of the Bosphorus and the Turkish Aegean Coast. Without doubt today Istanbul would be known as Constantinople and Izmir would be Smyrna. Both would be Greek cities. At best Turks would have been left with a poor rump in Eastern Anatolia or worse become a Greek colony.

What I can't understand is that Attaturk saved the Turkish nation from being enslaved like most other Muslims became from Morocco to the Punjab[Pakistan] yet we the grandchildren of the enslaved have the galls to accuse Ataturk of being a Western puppet. So what should he have done? Followed the Punjabi Muslims and let Turks become British slaves?

As far as his annulment of the office of the Caliphate well that was dead anyway. What is the point of resusitating a dead horse? The so called Ummah from Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Gulf Emirates, Punjab [Pakistan], Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Chechnya, Tataristan, Kazakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia,Mauritania, Sudan and Yeman were enslaved and under European domination.

So what was he going to be, a Caliphate of the enslaved? Did this enslaved Ummah help Turkey in her hour of need. Did the Ummah brothers help Turkey as the Greeks marched towards Istanbul? No they did not. Instead this is how the Muslim brothers helped out. The Arabs joined the British to attack Ottoman Turkish Army to free Palestine from the Turks so that the British could give it to the Jews.

The Punjabi Muslims, Pashtuns [ Pakistan ] also helped out by joining in droves the British Indian Empire army and fought to liberate Iraq from the fellow Muslim Turks so that their masters English could grab Iraq. Although to be fair Pashtun and Punjabi's [Pakistan] did also play a hand in the Khilafat Movement to help Turkey.

The unmistable lesson that Ataturk learnt was when the chips are down only your own fellow countrymen will stand by you. Ataturk realized that he would have to work to make Turkey strong. He kickstarted the modernizing process and look where Turkey is today.

Pakistan should be inspired by Ataturks Turkey. We should also note how many Muslim armies joined us to fight against India? Non. It is our fight. How many Muslim countries have sanctioned India for what she is doing in Kashmir? Non. In fact on the contrary some countries like Gulf Emirates and Saudia favour India by choosiong to primarily to recruit workers from India which helps the Indian economy which in turn pays for the Indian military.

So we need to learn from the Turkish experiance, first how not to become slaves of the West [like we were upto 1947] and secondly how to progress in the modern world.

The great Allama Iqbal from Siakot, Pakistan. Famous Kashmiri poet and the man who gave birth to the idea of Pakistan supported modern Turkish Republic and saw inspiration in Ataturk's novel Turkish project. His support of Turkey is seen in many ways.

"One of his [ Allama Iqbal's ] famous poems, namely, Jawab-i-Shikwa was recited in the Badshai Mosque at Lahore [todays Pakistan]. in 1912 in order to raise funds in aid of the Turks wounded in the Balkan war"

"Even on his death bed Iqbal reasoned that each and every reform promulgated in modern Turkey was not repugnant to Islam. He wrote that so long as the Turks believe in Tauhid and the finality of Prophethood, they do not step out of the fold of Islam, whatever may be their interpretation of the Law. The development of pragmatic outlook was in perfect harmony with Islam. Similarly change to European dress or Latin script did not imply renunciation of Islam because Islam as a religion had no territorial attachment and as a culture had neither any specific mode of dress nor any particular script nor language. The reforms such as abolition of polygamy were not anti-Islamic for according to Islamic law the Head of a Muslim State could suspend a legal “sanction” if the social conditions so demanded. As for the licentiate Ulema, according to Iqbal, only the Head of a Muslim State or those whom he appointed had the right to preach or give a Fatwa -(an opinion on law)".

"As for the adoption of European civil codes, Iqbal argued that this arose out of the youthful zeal for reform excusable in a people furiously desiring to go ahead. In his view such situation were bound to arise in other Muslim countries also and hence he reaised the question of the revision of old Muslim institutions in the light of modern experience. It was in this background that he insisted on the opening of the gates of Ijtihad and the study of Islamic law in the light of modern jurisprudence so that it can be reinterpreted to suit the needs and the requirements of each and every Muslim generation".

"It is therefore evident that Iqbal was deeply influenced by the developments in modern Turkey. He evolved the concepts of Islam as a nation building force for Muslim minorities, the carving out of viable independent States in their homelands, giving the power of Ijtihad to an elected legislative assemly and finally the assimilation of Muslim national States as a powerful family of republics, through receiving inspiration from the experiences of the modern Turkish nation.

"He therefore felt the need of evolving modern Islamic theology on the basis of new discoveries in the fields of psychology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, etc."

Muhammad Iqbal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ataturk was a murtadd kaffir who fought for the Ottoman empire only to destroy it and submit to the ******, repugnant euro christian way of life

He then brainwashed an entire nation into loving him
Just like there are Jinnah worshipers in Pakistan there are murtad Attaturk worshipers in Turkey
Just like there are Jinnah worshipers in Pakistan there are murtad Attaturk worshipers in Turkey

There are no Jinnah worshipers in Pakistan ! Woh Baap thaa hamarei so naturally we Love him !

As for Mr.Ataturk ! I disagree with him vociferously on the course of action he choose for the Turkish Nation and indirectly for the Muslim world ! It would have made more sense to make Turkey a liberal, pluralistic democracy which reforms Islam, including political and economic aspects of Islam, to get rid of the corruption, nepotism and the intellectual rot that had crippled us Muslims but I can't for a moment condemn him for taking his course of action for he in his experience thought that it was best to confine Islam to one's private affairs and get rid of every communal aspect of the religion; he may well be proven correct and he , for the time being, seems to be. However even if one disagrees with his decisions, as I very humbly do, one cannot, for a moment, doubt his sincerity to the Turkish Nation and for that he is rightly named as 'Ataturk'.
seems there are traitors inside and outside too, who view respect and detracting nonsense like "murtad/kaffir" talk as worshipping these people

i mean, seriously.....fcking trolls go get a life

Met quite a few educated and religious Turks that hate the man.
seems there are traitors inside and outside too, who view respect and detracting nonsense like "murtad/kaffir" talk as worshipping these people

i mean, seriously.....fcking trolls go get a life

Pakistan is not Jinnah's personal property. Disagreeing with him does not equate to opposing Allah and The Beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم as you fools make it out to be.

You people quote Jinnah as if you're quoting the Holy Qur'an & Hadith
ya mustafa kamal was a great man

he made turkey neither a muslim country nor an european country

he made a joke out of it
Pakistan is not Jinnah's personal property. Disagreeing with him does not equate to opposing Allah and The Beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم as you fools make it out to be.

You people quote Jinnah as if you're quoting the Holy Qur'an & Hadith

The guy gave up his marriage, his daughter, his political career, his legal practice, his health and finally his life for Us..if that doesn't endear you to him then nothing will ! I'm just glad that you left for greener pastures when you did because Pakistan can do without a son who doesn't idolize the Father of us all.
The guy gave up his marriage, his daughter, his political career, his legal practice, his health and finally his life for Us..if that doesn't endear you to him then nothing will ! I'm just glad that you left for greener pastures when you did because Pakistan can do without a son who doesn't idolize the Father of us all.

First of all I was born in US, so I never "left" Pakistan. Secondly, there is nothing wrong with respecting someone as long it is within a limit. When nationalism trumps (as in most cases of Jinnah followers) your religion that's where I have a problem.

We are Muslims FIRST then anything else.
The guy gave up his marriage, his daughter, his political career, his legal practice, his health and finally his life for Us..if that doesn't endear you to him then nothing will ! I'm just glad that you left for greener pastures when you did because Pakistan can do without a son who doesn't idolize the Father of us all.

same could be said about Ataturk.....he didnt even have a love life b/c of his devotion to his newly formed Republic

but then again, dont expect some internet trolls to understand. All they have for people is labels like "kaffir" or other words like that which they use in every other sentence.

Pakistan is not Jinnah's personal property. Disagreeing with him does not equate to opposing Allah and The Beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم as you fools make it out to be.

You people quote Jinnah as if you're quoting the Holy Qur'an & Hadith


you should listen to yourself sometime
First of all I was born in US, so I never "left" Pakistan. Secondly, there is nothing wrong with respecting someone as long it is within a limit. When nationalism trumps (as in most cases of Jinnah followers) your religion that's where I have a problem.

We are Muslims FIRST then anything else.

Had you bothered to read or listened to a recording of his '48 Dhaka broadcast you'd know that those were his exact words !

And if people like Israr Ahmed on one-hand and ultra-secularists on the other can idoloize the same man is reason enough for you to realize that his sincerity to Pakistanis is never under question.
We are currently in the grip of a pro Terrorist/ Takfiri/ Wahhabi wave. The people who call Ataturk a kafir and a murtad are the same (or children of) who called the Quaid ' Kafir Azam' and were dead against creation of Pakistan.

Wahhabis/Salafin of Saudi Arabia had been fighting ‘Khalifa Waqt’ since the late 18th century. Abdul Aziz Ibne Saud fought alongside infidel English to kick Ottoman Turks out of Arab lands.

End result was that Bilad e Sham (Lebenon, Syria, Palestine and Jordan), Iraq and Hejaz were taken away from Muslim Ottoman rule. Palestinian problem would not have existed and Israel would not have been created, had these bigoted and narrow minded Wahhabi/Salafin not sided with the English against the Turks.

In May 1919 Greeks with the help of English & the French occupied Smyrna. English occupied Istanbul early in January 1920 and on August 10, 1920 Ottoman Khalifa Mehmed VI signed the treaty of Severs that ceded Thrace to Greece. In October 1920 Greeks advanced into Anatolia. Southern Anatolian rim was controlled by the British, Greeks and Italians.

Mehmed VI left Istanbul in 1922 and in his place Abdul Majeed II was elected Khalifa by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Abdul Majeed was Khalifa only in name had no real part in governing the country. Caliphate was finally abolished by Mustafa Kemal in 1924.

It was the Wahhabi/Salafin alliance with the English that in real sense ended the ‘Khilafat’ because after the treaty of Severs, Turkish Sultans/Khalifas had no power to speak of and had no relevance to the governance of Turkey.

Turks had to fight French, Greeks, Armenians and the English at the same time. It was Mustafa Kemal and his national movement that eventually managed to throw the foreigners out and liberated what is now modern Turkey thru armistice of Mudanya on October 14, 1922.

Thanks to the Wahhabi/Salafin support of the infidels, Ottoman Turkey was on the verge becoming a European colony. Mustafa Kemal Pasha was no angel and he committed many mistakes, but he was a true Mujahid.

Mustafa Kemal saved the honour of Turks and the Muslims by beating Franco/English/Italian/Greek Alliance.

I salute Ata Turk.
you need to brush up on your history

He was able to defeat them in the battle field yet he still submitted to their values, beliefs, and culture

Who does that?

This man literally tried to ban Islam ... see what he did to Turkey after WW1 ... its you who needs to "brush up" on Ataturk and his history
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