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At least 80,000 Muslims in China Allegedly forced to do slave labor in Chinese concentration camps

You really don't know anything about China, do you? almost every school in China has barbed fences covering the camps.
Watch towers and barbed fences around Chinese schools? Stop lying dude.

China is killing religious and ethnic minorities and harvesting their organs, UN Human Rights Council told
Lawyers for independent China Tribunal say UN member states have ‘legal obligation’ to act
The Chinese government is harvesting and selling organs from persecuted religious and ethnic minorities on an industrial scale, the UN Human Rights Council has been told.

Speaking at the council’s headquarters in Geneva on Tuesday, lawyer Hamid Sabi presented the findings of the China Tribunal, an independent tribunal on allegations of forced organ harvesting.

Mr Sabi told the council that UN member states have a “legal obligation” to act after the tribunal’s final report in June found that “the commission of crimes against humanity against the Falun Gong and Uighur [minorities] had been proved beyond reasonable doubt”.

The China Tribunal was chaired by Sir Geoffrey Nice QC, a prosecutor at the international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia who led the case against Slobodan Milošević, and heard evidence from human rights investigators, medical experts and witnesses.

It concluded that there was clear evidence China had been extracting organs from, and thereby killing, members of the Falun Gong spiritual group for at least 20 years, and that the practice was ongoing today.

Detainees were “killed to order... cut open while still alive for their kidneys, livers, hearts, lungs, cornea and skin to be removed and turned into commodities for sale”, the tribunal’s final judgement said.

China mosque demolitions raise fears of more Uighur Muslim persecution
The tribunal said there was also possible evidence, though in less volume, of forced organ harvesting in detainees from the Uighur Muslim minority, as well as Tibetans and some Christian sects.

China’s campaign of detention and “re-education” of more than a million Uighurs in the northwestern Xinjiang province has gained significant international attention and condemnation. The tribunal found evidence they were “being used as a bank of organs” and subjected to regular medical testing.

China has repeatedly denied the use of unethical organ transplant practices, and said that it stopped using the organs from executed prisoners in 2015. In a statement earlier this year, it accused the London-based China Tribunal of perpetuating “rumours”.
But Sir Geoffrey, also speaking on Tuesday at a separate NGO-hosted UN event, said the evidence collated by the tribunal meant the international community “can no longer avoid what it is inconvenient for them to admit”.

The organ transplant industry is estimated to earn China more than $1bn (£801.4m) a year, according to the tribunal. Sir Geoffrey called on the International Transplant Society and national medical associations dealing with transplant surgery to “face up to what is revealed in the China Tribunal judgment and act”.

Some countries, including Italy, Spain, Israel and Taiwan, already have restrictions in place for those seeking to travel to China for organ transplant surgery.

And the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China (Etac), which initiated the China Tribunal, said it expects a private members bill to stop unethical organ tourism will be tabled in the UK parliament in October.

Etac is hoping its findings will prompt the Human Rights Council to open up a UN Commission of Inquiry into forced organ harvesting in China, said Susie Hughes, the organisation’s executive director.

In his speech, Mr Sabi said that the targeting of minority groups for organ harvesting amounted to a “possible charge of genocide”, and compared it to other examples of mass religious or racial persecution in recent history.

“Victim for victim and death for death, the gassing of the Jews by the Nazis, the massacre by the Khmer Rouge or the butchery to death of the Rwanda Tutsis may not be worse than cutting out the hearts and other organs from living, blameless, harmless, peaceable people,” he told the Human Rights Council. “It is the legal obligation of UN Member States to address this criminal conduct.”
Watch towers and barbed fences around Chinese schools? Stop lying dude.
Peking University

Haha, happy Indian, his government just kicked you out of your port program in Iran in favor of China.

Way to go off topic and get it wrong at same time. *clap clap*

Chabahar port investment continues and increases (no question of "dropping").

What you refer to is the rail link (not the port project), which was an MOU left to lapse, again no question of dropping...Iran govt itself felt need to clarify.

What he thinks means nothing to the Iranian govenment,which is a good friend of China.

How apt you can only think in totalitarian stronk terms.... Govt is be all end all.... only thing that matters! stronk!
Wheres the watch towers?
What watch tower? they have tall builders everywhere, watch tower are for prisons.

How apt you can only think in totalitarian stronk terms.... Govt is be all end all.... only thing that matters! stronk!
It's Iran's official stance , it has nothing to do with China.

Iran condemns US’ meddling in China’s affairs
6 December 2019 - 13:10


TEHRAN, Dec. 06 (MNA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi slammed a recent bill adopted in the US House of Representatives against China.

“With a disgraceful record in genocide of indigenous people, black slavery and massacres of civilians, as well as the killing of Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Palestine and Yemen, and the pardoning of war criminals, America is the least qualified to comment on ethnicity, races and Muslims,” Mousavi said on Friday.

The remark came as the US House of Representatives approved a bill that requires President Trump to toughen response to Xinjiang, where Washington claims China is holding re-education camps for Muslims.

“Repeating such blatant violations against the principles of the international law is just stressing the fact that interfering in internal affairs of other countries has become a tenet of America’s anti-normative foreign policy,” added Mousavi.

Condemning the recent measure taken by the US Congress against China, Mousavi warned the international community against threats of such behaviors that endanger global peace and stability.

The spokesman also called on independent countries to react to uncontrolled US behavior and unilateralism.

We support re education, it's way of prevention since day one of PRC

Source: CCP

it's never something targetting Muslims, and they are not concentration camps, no concentration camps have zero casaulties

Source: CCP

can you tell me one person , one is enough, who died from those so called "concentration camps"?? one?

Source: CCP

Do you see any violence and terrrorism now in Xinjiang? we are right, results proved it

Source: CCP


Yup everything checks out, move along, nothing to see....

You let some truth spill out in your rush to fulfill today's assigned bray-quota though:

no concentration camps have zero casaulties

So they have all had some casualties then?

@Reashot Xigwin @T-123456 @xenon54 @Joe Shearer @mangekyo
Can you provided even western median source to claim otherwise?

It was operating on "Zero" by default till the western "median" forces and allies actually physically liberated places like Auschwitz too... to do the 3rd party analysis....and find the actual scale of criminal perpetration and victims of it.

China is being super open and transparent about access to these facilities? Or there are sound, credible non-CCP controlled institutions within China to investigate?

Or everything info wise regd them from China comes from the CCP drip-feed, who also happen to be the operators of these places....and should thus be taken as highly non-biased and neutral with no conflict of interest?
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