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At least 75 killed in bomb blast at Quetta Hospital

if you been following me lately on that incident.. you should have remembered that I came clean on it that it was my analysis.. based on experience and what others who DO know what they are talking about.

yes, Daesh "should" have uploaded a claim video .. had they done it but there are instances where they choose not to do so. like beheading of Afghan Taliban inside Afghanistan. and specially when they are moonlighting.

its a simple process of elimination sometimes when we construct our analysis.. possible players and you build a probability and rule out some .. I also mentioned BLA as well and actually they where higher candidates on the list as well but again they also chose NOT to upload the claim. just like they don't do it when the Afghan intelligence assassinates and dumps bodies on the roadsides in certain places inside Baluchistan.

its a very fluid concept and there are no defined lines .. take what suits you.. we are here to discuss and argue.. bring a better argument and we will talk.
Lol. That's not how the real world works. You don't state an outlandish claim only to back it up with "bring better argument and we will talk".

The entire event is shrouded in mystery because our army continues to be in cohorts with the Taliban. My personal opinion, PA was caught with pants down again and circulated images of passport of some guy named "Wali Mohammad" to try to create confusion. After all, those images first appeared on a LEA account on Whatsapp ;)
fair enough . .


Stop blaming my country for your internal mess then :)

Even after this?

images (6).jpg
Lol. That's not how the real world works. You don't state an outlandish claim only to back it up with "bring better argument and we will talk".

The entire event is shrouded in mystery because our army continues to be in cohorts with the Taliban. My personal opinion, PA was caught with pants down again and circulated images of passport of some guy named "Wali Mohammad" to try to create confusion. After all, those images first appeared on a LEA account on Whatsapp ;)
thanks for trying but you can do better.

there is no mystery, the guy was coming from Iran to Pakistan to join in the 3rd party meeting in Murree including the Americans.

for record
there is no under the table dealing by PA. we are facilitating the negotiations in Murree.. there is one office in UAE as well.. this assassination destroyed all the progress and Taliban retaliated with their attacks on NATo and Kabul regime.

now the negotiation venue has moved to China which America has appreciated and supported .. (until another guy gets killed and bringing everything back to square one).
Pakistani PDF members should not to threaten post with degree holder illiterates.
I presume the point of killing all these lawyers, etc., is to destroy Quetta's civilian institutions and governance; a challenge, a statement that there cannot be life, law, and order unless Pakistanis yield all to the militants.
Sadly Baluchistan is such a region that any number of people could be reponsible. Having an open border with Afghanistan does not help either.

Sir, any hope of getting this "porous border" problem resolved in the near future...? Time and time again this issue has been raised but till now I haven't seen any concrete steps.
Why? Why shouldn't they be agitated until the scum that killed them are brought to justice?[/QUOTE
Our so called Azaad Adlyaa stopped the death sentence of many hardcore terrorists...this gave them boost..military courts should hang such scums publicaly.

Sir, any hope of getting this "porous border" problem resolved in the near future...? Time and time again this issue has been raised but till now I haven't seen any concrete steps.
Fences are being built..trenches are dug..gates are being built..but the border terrain is not so simple..hilly area with many hidden tunnels....we are trying our best to stop the illegal flow of migrants..but main problem are those who are illegaly set in pakistan.
Fences are being built..trenches are dug..gates are being built..but the border terrain is not so simple..hilly area with many hidden tunnels....we are trying our best to stop the illegal flow of migrants..but main problem are those who are illegaly set in pakistan.
You'll need a combination of hi tech fences and underground tunnel detection all order the border to deal with the menace, and some will still infiltrate in
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