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At Least 63 Kids Have Died In Gorakhpur Hospital In 5 Days, Yogi Govt Admits Oxygen Shortage

True muslimo_O

Had it been a Muslim MP, Sanghis would have started numerous threads many laced with fake claims and news. So you are assured to see one incase it happens.

Look at the present scenario, no Sanghi is seen maligning Mishra saab(who was also held responsible for this) but Sanghis are at full throttle maligning KHAN saab.

You do realize that deaths of so many kids with in a span of 2 days is a real big news, hence it is being all over the news channels.

Since Yogi has been representing the constituency for good 25 years, not sure why he overlooked the need of better infrastructure in his constituency.
Poor state of medical infrastructure in Gorakhpur hospital was highlighted by CAG in May

Its more like Yogi slaughtering Khan saab to save his own skin.

Cherry picking? What has the government suspended him for? Initially there were no specific reasons mentioned by the government for sacking him. Later on some reports claim that it was dereliction of duty. No Government source mentions as to what exactly was "dereliction of duty". I have posted an article which speaks about everything that concerns Khan saab. Read it completely instead of "Cherry picking".

Posting it again for you..

Gorakhpur’s Dr Kafeel Khan: What We Know About Him & What We Don’t

In a strange turn of events, Dr Kafeel Khan, the Gorakhpur doctor who allegedly “saved children’s lives” as the BRD Medical College and Hospital battled an oxygen supply shortage, was removed as the nodal officer for the Department of Pediatrics on Sunday.

Dr Khan, who was in charge of the encephalitis ward at the hospital where 64 kids have died in the last 6 days, was initially hailed as a hero for his ‘quick thinking’.

The doctor confirmed his sacking, as he was quoted by a Times of Indiareport as saying:

It’s a smear campaign against me. I was only trying to help the children...Dr Kafeel Khan
Also Read: Gorakhpur Live: Yogi Vows Probe; UP Cong Wants Him to Resign

While Dr Bhupendra Sharma would be replacing him as the nodal officer, the TOI report did add that Khan would continue serving as a doctor in the hospital.

With his sacking, a plethora of questions have emerged. Here’s what we know about him and what we don’t.

When and Why Was Dr Khan Sacked?
What we know:
As per a Hindustan Times report, the reasons behind Khan's sacking were ‘dereliction of duty’ as well as ‘carrying out private practice’.

The same report claimed that according to sources in the BRD Medical College and Hospital, Khan had “concocted tales” of his own ‘heroic acts’. Khan reportedly also runs a private practice – a 50-bed children’s hospital called Medispring Hospital and Research Centre in Gorakhpur, which is owned by his wife.

KK Gupta, director general, medical education (Gorakhpur), questioned Khan's action of arranging for three cylinders on his own when there were already 52 cylinders at the hospital on 10 August. Furthermore, he called all the adulation around him a result of all the media coverage, saying the hospital did not refer to him as a hero.

Also Read: Gorakhpur: As Families Mourn Children’s Deaths, Who’s Responsible?

However, a Hindustan Times report also cites anonymous sources from the hospital claiming that Khan and a former principal of the medical college, Dr RK Mishra, were in-charge of ensuring a continuous supply of oxygen cylinders.
The same report claims that following preliminary investigation, Mishra and Khan were accused of being primarily responsible for the acute shortage of oxygen cylinders, causing the deaths of many children.

Moreover, the report asserts that according to their sources from the hospital, Khan was also a part of the hospital’s purchase committee and was aware of the fact that they owed a huge debt to Pushpa Sales, the Lucknow-based oxygen supplier to the company.

What we don’t know is whether or not Khan was actually responsible for payments to be made for oxygen cylinders.

Why Was Dr Khan Hailed as a ‘Hero’?
What we know:
On the night of 10 August, when the oxygen supply at the BRD Medical College and Hospital was critically low, it was Khan who decided to take control of the situation by driving to private homes to borrow oxygen cylinders, reported DNA. Khan paid Rs 10,000 to an oxygen supplier out of his own pocket, reported CNN-News18.

As the news of Khan’s ‘heroism’ broke, social media went into overdrive, with praises for the doctor.

What we don’t know is whether Dr Khan was actually responsible for saving the lives of many children by arranging for more oxygen supply, as there hasn’t been any official validation from the hospital.

Also Read: Dr Kafeel Khan, ‘Hero’ of Gorakhpur, Removed From His Position

Kafeel Khan: Fraud or Scapegoat?
What we know:
Sunday witnessed Twitterati ‘digging’ into Khan’s past.

Some Twitter users cited some old Hindi articles, alleging that Khan had been accused of rape in the past.

Also Read: Yogi Vows to Punish Guilty As Gorakhpur Death Toll Hits 64

Another Twitter user cited an old article, which had mentioned one “Dr Kafeel Ahmed Khan, a Lucknow-based doctor,” as having impersonated someone in the National Board Exam for medical registration in 2009. Moreover, the same Twitter user claimed, citing a legal document, that the Manipal University had suspended Dr Kafeel Khan for a criminal case against him.

However, when questioned about past charges of harassment and impersonation against him that have now suddenly surfaced, Khan was quoted as saying:

I have no idea why past controversies are being raked up now.

Also Read: Will Get Detailed Report on Gorakhpur Deaths: UP CM Adityanath

The Twitter user who goes by the handle @WrongDoc also claims:

The hospital’s website is however, not available at the moment.


However, a snapshot of the page linked by the Twitter user can still be accessed by clicking on the link. A quick glance reveals that indeed there is no mention of Dr Kafeel Khan in the list of faculty at the Gorakhpur hospital.

Further, Twitter users who ‘identified’ Khan’s Twitter handle as @dr_manipal, pointed out tweets by the user that were deemed as obscene.


(Photo Courtesy: Twitter / Gaurav Pradhan)

(Photo Courtesy: Twitter / Gaurav Pradhan)

(Photo Courtesy: Twitter / Gaurav Pradhan)

(Photo Courtesy: Twitter / Gaurav Pradhan)

(Photo Courtesy: Twitter / Gaurav Pradhan)

(Photo Courtesy: Twitter / Gaurav Pradhan)
Also, a trending topic on Twitter is #StandWithDrKafeel, which is being used by many Twitter users to absolve Kafeel of blame, while calling him a scapegoat.

What we don’t know is whether the Twitter account using Khan’s name is actually his. Moreover, his identity remains shrouded in mystery as it is unclear whether he indeed is Dr Kafeel Ahmad Khan of Manipal University. The Quint has not been able to independently verify whether @dr_manipal is Khan’s Twitter handle. Moreover, it should be noted that the Twitter account under that name is no longer available. Also, even if the Twitter account going by his name is not a fake one trying to impersonate Dr Khan, it is possible that it is another Dr Kafeel Khan altogether.

Source: https://www.thequint.com/india/2017/08/14/gorakhpur-tragedy-what-we-know-about-dr-kafeel-khan
I am not yet responsible for other Hindus. I want all those responsible punished. I am least bothered about one corrupt doctor. Countless docs do that. Media needs a Muslim hero. I understand that. But make no mistake. The death of kids is a charge that will be borne by all. Not just one corrupt doc.

You are lucky.
They called you just true Muslim.
Look at the following ornaments gifted to me by Bhakts:

False flagger
Now the last one is hilarious = Bangladeshi.

Don't know what else would be forthcoming.

In order to defend Modi's shortcomings, they attack Non-Bhakts PDF members. Simply because they can not defend crook Modi. No one can. He himself cant. Because Modi knows he follows abusive Twitter IDs beside other defects that he possess.
Not at all. Only I call him an imaandar Muslim. Because he stands for Islam and hates Hinduism. I can quote him for that.

And even so, I am no fan of Modi at all.
I am not yet responsible for other Hindus. I want all those responsible punished. I am least bothered about one corrupt doctor. Countless docs do that. Media needs a Muslim hero. I understand that. But make no mistake. The death of kids is a charge that will be borne by all. Not just one corrupt doc.
Corrupt doctor or is it corrupt and criminal politician?

Not at all. Only I call him an imaandar Muslim. Because he stands for Islam and hates Hinduism. I can quote him for that.
You do have some terrible assumptions or could be innocent confusion(between Hinduism and Hindutva). I believe it is the later.

And even so, I am no fan of Modi at all.
I know who you are fan of:D

They are going haywire with this...

Government claims that there was no shortage of oxygen cylinders but then goes after the oxygen supplier. Some Sanghis claim that this is a conspiracy against the bald headed goon of UP. And now this tadipaar claims that it is an accident.
Corrupt doctor or is it corrupt and criminal politician?

You do have some terrible assumptions or could be innocent confusion(between Hinduism and Hindutva). I believe it is the later.

I know who you are fan of:D

They are going haywire with this...

Government claims that there was no shortage of oxygen cylinders but then goes after the oxygen supplier. Some Sanghis claim that this is a conspiracy against the bald headed goon of UP. And now this tadipaar claims that it is an accident.
You already have found a criminal. Your efforts here are only excuses. You sometimes become dishonest. Not good.
At Least 63 Kids Have Died In Gorakhpur Hospital In 5 Days, Yogi Govt Admits Oxygen Shortage


"What happened was due to lapse on the government's part," Congress leader R P N Singh charged.

Calling the deaths at the hospital a "disaster", BSP leader Sudhindra Bhadoria called for CM Yogi Adityanath's resignation.

"This is a matter of great shame for the UP chief minister. If there's any morality in the government, he should quit and go, for such a disaster has happened. Hope he has enough shame in him to go and regret to the parents and quit on moral grounds," Bhadoria told ANI.

Samajwadi Party as well went on the offensive against the state government. Senior leader Ram Gopal Yadav said the state must provide reparations to the family members of the deceased.

"Parents of children who died must get compensation, free medicine must be provided to poor families across UP," he added.

So much cry for dead or just a anti yogi rehotric.
Gorakhpur has a history of children's deaths, 25,000 kids have lost lives to encephalitis
Records show that at least 114 children have died this year in Gorakhpur due to encephalitis, which has claimed around 25,000 lives in the last four decades.

By Prabhash K Dutta |
August 12, 2017

According to government records, reported in September last year, 224 kids died in the BRD Medical College hospital - where more than 60 kids are reported to have died over past few days - due to encephalitis.

The official records showed that between January last year and first week of September, 920 patients of encephalitis were admitted to the BRD Medical College hospital. But, this is not the story of a singular isolated year. It is being repeated every year in Gorakhpur since 1978.

This year, 114 encephalitis deaths have been reported till now.


Gorakhpur has been in the grip of Japanese encephalitis (JE) and acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) for four decades. Both kinds of encephalitis are viral infections that affect the brain, lead to coma and cause death. At times survivors are left with serious disabilities - mental and physical.

Records show that hundreds die every year in eastern UP due to encephalitis. Gorakhpur is the epicentre encephalitis induced deaths. According to official figures, around 25,000 children have died since 1978 due to the two types of encephalitis. And, these are only recorded deaths. Independent figures put the toll around 50,000 as many kids die without reaching hospital.

The Yogi Adityanath government launched a massive anti-encephalitis vaccination programme this year. But, the results may take some time to yield desirable results.


The children's deaths in Gorakhpur have a history which began in India with the first report of AES death in the then Madras Presidency in 1956. When it seemed that the viral outbreak had been contained, West Bengal shocked the country in 1973 when around 300 deaths took place in Burdwan and Bankura districts.

By 1978, Uttar Pradesh came under attack from the encephalitis viruses. But, the encephalitis threat grabbed attention only in 2005 when 1,344 of 5,737 (official figures reported) affected children were killed across Uttar Pradesh.

In 2007, a vaccination programme was launched with drugs imported from China. The drive achieved success in many states but somehow Gorakhpur and surrounding areas continued to stay in the grip of encephalitis.


Eastern Uttar Pradesh, where Gorakhpur is located, continues to be one of the most backward areas of the country. Poverty and poor health services go hand in hand in the region. The government or charity hospitals are overburdened.

BRD Medical College hospital is the only hospital in a 300 sq km stretch of the region with decent facilities to treat encephalitis and similar infectious diseases.

This hospital treats patients coming from Gonda, Basti, terai regions Nepal and eastern districts of Bihar. These are the districts where cleanliness and sanitation have been a major problem. In fact, in the Swachh Bharat Survey 2017, Gonda was declared as the dirtiest district in India.

The incidence of encephalitis in these districts is very high particularly among children below 8-10 years of age.

The Japanese Encephalitis and Acute Encephalitis Syndrome are caused by mosquito bites of Culex vishnui and Culex tritaeniorhynchus. Filth is home to these species of mosquito. Every year, monsoon season is the worst season for children in Gorakhpur.
Now come discuss.
So the article states

"During Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's visit to the medical college on August 9, Dr Kafeel Khan was one of the doctors assisting his review, but according to the staff- neither did he apprise the CM on the erratic supply of oxygen cylinders nor about hospital defaulting on payments."

I would want to know what were others doctors doing while Mishraji and Khan saab were gobbling up cylinders.

"Speaking to other doctors, junior staff at the BRD College, it surfaced that Khan and then principal Dr Rajiv Mishra received a commission on every hospital purchase and handled the deals with oxygen cylinder supplier- Pushpa Sales Pvt Ltd."

Why were they silent about it when Yogi baba visited the hospital? Were their mouths sealed when Yogi baba visited?
Yes, junior staff members don't fear repercussions of complaining to higher authorities. I am sure this tragedy will make sure nothing like this ever gets repeated. But you were hailing Dr Khan as some sort of hero in previous pages? Has his charm worn out a little or you still consider him a hero?
Apparently almost all doctors employed by this hospital has a private practice. I wonder if this "inquiry" will reveal this fact.

Yogi govt. action on this will give us a clear idea about how the future of UP is going to PAN out.
Gorakhpur hospital tragedy: Dr Kafeel Khan no hero? Allegations of stealing oxygen cylinders for his private clinic abound

A day after Dr Kafeel Khan made headlines for his dauntless quick response to the disaster that was fast enveloping Gorakhpur's BRD Medical College on August 11-12, reports now suggest that Khan was stealing oxygen cylinders from the hospital for his private clinic.

Nodal Officer of BRD Medical College's Department of Pediatrics, Dr Khan has been removed from all hospital duties after reports emerged that the insufficiency of oxygen cylinders was partially because he was stealthily transporting some to his clinic.

Dr Rajiv Mishra, the principal who was sacked on Saturday, is also believed to have worked in connivance with Khan.


In addition, Dr Kafeel Khan was also a member of the supplies department- that concerns the stock and storage of medical equipment.

During Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's visit to the medical college on August 9, Dr Kafeel Khan was one of the doctors assisting his review, but according to the staff- neither did he apprise the CM on the erratic supply of oxygen cylinders nor about hospital defaulting on payments.

When the situation spiralled out of control on the night of August 11, Dr Kafeel Khan hurriedly sent three oxygen cylinders from his clinic to the hospital- all the while maintaining that he had 'borrowed' those.

Speaking to other doctors, junior staff at the BRD College, it surfaced that Khan and then principal Dr Rajiv Mishra received a commission on every hospital purchase and handled the deals with oxygen cylinder supplier- Pushpa Sales Pvt Ltd.

Allegations are that Dr Kafeel Khan, in cahoots with former principal of BRD Medical College, Dr Rajiv Mishra and his wife Purnima Shukla, are responsible for the death of 68 patients.


Kafeel is Akhilesh's friend as this chat from Feb 17 shows
Nawaz Sharif killed a 12 year old after his motorcade ran him over repeatedly on purpose.

This happened the same day.

Criminal is the nation which still witnesses silently the murder.
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