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At Least 34 Turkish Soldiers Killed in Air Strike in Syria's Idlib, Watchdog Says

dont worry .we can fffk your shtt iran and syria combined at the same time .

We can destroy every single Base Inside Turkey with Barrages of Ballistic and Cruise Missiles. Your go to Dad USA could not stop our attack.

Keep your Erdogan created problems to yourself please. We have nothing to do with his stupidity.
My friend, the vast majority of Syrians do not like or support (I am being kind here) Assad.
This is what started this mess. A minority ruler ruling by force over the majority. There is no fairness and there is no choice to make for the masses. Even if he forcefully wins, which is quite possible, this resentment is not going away and will cause ongoing instability.

For those asking Turkey to talk to Syria, Iran, Russia, why don't they ask the Russians/Iranians to stop supporting a minority despot and give the Syrians a chance to elect a representative government? Is that not their right? This is the fundamental issue.

All else that Turkey is doing is just tactical. Bandaid to stop the flow of refugees etc.
BS, same is the say about Gaddafi, who many decide to topple him join the infidel and later the jihadist due to misinformed. Many interview now regret that action that destroy their lives and country. That is why many support Haftar. Many Libyan view him as the new strong man that will united Libya once again.

Same is say about Assad. If Assad is really that bad. Damascus will long fall. But the Syrian there knows who works best for Syria.
BS, same is the say about Gaddafi, who many decide to topple him join the infidel and later the jihadist due to misinformed. Many interview now regret that action that destroy their lives and country. That is why many support Haftar. Many Libyan view him as the new strong man that will united Libya once again.
You cannot discount such things will disclaimers like "BS".
Look at the demographics of Syria and why this war has lasted so long. The fault lines are clear for anyone willing to look into it. Libya's fault lines were altogether different.
All else that Turkey is doing is just tactical. Bandaid to stop the flow of refugees etc.
All EU border gates opened hour ago...

All controls for Afghan, Uzbek, Pakistani, Iraqi and Syrian refugees have been lifted. An official letter was sent to the migration administrations. There will be no readmission. This is now the EU's problem, not ours.

Big social campaigns start tomorrow. Syrian refugees across the country will move to the Aegean coast free of charge.
Either Assad has a short term memory or you have my friend. Turkey was a late commer to this war.

Who brought isis to Syria? Please go through pdf old threads there is a lot of info here. Turkey was never in bed with ISIS. Turkey killed many isis forces. Today Syria is much more calm than what it was few years ago and turkey has a huge role in making situation liveable again in Syria.

It appears you have the short term memory. I remember Turkey working with Saudi, UAE and Qatar. Giving ultimatums here and there that "Assad must go" Smuggling sarin gas to Syria for ISIS to use and then blame it on Assad. Opening its borders for foreign fighters to enter Syria. etc
All controls for Afghan, Uzbek, Pakistani, Iraqi and Syrian refugees have been lifted. An official letter was sent to the migration administrations. There will be no readmission. This is now the EU's problem, not ours.
nice move

Feel free to go to Syria and blow yourself up instead of waging jihad on the internet
soon ur iranian militias in Syria will perish for the evil doers that they r
It appears you have the short term memory. I remember Turkey working with Saudi, UAE and Qatar. Giving ultimatums here and there that "Assad must go" Smuggling sarin gas to Syria for ISIS to use and then blame it on Assad. Opening its borders for foreign fighters to enter Syria. etc
Giving a verbal spat and actually doing some thing are 2 different things.

Sorry but isis was never brought to Syria by turkey. It is and was a USA Israeli project and I will not allow anyone take the credit away from them.

Any ways the Turkish meeting has ended let's wait for a statement to see what is actually going on.

Giving a verbal spat and actually doing some thing are 2 different things.

Sorry but isis was never brought to Syria by turkey. It is and was a USA Israeli project and I will not allow anyone take the credit away from them.

Any ways the Turkish meeting has ended let's wait for a statement to see what is actually going on.

They did a good number on Erdogan. Probably promised him victory in Syria and revival of Ottoman Empire. Makes sense why he had an obsession with becoming a Sultan.
Yara, why would Syrians be Turkey's concern? This is the world of realpolitik but among all the players, I have seen Turkey do the most to help Syrian refugees. Let's recognize that and frankly appreciate that. Turkey had no role to play in the Arab spring yet has had to deal with the fall out. Therein lie my sympathies for them and for the Syrians who are suffering horrendously. No country wants to project power for the show of it. Why would Turkey want to disrupt its economic development by getting into a shooting war? Obviously the refugee problem out of Syria is a significant one. Prior to sending their forces into Idlib, Turkey had brought up this issue with the US/NATO and UN multiple times and no action.
No denying that Turkey has helped the most Syrian refugees and they certainly must be lauded for that. It would appear that we are in agreement. The real culprits of this mess are (surprise surprise) NATO member states.
All EU border gates opened hour ago...

All controls for Afghan, Uzbek, Pakistani, Iraqi and Syrian refugees have been lifted. An official letter was sent to the migration administrations. There will be no readmission. This is now the EU's problem, not ours.

Big social campaigns start tomorrow. Syrian refugees across the country will move to the Aegean coast free of charge.
Turkey has burn the bridge with EU. Turkey is fully isolated. You are alone.
Russia is free to fully take out Turkey even attacking inner turkey without worry about NATO interference.

Strikes from both land and air are on-going....


See the air ops video below:

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