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At Least 34 Turkish Soldiers Killed in Air Strike in Syria's Idlib, Watchdog Says

I am first and foremost a student of military history: in academic terms, my biases shouldn't detract from my ability to call things like they are.

The problem with many Pakistani PDFERs is that they view whatever the Turks or Turkish media peddels as the "truth' not saying RT is any better but keep it up the nuanced take
The people who are with turkey are much higher in population than khurds. Secondly USA is not hosting any refugees from Syria but turkey is so that makes turkey a stake holder in Syrian Conflict.
Don't play that card please. If Turkey cares about the refugee situation, it can just back of and stop supporting the terrorist relabeled as moderate rebels (LOL). The civil war will end and ALL the refugees can return to Syria. It is that simple. Turkey stops supporting the terrorists = Civil war ends = Refugees go back. Understand? Turkey has a different agenda here
The same "Syrian citizens" that we all empathize with don't want to live under Assad's yolk. There in is the rub. We have lived through the debacle of hosting Afghan refugees in Pakistan. What if Turkey does not take a position on Syria and millions (already north of 3 million hosted there) more stream into Turkey?

Have you ever talked to an average "Syrian" besides a few Assadists or FSA trolls the few I have talked to here in the states hate all of them and want the conflict to be over not please turn off TRT from your screens
NATO are a bunch of kuffars, Kuffars don't respect no treaties, they would not risk it for a muslim smelling Turkey
Don't play that card please. If Turkey cares about the refugee situation, it can just back of and stop supporting the terrorist relabeled as moderate rebels (LOL). The civil war will end and ALL the refugees can return to Syria. It is that simple. Turkey stops supporting the terrorists = Civil war ends = Refugees go back. Understand? Turkey has a different agenda here

In exchange all parties be it the Iranians and Russians should leave but in the world of twist and turns that will never happen

The diplomat explained that the death of Turkish troops in Idlib was a tragedy but it had taken place during a unilateral military operation on foreign soil, which goes beyond Article 5 of NATO’s founding treaty. Turkey is aware of its position, the source added, which is why Ankara has not tried to initiate NATO consultations on the matt
Right, I wonder what the impact on the collective security of Europe will be when due to the actions of Russians/Syrians, Turkey opens up the flood gates to Europe for the refugees.

Technicalities aside, this is a huge security issue not only for Turkey, but also for Western Europe.
while Iran is gathering every last shia from all over the world to fight muslims in Syria , Turkey should not Shy up from declaring Jihad and calling for muslims to join the fight against Russia
In exchange all parties be it the Iranians and Russians should leave but in the world of twist and turns that will never happen
Iran is there on invitation. If Assad asks Iran to leave, Iran should leave. Turkey is there on its own retarded mission that only God knows what is. Any idiot can see that Turkey fights a lost cause in Syria. It has to be the most incompetent and pointless mission I have seen in my entire life. Even worse than Saudis intervention in Yemen.
Don't play that card please. If Turkey cares about the refugee situation, it can just back of and stop supporting the terrorist relabeled as moderate rebels (LOL). The civil war will end and ALL the refugees can return to Syria. It is that simple. Turkey stops supporting the terrorists = Civil war ends = Refugees go back. Understand? Turkey has a different agenda here
What could be Turkish agenda here? Clearly west has lost Syria. Turkey cannot fight in Syria on its own against Assad Russia and Iran backed groups unless turkey plan an all out war. Turkey only wants to make sure Syrian land cannot be used for terrorism against turkey and Assad don't retaliates against Turkmen in Syria. Turkey its self know it has to pull out of Syria one day. So be a bit realistic and tell me what agenda turkey has over here? Nothing. They just want that Turkmen are not persecuted after Assad takes over. You know what will be a bigger problem for Assad? It is not turkey but it will be YPG and PKK.
The problem with many Pakistani PDFERs is that they view whatever the Turks or Turkish media peddels as the "truth' not saying RT is any better but keep it up the nuanced take
That is not true. Most of my reading about the situation is hardly ever Turkey sourced. For me the fundamental issue is the people's rights in Syria. The majority does not want Assad the despot. They fought against him and through Russian intervention, they were suppressed. This lead to a massive refugee problem for neighboring countries but none more so than Turkey which is hosting close to 4 million Syrians. The world's largest refugee diaspora.

Turks decided to enforce a buffer zone inside of Syria to block the flow of refugees to Turkey. The UN did not help, nobody else helped, so what are they to do?

All of the above are facts on the ground and nothing peddled by Turkey or Turkish media.
Right, I wonder what the impact on the collective security of Europe will be when due to the actions of Russians/Syrians, Turkey opens up the flood gates to Europe for the refugees.

Technicalities aside, this is a huge security issue not only for Turkey, but also for Western Europe.
No, once Syria is united. No more refugee would flown out from Syria as war ended.
If Turkey decide to anger EU more with refugee threat at this moment. It is further digging its own grave.

EU, Russia, Arabs combined will ensure Turkey diminish faster.
It is amazing to see how deluded and misguided people really are. Turkey is illegally annexing Syrian territory, supporting terrorists with known links to Al-Qaeda (but hey, if americans can do it, so can turkey) and is now directly attacking Syrian military, who is fighting terrorists in it's own territory.

If Turkey had even the slightest genuineness in it's concern for Syrians. Then Turkey would've engaged Syria, Russia and Iran in a positive dialogue to resolve and protect the Syrian people. Instead, it made the deal with the devil, and decided to walk back on the Astana Agreement.

Sadly not a single turk or pro-turk Pakistanis understand the fact that the real enemy (israel) is the only one who will benefit from a war between Turkey, Syria , Iran and Russia. This is the pathetic state of Muslim leadership today, where they fight and kill Muslims and Christians alike, and allow the zionist-state to become stronger as a result of divisions and war between Muslim states.
What could be Turkish agenda here? Clearly west has lost Syria. Turkey cannot fight in Syria on its own against Assad Russia and Iran backed groups unless turkey plan an all out war. Turkey only wants to make sure Syrian land cannot be used for terrorism against turkey and Assad don't retaliates against Turkmen in Syria. Turkey its self know it has to pull out of Syria one day. So be a bit realistic and tell me what agenda turkey has over here? Nothing. They just want that Turkmen are not persecuted after Assad takes over. You know what will be a bigger problem for Assad? It is not turkey but it will be YPG and PKK.

Turkey plans an all out war against Iran (Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen) and Russia ? Be reasonable
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