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At Least 34 Turkish Soldiers Killed in Air Strike in Syria's Idlib, Watchdog Says

Turkey must attack and kill all Russian criminals in Syria, the Russians are cowards trust me anyone who's bombing innocent civilians must be targeted and eliminated
TAF must wipe out SAA and all Iranians in Syria !!
Syria host important Russia airbase and is Russia strategic partner in middle-east. The first question shall be asked , who started to mess around with Russia strategic partner in the first place?

Who initiate plan to topple Assad and invade Syria first?

The plan to topple Assad was not initiated by turkey if I remember correctly. Before Russia coming into Syria it was European War. At first turkey was even reluctant to come into Syria. How can we blame this on turkey. I have good memory.
Turks getting a taste of their own medicine: thinking they could fund jihadists from HTS with impunity lol. Just goes on to show you that literally every side in the Syrian war is malevolent and evil, minus the Syrian citizens who just want to be left in peace: this doesn't include "moderate rebels" so beloved of the USA and its Arab bootlickers.
The plan to topple Assad was not initiated by turkey if I remember correctly. Before Russia coming into Syria it was European War. At first turkey was even reluctant to come into Syria. How can we blame this on turkey. I have good memory.
Europe never send troops into Syria. US are invited by Syria Kurds. Nobody invite Turkish.

You cross the threshold of somebody, they will be determine to fight for their land.
Everything would not happen when they didn't send in troops as meat shield, even when it was time to retreat they didn't.

No SAM, no AF, no bunkers for soldiers...
Its a built up area. You have limited options. I saw videos of troops with MANPADs. However in many cases with precision attack munitions, the Syrian/Russian aircraft are bombing from stand-off ranges. I think after this attack, Turkey's tactics should evolve too with complete air domination over Idlib and not giving any space to either Syrian or Russian airforce. Essentially a No Fly Zone imposed by Turkey over Idlib.
Turks getting a taste of their own medicine: thinking they could fund jihadists from HTS with impunity lol. Just goes on to show you that literally every side in the Syrian war is malevolent and evil, minus the Syrian citizens who just want to be left in peace: this doesn't include "moderate rebels" so beloved of the USA and its Arab bootlickers.

I think you probably the first Pakistani I have seen here with comments running contrary to the "flow" here or the pro Turkish propaganda bs not saying I like Russia and Iran actions there but this gotta be a huge blunder by Turkey in ages kudos to you for being nuanced
Europe never send troops into Syria. US are invited by Syria Kurds. Nobody invite Turkish.
Turkey does not have a choice in this matter. Either you build a buffer inside of Syria bordering Turkey or all the refugees flood in. This is the situation that Turkey is in.
Its not about being invited. Rather as a result of the situation created by Assad and his actions.
Its a built up area. You have limited options. I saw videos of troops with MANPADs. However in many cases with precision attack munitions, the Syrian/Russian aircraft are bombing from stand-off ranges. I think after this attack, Turkey's tactics should evolve too with complete air domination over Idlib and not giving any space to either Syrian or Russian airforce. Essentially a No Fly Zone imposed by Turkey over Idlib.

I dont think only aircraft can delivered precision bombardment.

These thing fly flies and delivered fast and strike from 100km away.
Europe never send troops into Syria. US are invited by Syria Kurds. Nobody invite Turkish.

You cross the threshold of somebody, they will be determine to fight for their land.

The people who are with turkey are much higher in population than khurds. Secondly USA is not hosting any refugees from Syria but turkey is so that makes turkey a stake holder in Syrian Conflict.
I think you probably the first Pakistani I have seen here with comments running contrary to the "flow" here or he pro Turkish propaganda bs not saying I like Russia and Iran actions there but this gotta be a huge blunder by Turkey in ages kudos to you for being nuanced
I am first and foremost a student of military history: in academic terms, my biases shouldn't detract from my ability to call things like they are.
Condolences to our Turkish friends on this big loss. Also a moment of clarity with regards to NATO support. Here is a case of direct Russian attack on a NATO member.

Idlib has to be defended against Assad.

The diplomat explained that the death of Turkish troops in Idlib was a tragedy but it had taken place during a unilateral military operation on foreign soil, which goes beyond Article 5 of NATO’s founding treaty. Turkey is aware of its position, the source added, which is why Ankara has not tried to initiate NATO consultations on the matter.
Turks getting a taste of their own medicine: thinking they could fund jihadists from HTS with impunity lol. Just goes on to show you that literally every side in the Syrian war is malevolent and evil, minus the Syrian citizens who just want to be left in peace: this doesn't include "moderate rebels" so beloved of the USA and its Arab bootlickers.

The same "Syrian citizens" that we all empathize with don't want to live under Assad's yolk. There in is the rub. We have lived through the debacle of hosting Afghan refugees in Pakistan. What if Turkey does not take a position on Syria and millions (already north of 3 million hosted there) more stream into Turkey?
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