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At Least 34 Turkish Soldiers Killed in Air Strike in Syria's Idlib, Watchdog Says

...yeah, me, having lack of time - comming here rarely (canno afford - timewise), some little shyteheads, on the other hand, are staying here 24/7 (KEYboards warriors :) ) ..
Turkey must end this madness with a honorable exit, otherwise whole region will burn again with behalf of foreign powers. TSK is not and will not be a cannon fodder!
I am simply unable to understand why Turkey is trying to get rid of Assad. What is Turkey's problem with Assad? I never heard Assad making any statement against Erdogan or trying to attack Turkey in any way.
I am simply unable to understand why Turkey is trying to get rid of Assad. What is Turkey's problem with Assad? I never heard Assad making any statement against Erdogan or trying to attack Turkey in any way.

It's not about Assad. Turkey doesn't care about the Syrian people. It's about creating a proxy state through which to attack adjacent Kurdish areas with plausible deniability.
I am simply unable to understand why Turkey is trying to get rid of Assad. What is Turkey's problem with Assad? I never heard Assad making any statement against Erdogan or trying to attack Turkey in any way.
Since 90's, Ba'ath Party (Ba'ath established by Bashar Assad's father, ''Hafez Assad'') supported PKK terrorists against Turkey. There was PKK camps all over the Northern Syria, and PKK used this camps to attack Turkey. In 90's we declared it as a Casus Belli and Assad's father backed down a little bit, still their support to PKK continued from background. Financial support, intelligence support and of course free weapons.
Anyway, it is not a Erdogan - Assad thing. Ba'ath is a disease, needs to be cured. And Assad scum must understand the consequences of supporting terrorists against Turkish Nation.
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I am simply unable to understand why Turkey is trying to get rid of Assad. What is Turkey's problem with Assad? I never heard Assad making any statement against Erdogan or trying to attack Turkey in any way.
Millions of refugees not a reason enough?
Since 90's, Ba'ath Party (Ba'ath established by Bashar Assad's father, ''Hafez Assad'') supported PKK terrorists against Turkey. There was PKK camps all over the Northern Syria, and PKK used this camps to attack Turkey. In 90's we declared it as a Casus Belli and Assad's father backed down a little bit, still their support to PKK continued from background. Financial support, intelligence support and of course free weapons.
Anyway, it is not a Erdogan - Assad thing. Ba'ath is a disease, needs to be cured. And Assad scum must understand the consequences of supporting terrorists against Turkish Nation.

Iraq's ba'ath party is great, ba'ath isn't a disease. Just needs removal of the socialist outdated part and some more Islam to remove the church people
Iraq's ba'ath party is great, ba'ath isn't a disease. Just needs removal of the socialist outdated part and some more Islam to remove the church people
You don't pick and choose... That's what the Ba'ath "essence" was... The thought may be interesting but in reality it's a cancer in the long term... And Arabs paid for it... some still paying...
Like Communism... only good on paper... give it to a Man... and it's another story...
the muslim world wont forgot what the iranians, alawites and russians did in syria!
Yes, Arab-Israeli conflict existed before 1948 but there was no PLO which is a major turning point. It is also a fact that Yessir Arafat was a creation of Soviet KGB with a lot of evidence. In KGB handbooks, there is something called ' Framing'. It implies that people's past can be altered to create a new person. Please read more about KGB operations which is not widely mentioned in popular media and even academia.
Russians are a true master of the art of narrative-building and there disinformation campaign have no peer in the world. They are known to capitalize on Islamic eschatology to brainwash minds in the Islamic bloc in a very subtle manner, and transform many into unwitting pawns to advance there political goals. Globalnews.ca is an example.

In recent years, when Obama administration commenced Operation Inherent Resolve to defeat ISIS movement in the Middle East in 2014, Russians somehow managed to steal the spotlight from Americans with a powerful disinformation campaign to create an impression that Americans created and nurtured ISIS movement and are using it to stage coups in Iraq and Syria while Russians and Iranians are working tirelessly to defeat these guys. Ground realities were much different of-course and both Russians and Iranians used there ISIS propaganda collective to great effect to destroy many innocent lives in Syria and have made it possible for the tyrannical Assad regime to re-assert its control over 70% of Syria by now. Iran also have numerous Iraqi politicians in its pockets and use them to silence opposing voices in the country.

FYI: https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2018/10/information-warfare/151855/

My contention is that both USA and Turkey are guilty of colluding with Russians and Iranians when it suited each respectively. I was expecting better from Turkey actually but it disappointed as well. Politics have really blurred the lines between GOOD and EVIL.

Turkey should have acted much sooner in and toppled Assad regime in 2013 before both Russia and Iran had the opportunity to intervene. What I see now is different stakeholders carving Syria into respective spheres of influence. Not sure what will be the fate of Syria in the near future but SHAME on the entire world for letting Syria burn for over 9 years at the hands of tyrants of the world.

Anyways, I do not wish to offend nationals of any country in this discussion. I am just addressing a point in its valid context.
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