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At Least 34 Turkish Soldiers Killed in Air Strike in Syria's Idlib, Watchdog Says

Iran is saying they had nothing to do with it but there bases are getting hit apparently upon that Hizbullah say they will take revenge too as they had noting to do with Turkey, it seems Turkey hit everyone be it Syrian or not
What Iranian militias doing in Syria anyway? Didn't Iran say they're only advising the syrian goverment?
its getting ugly real fast real bad. :undecided:

Statement by Iran's "advisory mission in Syria": Turkish army is still shooting at our positions and bases. We call on Turkey to show rational behavior. The Turkish nation's children are within range of our military forces. (First statement by Iranian command in Syria, I guess)

According to the statement, the Iranian mission says it had ordered its forces since Friday morning not to target Turkish forces in Idlib. They avoided shooting at Turks despite having them within range; but Turkish army has continued firing at our positions.

It adds that "we could easily avenge bombing of our bases by killing children of Turkish nation, but we have shown restraint upon the order of our commanders. We call on Turkish troops to pressure their commanders so that the blood of Turkish soldiers are not spilled in Syria."

Lol Iron stronk...

Turkish outposts attacked by Iran hizbies in Syria, try it and justify our operation...
azerbaycan can supply turkey in the short term in the long run turkmenistan will supply turkey if kazakh and uzbeks join it will be even better
Turkmenistan is under Russian influence. They will not help Turkey against Russia. Azerbaijan also has Russian influence and also has dealings with Israel. They won't help Turkey either.

It’s the other way around. Sulaimani begged Putin to save his *** in 2015. Take away Russian jets and Assad would be hiding in his rat hole.

if the Turks start getting into an air battle with their f16s against Russian junk fighters that would be it.
Russian junk fighters? That is some arrogance there.

I believe there will be a full on Russian attack on Turkey in the near future. Even the ahadith state that Turkey will be conquered before the end of time.

Turkey is fighting back and causing damage to Assad’s forces and it can also block the Bosporus straits which must be playing on Putin’s mind. If I was Putin I would definitely have a warplan in mind if Turkey does the above.
Turkey has already been conquered by UK-USA after WW1. Turkey has had several coups favouring USA in the past. Turkey today may have freed itself under Erdogan but the past legacy doesn't change.
I agree but add Russia to the top of the list. They have played a duplicitous role in all of this and have their hands red with Muslim blood. What a wholesale fratricide! Ask any non Assad-aligned Syrian (majority) what they think of Russia and you are bound to receive an extremely colorful and expletive filled answer.
Russia is the ally if Syria, not of the rebels. Why would Russia help anyone else? Russia has helped Syrians survive and even win back several cities. With such huge distance from Russian mainland and so many complexities involved, Russia has done a lot to protect its ally.
What are you smoking? Turkey has been conquered by UK-USA?

Do you mean after 1918 when they tried to impose treaty of sevres and Atatürk ripped it up and defeated them by 1922? USA wasn't even involved then. We are not a slave minded conquered people like you. For us it's liberty or death.
Turkmenistan is under Russian influence. They will not help Turkey against Russia. Azerbaijan also has Russian influence and also has dealings with Israel. They won't help Turkey either.

Russian junk fighters? That is some arrogance there.

Turkey has already been conquered by UK-USA after WW1. Turkey has had several coups favouring USA in the past. Turkey today may have freed itself under Erdogan but the past legacy doesn't change.

Russia is the ally if Syria, not of the rebels. Why would Russia help anyone else? Russia has helped Syrians survive and even win back several cities. With such huge distance from Russian mainland and so many complexities involved, Russia has done a lot to protect its ally.
Attack on Turkish defenseless outposts, convoys numerious times and kill many Turkish soldiers. When Turks started to retaliate, Suddenly become a friendly to seek ceasefire while advicing Turks to behave rational. Where was your rationality when Turkish soldiers were attacked by your front during weeks ? Did you ask them not to fire son of Turks as well?

They were Russians , but look like you didn't dare to attack Russians and instead , attack some of our allies without warning in Aleppo ... cowards

we have great patient , and we still want to give a chance to Turkey to walk away from this while keeps her dignity (I conclude this after reading news about Rouhani and Erdo conversation) ... although the Corona virus fast spread in Iran is forcing us to be more cautious than ever ( lucky Turkey)

But look like you guys doesn't know your limit ... so , keep this and you guys will find out that you are more vulnerable that you think ...
we have great patient , and we still want to give a chance to Turkey

Who the fck are you dude? WHO THE FCK ARE YOU?
If you have guts to mess with us don't wait for a second and make our day. We dare you...
We have been very patient on you for a looooong while. But everyone has a limit but our patients exhausted. Iran the greatest bitch no more bitching around.
We will deal with you after Syria. So wait for your turn.
As I said if you have guts to mess with us please do it and make our day...
Who the fck are you dude? WHO THE FCK ARE YOU?
If you have guts to mess with us don't wait for a second and make our day. We dare you...
We have been very patient on you for a looooong while. But everyone has a limit but our patients exhausted. Iran the greatest bitch no more bitching around.
We will deal with you after Syria. So wait for your turn.
As I said if you have guts to mess with us please do it and make our day...

They are hiding behind Russia that tells us already alot about them and won't reveal themselves this guy is just an individual who is pissed off But his gov't won't never commit suicide throwing themselves to the sword
They are hiding behind Russia and won't reveal themselves this guy is just an individual who is pissed of. But his gov't won't never commit suicide

We all know it. They are bunch of pussies.
They are just annoying us whit their non-stop barks...

We Turks tolerate 'em so far but there is no more.
its getting ugly real fast real bad. :undecided:

Statement by Iran's "advisory mission in Syria": Turkish army is still shooting at our positions and bases. We call on Turkey to show rational behavior. The Turkish nation's children are within range of our military forces. (First statement by Iranian command in Syria, I guess)

According to the statement, the Iranian mission says it had ordered its forces since Friday morning not to target Turkish forces in Idlib. They avoided shooting at Turks despite having them within range; but Turkish army has continued firing at our positions.

It adds that "we could easily avenge bombing of our bases by killing children of Turkish nation, but we have shown restraint upon the order of our commanders. We call on Turkish troops to pressure their commanders so that the blood of Turkish soldiers are not spilled in Syria."

Funny though, Israel constantly target IRGC in Syria and Iran is not even bothered let alone any reaction, but Turkey's targeting of its proxies is aching Iran's heart ??
Do the iranians mean the non-existing troops in Syria are nonexistent because they are send to shrine heaven?

Iran better use their money on the fight against corona virus and for the poor than massacre and brutally torture sunni Syrians..

I AM hearing it was L-39
This was an ambulance that got hit by Russian plane. They were on the way to help wounded soldiers.
The doctor Mehmet Muhammet martyred while helping our guys.
So every single assadists, iranian and russian merchants will be killed. We should show no mercy to these pigs.

Syrian army announced that from now on, any hostile aircraft will be shot down over Idlib.
Moments later, a Turkish Anka drone was downed, and the baboons (rebels)are cheering over the wreckage thinking they have downed a Syrian drone. What a twist.

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