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At least 10 dead in Paris shooting

Temper Temper...calm down Hyperion otherwise it will be bad for your blood pressure and you will need to take some paracetamol. Now why exactly is this comparison moronic? SpringOnion was bold enough to state that all Muslims in France should be deported on the basis of the action of a few miscreants. Legally that cannot be possible because most Muslims are at least 3rd or 4th generation French citizens. Second, the rise of indigenous conversions have increased significantly across Europe, so where would you deport them. Third her words were inconsiderate and can actually harm innocent Muslims. Do I believe that all Pashtuns should be kicked out of Pakistan..the answer is no...however don't be callous and duplicity in making statements on other communities or groups that live in other parts of the world.

In addition you riposted in your message that I am a retard..however you did not exactly explain why my comparison was moronic..so does that make you a retard Uncle:) Furthermore you were childish enough to give me a negative rating...are you still living in nursery land.
dude do you realise you make No sense whatsoever
Yes, it seems freedom of idiocy is also available. When you have gunmen trying to kill you, you just don't get them further excuse by publishing provocative content only to provoke them. Now that's your choice, you should also wait for more of these madmen.

Some IS fanboy account published this:

Are you telling them to bow down to the pressure instead of punishing islamists which is actually what those jihadis want?
Ideologies could be easily crushed by killing all the who proscribe to them.

100% success rate. Only method which guarantees results.
apply this antidote in India first then we can talk about spreading it world wide! :tup:

What about European interests in many Islamic countries? What will the mass expulsion of Muslims from Europe mean for the relationship between the Islamic and Western world? It's not a knob that you can just turn on and off.

PS. For the record, I'm not reasoning here with you. Just trying to understand your filthy mind.
RIP to the victims. These true muslims protectors of islam need to rot in piss. May they die a painful death.
Are you telling them to bow down to the pressure instead of punishing islamists which is actually what those jihadis want?
There is bowing coz you caused the provoking! Cause affect....dont provoke they have no reason to kill you...

For now its a cycle I am not supporting it...But one must acknowledge both sides are doing it wrong...the idiots doing it under Islam forgot Islam doesnt require this! Those who are provoking forget that sometimes things come with responsibility...wonder when people will learn to be responsible for their own actions!
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How about Indians?
Not many Indians there. And who ever is there as established businessman or corporate employee should be allowed rest all came go back. No need for such loose immigration rules.
Deport who? what if they were born in France they would be a French national and have the rights as a citizen to be tried in France
citizenship can be revoked... its not that hard.. it jst need govt. will power.. and the people consciousness, which they are gaining...
immigrants are another problem...
You don´t know whats going on. The enemy is clear and a muslim will never be my own citizen. They are aliens in europe. The people don´t trust them, they are isolated, mistrusted and i support this. we should wait a few days and then decide.

just remove EU and change it to ME , now why EU and US forces are sitting in ME ? for them you and your way of living is Alien , but who ever dont accept democracy of you , get bombed , in Pakistan after ramond davis , and other CIA operatives Americans are mistrusted , so what ?? did you see that Pakistani peoples attack US peoples ? or US throw every Pakistani from USa ?? by your thinking i can say, that you are your own worse enemy ...this mindset is more dangerous than those radicals , cause you are providing them reasons to fight .. for them you are enemy , but just like a terrorist dont differentiate between a innocent and their enemy , you are doing the same ..
NO its Not ! you cannot support terrorist under the guise of freedom ,look at his sig , this idiot is clearly an ISIS supporter
I am not supporting anyone but I am pointing out where and how the seed was sown!

There is a reason why people say actions come with consequences and why people need to be responsible when choosing an action!

His sig says

# Sufyuni/Silabeen hunters crew.# Ima troll these dot heads crew.
#Stacking the negative ratings.#Shamiwitness

I am not sure what to make out of it....troll the crew is supporting ISIS?

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