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At least 10 dead in Paris shooting

to show their solidarity with the true muslims, with humans, and not with the stupid mullahs of stupid hamas in stupid gaza.

why should indian "muslims" chant "death to salman rushie" but not protest against western invasions of great muslim lands??

which indian mullah group, in the friday qutba sermon, spoke against the taliban about the peshawar massacre??

that single line shows that you are not using critical thinking.

like i said in the "germany pegida protest" thread, germany , and now france, in fact all of europe, should deport all muslims who attend mosque... they can go to india or brunei or afghanistan if they so much like mosquing,

What about people attending Churches, Synagogues and other places of worship? What should we do with them? Lock them up? If Europe follows your advice, it is again heading towards a Holocaust.

Are you now going to defend crooks such as Qaddafi because it suits your narrative?
:tsk: You are virtually equating Islam with Nazism. :tsk:
Nope equating the anti Islamic movement to Nazism! First it was against Jews they cried themselves free...Now its Islam, tomorrow it will be something else!
dude solomon u can't reason with him.soon he will find a israeli or cia false flag theory for this attack
Do you think those loans are free? We get loans we pay them WITH interest...It is in the interest of the West to keep giving the loans nothing to be thankful for!

Heck I want my govt to get on its 2 feet and refuse loans!

So yes I am against loans and NO it is not HELPING us by giving us these loans but helping themselves with the interests!

Then there are those "aids" with strings attached, who the hell in their right mind should be thankful for those?

Then there are those forced projects we have to take coz we owe someone even when we are the ones screwed!

So who and why should we thank someone who is profiteering from us? Slave minds think like what you have said are like that... be thankful for loans my foot!
Then repay all loans or do not bad mouth them. It looks bad that they help you but you guys bitch about them.
Ideology is incrushable without taking out the root cause.

Ideologies could be easily crushed by killing all those who proscribe to them.

100% success rate. Only method which guarantees results.
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The most worrying fact is that the gunman or gunmen not sure if it is one or more is still out there with assault rifles.. I could just imagine if this were to happen in London people would be petrified to even go outside and do their day to day business.
Yes, it seems freedom of idiocy is also available. When you have gunmen trying to kill you, you just don't get them further excuse by publishing provocative content only to provoke them. Now that's your choice, you should also wait for more of these madmen.

Some IS fanboy account published this:


you don´t bow infront terrorists. You crush them. And thats what will be done.
Jesus, Mohamed and Hindu deities as well as Buddha are all the subject of jokes be it in bad taste but it does not give anyone the right to pick up arms and start shooting!

keep your intellectual BS to yourself please ...
Then repay all loans or do not bad mouth them. It looks bad that they help you but you guys bitch about them.
Do you not understand what a loan is? Its a business deal where the giver actually makes a profit....and one doesnt need to kiss someone's feet for being granted a loan! its already a profit for the giver...its not "aid" it gets repaid and along the way the interest rate gets almost equal to the loan...usually the giver gets 2-3x profit!

I guess you didnt read what I wrote or you just simply couldnt digest reality!
Forum was already infested with Indians when I arrived years ago. I never complained about it.
I don't know why i keep replying moron like you:crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy:
In the successive post you are providing illogical statement why this terrorist action is ok......... Instead of accusing every body for your problem, why don't you take a better look at yourself. Why MOD don't ban people like you is beyond my logic.
The most worrying fact is that the gunman or gunmen not sure if it is one or more is still out there with assault rifles.. I could just imagine if this were to happen in London people would be petrified to even go outside and do their day to day business.
there have been robberies in france.where robbers were carrying ak 47 or automatic weapons
ARIS: Tens of thousands of people
joined rallies in Paris and other
French cities on Wednesday to pay
tribute to the victims of a massacre
by Islamist gunmen at the satirical
weekly Charlie Hebdo.
In Paris, crowds of people swarmed
into the Place de la Republique that
lies barely a kilometre (half a mile)
from the scene of the bloodbath that
has shocked France.
At least 20,000 people also gathered
in the French cities of Lyon and
Toulouse, police said, after 12
people were killed by heavily armed
gunmen screaming "Allahu
akbar" (God is greatest).
Demonstrators wore black stickers
marked "Je suis Charlie" (I am
Charlie), a slogan aimed at showing
solidarity with the victims of the
deadliest attack in France in
READ ALSO: 'Exceptional barbarism'
in Paris: 12 die in terror attack on
Charles Hebdo newspaper
Others waved banners with slogans
such as "Press freedom has no price"
and "Charb mort libre" (Charb died
free), a reference to the newspaper's
slain editor-in-chief Stephane
Charbonnier was one of four
cartoonists killed in the attack that
also left 11 people injured.
Demonstrators gather at the Place de
la Republique after a shooting at a
French satirical newspaper in Paris,
France. (AP Photo)
"It's terrible that these people were
murdered. In future, no-one will be
able to speak his mind. We have to
demonstrate in our thousands," said
Beatrice Cano, a demonstrator in her
fifties, who was carrying the latest
issue of Charlie Hebdo.
Other cities around the world were
also planning rallies to pay tribute to
the dead.

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