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At last, a Western country stands up to Saudi Arabia on human rights

Most of Venezuela's oil reserves are in the sea but the Saudi's oil reserves are on land.

Venezuala's reserves are in Orinoco region on Land.
Human right is now a western concept it's a global concept.. People who think other wise are just sticking thier head in the sand

Most certainly. I'm all for human rights. Any sane person would support human rights. Although, many Western countries push their "human rights" agenda for other well-known sinister reasons. We in the East are all too familiar with these "human rights" demands. Don't be offended when we question your motive.
I have Swedish-born Persian friends in Sweden that i went to Uni with who happen to be human rights activists. coincidence? I THINK NOT DAMN YOU FARSHAD
well , next time , think again about picking friends , your Farsi friends might help you get laid , but on the internet they troll you ;)
Most certainly. I'm all for human rights. Any sane person would support human rights. Although, many Western countries push their "human rights" agenda for other well-known sinister reasons. We in the East are all too familiar with these "human rights" demands. Don't be offended when we question your motive.

There is no motive other than basic human rights.. We live in a globalized world in the 21st century not in 5th century dark ages.. A country cant expect to be free from scrutiny when they treat their own women and more than that people from other countries which they decide to be superior to as inhumans

If they choose to be a part of the globalized world they better be ready to adhere to global standards of basic human rights.. Oil will not give them a civilization, It will give them temporary wealth, But they will remain uncivilized tribal cave dwellers in the eyes of rest of the world
There is no motive other than basic human rights.. We live in a globalized world in the 21st century not in 5th century dark ages.. A country cant expect to be free from scrutiny when they treat their own women and more than that people from other countries which they decide to be superior to as inhumans

If they choose to be a part of the globalized world they better be ready to adhere to global standards of basic human rights.. Oil will not give them a civilization, It will give them temporary wealth, But they will remain uncivilized tribal cave dwellers in the eyes of rest of the world

That's what you say, but unfortunately we know differently. We also know how this "globalized" world of yours in the West works. It is basically a jungle where the strongest call the shots. Today, the colonizers who looted half of the world are lecturing others about civilization and human rights. Sounds very familiar... Where is your civilized behaviour to be found when women are raped in abundance in many Western nations? I could cite dozens of shortcomings of your societies, but unlike you I'm not arrogant. I don't point fingers at others. You're not the perfect utopia as you like to present yourself. In fact, my advice would be to mind your own business and address your own shortcomings instead of lecturing others on how good and bad they are. You need to stop pointing fingers at others and instead take care of your own problems. Above all, you're not God to judge others. Leave this task to God.

To be short, spare us your concern. Let these countries figure it out for themselves. They don't need lecturing from so-called "superior" and "civilized" beings who like to apply double standards for their own gains. The rest of the world too knows how Western duplicity works in many instances. Needles to go in detail.

You have your own culture and we have our own. Stop imposing your norms and values onto others. The East and West are different. Accept it and deal with it. Above all learn to respect and develop tolerance. I can sense a lot of intolerance.
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Their country their culture, human rights etc. The West should mind its own business. It's getting a little annoying the Western lecturing.
You would have a point if Saudi Arabia wasn't involved in the internal affairs of virtually all its neighbours.
You would have a point if Saudi Arabia wasn't involved in the internal affairs of virtually all its neighbours.

Isn't everyone nowadays? Besides, if that is the reason to have a dig at an entire culture and people... That's pretty lame.
There is no motive other than basic human rights.. We live in a globalized world in the 21st century not in 5th century dark ages.. A country cant expect to be free from scrutiny when they treat their own women and more than that people from other countries which they decide to be superior to as inhumans

If they choose to be a part of the globalized world they better be ready to adhere to global standards of basic human rights.. Oil will not give them a civilization, It will give them temporary wealth, But they will remain uncivilized tribal cave dwellers in the eyes of rest of the world
Sweden relies on Norwegian oil , rather than the Saudi
It isn't. You're just talking garbage.

Really? Is that why you start crying foul and throwing people in jail? At least in many Western countries it is a law and an offence to deny the Holocaust. You're talking garbage...
Really? Is that why you start crying foul and throwing people in jail? At least in many Western countries it is a law.
Not a crime in Britain or in the majority of European countries. Anyway, you didn't answer my question: why is interference in internal affairs okay in some circumstances and for some countries but not others?
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