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Astronaut Witnesses UFO In Space!


May 28, 2011
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UFO reports usually throw up the issue of the witness's credibility. But here's a case where a NASA astronaut sees a strange set of five bright lights in space during his space walk.

Check it out here.....


Here's the video with comments from experts and the astronaut himself.

Are we alone in this huge universe? I guess not! Are governments hiding the truth about UFOs and alien civilizations? Most likely!

Whatever, the truth is out there!
All processes we know that kick started life on our planet are true else where in Universe.

Common Elements in space
Hydrogen , Helium and other elements and other elements are made during Supernova when star may form and die/explode
Unique Energy Source (Common)
a) Sun , the energy source for our system is not unique, its a very common commodity in universe , just like
a Suzuki Mehran is in our streets.

Same process of Nature in other systems (Common)
b ) The planet formation is also not "special" to our planet simple rules , the creation of planets is just like that experiment

You take some items throw them in water and they all will fizzle out same way regardless of container same "OUTCOME"
So imagine the containers as "Solar Systems" the processes repeat in each one of them but outcome is quite similar

In solar system you imagine gases, elements , gasses , they will settled down same way always , form planets and clumps of gass planets or frozen worlds

Can organisms survive non Earth environment
c) Here are bacterias that can live in at following conditions , where oxygen is not even present

1) Earth pressure , 30 Celsius , Carbon Di Oxide / Nitrogen rich environment
2) Earth pressure , 0 Celsius , Carbon Di Oxide and Nitrogen
3) Earth pressure , 0 Celsius, Just CO2
4) No pressure or little, 0 Celsius, Just CO2 (Mars)


So as you can see life can exist even on mars and at 0 Celsius,

Seeds of life arrive from space constantly (Common)

> How did life start on earth , conditions were right , microbes had lived in CO2 rich environment and converted more suitable
Oxygen rich place , evolution, same process could happen else where
  • Example : You can take Sand from moon , and plant a seed , stuff will grow in it
  • Example : You take Sand from Mars and plant seed , stuff will likely grow in it

Life on EARTH , formed not at once but over Millions of years which are "impossible to imagine" in human life
This existed on earth

So why did Humans Evolved (Consciousness and thinking unique to us Humans? )

  • There is a test scientist do to figure out if other animals are aware of themselves look in mirror and identify
    themselves , Dolphins , Elephants , Whales etc all have "Consciousness" meaning they see in mirror
    and know its themselves they are watching
Sand On Mars:
When you dig on mars the color of sand , can you see the color of sand does it not looks familiar to sand on beaches on


" Universe is so vast , and big , our Human minds cannot imagine the vastness and our life spans are not big enough to understand the distances between objects"

We are only limited by our life spans but life does exists else where why , because process of nature are same else where as Earth

There are some things we don't understand
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Humans are not ready to accept alien life other than few of us Geeks....
Humans are not ready to accept alien life other than few of us Geeks....

We're ready to accept alien life when provided withcredible proof. Till then, it's the same as with religion.
Human civilisation in its primitive form is not ready yet to accept extraterrestrial life, yet. As accepting them might break the very fabric of belief we are clinging on to.
Proof ????? Are you Claiming that Humans are the only intelligent life in the entire Universe ??

That would depend on how one defines 'intelligent'.
Dolphins and chimpanzees have complex societies and even means of communicating with one another. That is intelligent behaviour in itself.

But if you limit intelligence to define highly developed brain function more or less similar to the human capacity, then that would leave us at the top of the pyramid with no other equivalent. If there are more intelligent species out there, I'm surprised that we haven't been contacted in all these years.

~ RazorMC

PS: What's a squardon leader? :s
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That would depend on how one defines 'intelligent'.
Dolphins and chimpanzees have complex societies and even means of communicating with one another. That is intelligent behaviour in itself.

But if you limit intelligence to define highly developed brain function more or less similar to the human capacity, then that would leave us at the top of the pyramid with no other equivalent. If there are more intelligent species out there, I'm surprised that we haven't been contacted in all these years.

~ RazorMC

PS: What's a squardon leader? :s

Would you contact a species who is addicted to killing, stealing from those who are below it....
If any intelligent species exist, they would be 1000nds of years ahead of us in technology...
There probably are more intelligent cultures in this universe than all the grains of sand on Earth, and then some!

I would expect them to be, but I'm still not aware of them having made any contact with us. Surely at least one of them would have the technology to travel the distance and say "Hi"

Would you contact a species who is addicted to killing, stealing from those who are below it....
If any intelligent species exist, they would be 1000nds of years ahead of us in technology...

Again, wouldn't the older sibling guide the younger one away from all this death and misery? Or would they have different ethical standards for watching a race kill itself?
I would expect them to be, but I'm still not aware of them having made any contact with us. Surely at least one of them would have the technology to travel the distance and say "Hi"
Again, wouldn't the older sibling guide the younger one away from all this death and misery? Or would they have different ethical standards for watching a race kill itself?

Lets make an fine example out of Serengeti national park. You take it as they are, you go, you observe and then you leave. Never to interfere in their ecosystem. A being of higher moral standard will be bounded by such laws, and will let human kind to evolve on it's own morality and resources, until we're advanced enough to accept them without breaking into chaos.

You can take a chimp from the wild and train it to interact with you, and then you leave in in the wild. The group will never accept it among them. The same principle applies for humans too.

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