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We'll Find Alien Life in This Lifetime, Scientists Tell Congress

no near planet can sustain life

Technically true, but well satellites can.
It is vastly believed that there are chances of life on some of the moons on Jupiter and Saturn, of course not intelligent life but the most basic forms of life.
It is vastly believed that there are chances of life on some of the moons on Jupiter and Saturn, of course not intelligent life but the most basic forms of life.
Well thats the human ego,we dont want to believe that there can be higher beings.
Hmmm if it was just about Jupiter and saturn then yes only basic forms of life may exist on those inhabitable planets and their moons.

Where art thou?? :coffee:
Well thats the human ego,we dont want to believe that there can be higher beings.
Hmmm if it was just about Jupiter and saturn then yes only basic forms of life may exist on those inhabitable planets and their moons.

Where art thou?? :coffee:

I was only speaking of Moons of Jupiter and saturn. It will be pretty unreasonable to say that intelligent life exist only on Earth and I never said that.
So how can I go to these planets in our milky way to check out and if I find some inteligent life I would take some pictures vids and may invite some to come home with me sounds a fantastic dream.

Ok how about I make a journey around the universe to visit all the galaxies at there you know some said there are more than 500 billion galaxy in the universe huge number now do you think there is no life in all these galaxies??? I can't believe it.
Well thats the human ego,we dont want to believe that there can be higher beings.
Hmmm if it was just about Jupiter and saturn then yes only basic forms of life may exist on those inhabitable planets and their moons.

Where art thou?? :coffee:

there are too many variables for intelligent life. then there are too many variables for life span a human like species can exist.
would we have been hearing some sort of radio waves/ electromagnetic waves had there been life within a few 100 light years...
point is intelligent life may have existed but they may have already perished..we forget the time line too. how many Years did human have lived so far 100,000 max, whats the grantee they will leave that much more?
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there are too many variables for intelligent life. then there are too many variables for life span a human like species can exist.
would we have been hearing some sort of radio waves/ electromagnetic waves had there been life within a few 100 light years...
Is it not possible that these higher beings might me using something more sophisticated??
It was just in the last century that homosapiens came to know of these radio waves.

ziaulislam said:
point is intelligent life may have existed but they may have already perished..we forget the time line too. how many ears did human have lifed so far 100,000 max, whats the grantee they will leave that much more?
Whats the guarantee that all the beings follow the same timeline???
And here we are not talking about aliens from a particular planet,there're hundreds of galaxies with thousands of planets. And so also there could many kinds of ETs.
I was clinging on the hope that its not about Congress party. After the drubbing they got scientists were hired by INC just to please Baba because Chhota Bheem is too main stream now
Perhaps they are looking in the wrong direction for them.:crazy_pilot:
Hard to saw , high chance are we will be discovered by other superior Alien forms , however they will fly over us hiding behind clouds and merely observe our habitat , just like we observe the animals in African safari.

They might run few experiments on few humans to enhance their learning they might even kidnap few folks for their understanding of Human bodies , apart form that they would certainly have not much interest.

After all why would they have any interest in our technology or lives , to them our technology would be same way as we look at apes in forest with bamboo sticks hitting each other

We our selves can only "DISCOVER" life once we will develop means to teleport across the distances , fossil fuels is not ideal way to travel

Teleportation across coordinates is the only way we will not suffer Bone Loss

Humans would need to master following technologies before they can discover other life

a) They must be able to transfer their thoughts and mind to new cloned body expanding life
spans to 200-300 Years

b) Control over Diseases and ability to grow replacement organ parts

c) Control over Anti Gravity Technology

d) Ability to Transfer a Space craft , to specific coordinates in space/time plane

e) Ability to Harness the power of Star , to fuel the power for the aircraft travel , and ability to
refuel the craft by visiting a nearest star for 200 years

What more sad is , that we may be use 0.001% on Space programs
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@OrionHunter takes his avatar name very seriously.:laugh: Not sure about @levina though.:P
Aliens are already here! Check me out!!!
Stupid humans , when will they learn . We,l just have to wipe them out
Westerners and their wet dreams about aliens , the drama continues :sarcastic:
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