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Assessment of India’s Balakot raid, aftermath & future implications


Apr 28, 2011
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GVS's Editor Strategic Affairs analyses how the Indian strategic community has been debating how to establish a "New Norm" in South Asia. The Balakot raid, after a manufactured Pulwama wound, was a serious attempt in that direction; it failed because of a new assertive government in Islamabad, but more will follow.

Shahid Raza
February 6, 2020

Indian strategic community – influenced by actions of Israel and the United States in the Middle East – has been debating how to establish a “New Norm” in South Asia. For India to emerge as the unquestioned rival of China in the East, it has to achieve a submissive Pakistan. Balakot Raid, after a manufactured Pulwama wound, was a serious attempt in that direction; it failed because of a new assertive government in Islamabad, but more will follow – analyses GVS’s Editor Strategic Affairs

In February last year, India’s Hindu nationalist government led by Prime Minister Modi decided to rally their vote bank before the election. Historically, BJP’s anti-Pakistan rhetoric during election campaigns was considered a key political instrument.

This time, however, the BJP decided to take it a step further by opting for a ‘limited’ military adventure against Pakistan. In order to achieve this, the Modi regime blamed Pakistan for the Pulwama attack, without any evidence – and despite an offer for a joint investigation from Prime Minister Imran Khan.

This led many analysts to conclude that the attack in Pulwama was what is known as a ‘false flag event’, a casus belli manufactured to justify military aggression.



The stage was thus set for India and Pakistan – two South Asian Nuclear powers to come face to face after 1971. The global powers intervened and tried to defuse the situation; however, Prime Minister Modi rejected such offers of mediation and decided in favor of military escalation against Pakistan.

The Escalation
On February 26th, the Indian attack culminated in an airstrike carried out by 12 Indian Air Force Mirage-2000 aircraft that dropped the Israeli made Spice-2000 precision-guided bombs on a hilltop located in the Pakistani town of Balakot.

On the following morning of February 27th – Pakistan Air Force struck back in Jammu by dropping precision-guided, standoff munitions at the Indian Army’s Brigade Headquarters located in Jammu along with other targets of military importance.

Read more: Pulwama: “Opportunity” to Exploit Or “Events Manufactured” to Tailor Strategy?

In an attempt to intercept the Pakistani fighter jets, the Indian Air Force scrambled its aircraft, one of which – a Mig-21 Bison of the No. 51 Squadron was shot down inside Pakistani airspace; its pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan was captured and later returned to India. Simmering tensions marred the following weeks.

Brief exchanges of fire continued at the Line of Control, Pakistan intercepted an Indian Scorpion-class submarine in the Arabian Sea, and there was a credible threat of Indian cruise missile attacks in Pakistan – which were successfully deterred by Pakistan.

Mapping International Reaction
Ever since the end of the cold war, the Indian deep state sought to pitch India to the Western powers as a counterweight to China.

For this purpose, India aggressively carried out diplomacy in the 90s and aligned itself closely with the West after 9/11. India liberalized its markets in the early 90s, paving the way for vast amounts of western investments in Indian. Consequently, India strengthened its diplomatic relations by leveraging its consumer markets.


Indian has also carried out extensive lobbying efforts against Pakistan in the western capitals to damage Pakistan’s international standing and to reduce the economic and military support Pakistan received from the West, especially from the United States.

In this context, it becomes imperative for India to accurately map international reactions – should it go to war with Pakistan. In February last year, Indian leaders felt that the entire global power system could not ignore India and would have no choice but to support India against Pakistan, should India chose to exercise its military options.

Indian leadership wanted to gauge how the international community would react in case of an Indian attack on Pakistan, especially reactions from major Western capitals such as Washington DC, Berlin, London, and Paris.


The Indian deep state was also interested in finding out whether other major powers such as China and Russia would maintain neutrality or pick sides in such a conflict. Another critical consideration for the Indian deep state was to measure the reaction of Muslim powers such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Indonesia, etc.

Read more: India’s S-400 Air Defence and balance of power in South Asia

That is so because the Modi government has been actively engaging those Muslim countries through trade and diplomacy and by inviting their investments into the Indian economy – to drive them away from Pakistan, thus denying wartime support to Islamabad from its Muslim allies.

In short, Indian deep state had to test the effectiveness of Modi’s ‘isolate Pakistan’ policy to determine its extent and efficacy and whether Pakistan would receive any international support should India chose to attack Pakistan.

Pakistan’s Internal Political Landscape
The Indian deep state felt that Pakistan was left politically divided after the elections in 2018. From India’s perspective, Pakistan’s political parties were so divided that they would not support Imran Khan’s government against India.

This miscalculation may have contributed to the decision making in Delhi in the planning phases of the Balakot airstrike. New Delhi maintained cordial relations with the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for years and saw him as a ‘safer option’ who not only remained passive towards India but also actively subverted Pakistan’s military.

New Delhi saw Imran Khan as a destabilizing factor who was close to Pakistan’s powerful military and remained unpredictable.



The Indian decision to attack Balakot, just a few months into Khan’s government, can be seen as an attempt to undermine and delegitimize him by making him look weak to the Pakistani nation.

The Indian policy planners were working under the assumption that Khan was inexperienced and a pacifist, therefore he would be unable to offer equivocal retaliation against Indian militarism.

It is to be seen as a calculated gambit that would have served desired objectives, had Khan been reluctant to offer military reprisals on the following day. It would not only have undermined his government but would also have damaged Pakistan’s deterrence.

Will the Military Fight for Imran Khan?
India saw Imran Khan’s government as a threat to Indian supremacy in South Asia because the Khan administration effectively neutralized the civil-military imbalance in Pakistan.

All of a sudden, the Pakistani military and the government united behind aggressive policies on Kashmir, Afghanistan, CPEC, and the Middle East. India saw it as an undoing of its strategic interests in Afghanistan, Chahbahar port in Iran, and the Indian Ocean region.



The Indian deep state desired to find out whether the synergy between Pakistan’s civil-military leadership was a credible threat or a deception created by Pakistan. They wanted to see if the Pakistani military would actually be willing to fight on Imran Khan’s orders.

The outcome of this exercise would help India understand the depth of Pakistan’s civil-military relations, which has been anathema for Pakistan for the past many decades.

Read more: Pakistan’s Vision for Maritime Security

Does Imran Khan Control Nuclear Weapons?

Widespread confusion over Pakistan’s Nuclear Command and Control (C2) in India had to be addressed. There was a widespread belief in Indian strategic circles that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif did not exercise any actual control over the deployment of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons.

The Indian deep state wanted to determine, whether the change of guard in Islamabad also meant a change in Pakistan’s Nuclear Command and Control – especially if the Prime Minister Imran Khan was in actual control of the nuclear weapons deployment in case of a shooting war with India.

It is to address this aspect that the Prime Minister summoned a meeting of the National Command Authority. Further signaling was carried out during Prime Minister’s interviews with foreign television channels, effectively communicating that Prime Minister Imran Khan has the so-called ‘Nuclear Football’ at his disposal.

Gauging Pakistan’s Military Preparedness
Indian military feels that the Pakistani military’s conventional warfighting capability has drastically been reduced as it has been engaged in counterinsurgency operations ever since 9/11.

The Pakistan military has seen degradation and depletion in its war stocks and serviceability over the past two decades due to ongoing operations.

As per Indian military thinking, this has turned Pakistan’s military into a police force – which is incapable of fighting a long, drawn-out, daggers drawn war. In this context, the Indian military was ‘taking a dip’ of the Pakistani military preparedness in Balakot.


It was trying to determine reaction time, strategies, deployment patterns, and other steps Pakistan would take to manage escalation dynamics with India.

It was also trying to assess the capabilities Pakistan has recently acquired and the impact on the battlefield dynamics, such as the F-16 C/D Block-52+ aircraft, AMRAAM Missiles, Air Borne Early Warning aircraft, and the capabilities of Pakistan’s upgraded radar and air defense network.

India also challenged Pakistan on the ground at the LOC as well as at sea by deploying its submarine which was detected and intercepted successfully by Pakistan Navy. This was done to gauge Pakistan’s military preparedness across all domains, perhaps for a larger conflict in the future.

Validating Cold Start
Ever since the early 2000s, the Indian military has been developing a ‘non-nuclear’ military doctrine known as the ‘Cold Start Doctrine’. This doctrine revolves around the development of the so-called ‘Integrated Battle Groups’ made up of various Strike Corps of Indian Armed Forces.

The objective of the Cold Start doctrine is to inflict a quick and decisive military defeat on Pakistan through shock and awe tactics under 72 hours, without provoking a nuclear reaction from Pakistan.

The Balakot raid was a litmus test for India’s inter-services synergy because this episode tested the fundamental parameters of tactical levels of escalation between Pakistan and India – thus validating certain aspects of the Cold Start doctrine.

Read more: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh: What went wrong?

The Balakot airstrikes were a calculated action to determine Pakistan’s political, military, economic, and diplomatic preparedness, which would play a decisive role in a Cold Start scenario. India desired to test Pakistan’s preparedness and decision-making levels, ranging from non-linear engagement, all the way to strategic escalation.


India also had an opportunity to look into its own shortcomings and weaknesses to identify areas where improvements can be made. It is evident from the shopping spree; the Indian military has been on since the Balakot showdown.

To conclude, the Balakot episode – although it didn’t turn out as planned for India will create a larger conflict in the future. This author believes that the Balakot episode was a litmus test for the Indian military in which they tested their concepts and preparedness in a controlled environment and also assessed Pakistan’s preparedness levels.

Empowered by the Hindu fascist government in Delhi, and equipped with a fresh understanding of the battlefield dynamics, the belligerent Indian generals shall embark upon their next large scale militaristic adventure against Pakistan.

Shahid Raza is Editor Strategic Affairs at GVS. He serves as the Director of Geopolitical Research at Command Eleven. He is also a Policy Consultant and a writer who conducts independent research and analysis for Katehon Think Tank, Sputnik Radio International, and the Geopolitica Russia.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.


@Horus @Tipu7 @Sulman Badshah @The Eagle @Windjammer @Signalian @Arsalan @jaibi @Slav Defence @Water Car Engineer @INDIAISM
Other than usual propaganda the factual mistake by the author is about the no. of destroyers of Indian Navy, surely tells you about the research the author has done other numbers are also going south but even a amateur knows that.
Other than usual propaganda the factual mistake by the author is about the no. of destroyers of Indian Navy, surely tells you about the research the author has done other numbers are also going south but even a amateur knows that.

It still does not change the fact that India missed its intended target in Balakot and India has FAILED to share any evidence like Spice-2000 footage relayed back to ground station, or if Mirages did indeed fly all the way to Balakot then targeting pod footage would also work or satellite images... But instead Indiot propaganda factory are relying on their imagination for proof like mistaking distorted pixels on a low resolution google earth image as "penetration holes" on roof... Also Spice-2000 with 1,000lbs of HE obliterate primitive structures such as those found in Balakot regardless of any underground bunker.
Not to forget AbhiNotDone did not fire a single missile and BJP IAF propaganda are making up bogus imagination F-16 kill. All missiles were recovered 3 visible along the wreckage and 1 R-73 with 11 out of 13 serial number that can be traced back to IAF inventory.
The article misses the point. Modi had a domestic audience to please, yes. But he did something Indians wanted for a long time - to put Pakistan on the backfoot. Yes, Pakistan had a calibrated response the next day but Pak has been remembering Gandhi and Nehru ever since. Everyone would like peace. But Pakistan's bravado in using non state actors against India and thinking India can't respond has vaporized. Even if one buys every Pak argument that only trees were hit and that they shot down 2 jets and India didn't shoot down anything - then too, the point was that India will strike inside Pak if it wants to escalate and is willing to bet the odds in such a scenario. It almost certainly takes out Pakistani non state actors from the India Pak equation for the foreseeable future. And Pak can't attack India with its regular armed forces. That's it.
The article misses the point. Modi had a domestic audience to please, yes. But he did something Indians wanted for a long time - to put Pakistan on the backfoot. Yes, Pakistan had a calibrated response the next day but Pak has been remembering Gandhi and Nehru ever since. Everyone would like peace. But Pakistan's bravado in using non state actors against India and thinking India can't respond has vaporized. Even if one buys every Pak argument that only trees were hit and that they shot down 2 jets and India didn't shoot down anything - then too, the point was that India will strike inside Pak if it wants to escalate and is willing to bet the odds in such a scenario. It almost certainly takes out Pakistani non state actors from the India Pak equation for the foreseeable future. And Pak can't attack India with its regular armed forces. That's it.

PAF air strike inside India, shot down 2 Fighters and indirectly caused IAF to lose a chopper with 6 lives lost and almost daily cross fire along LOC is not an attack on India's regular armed forces?
You must be high on cow urine when you wrote that right??
The article misses the point. Modi had a domestic audience to please, yes. But he did something Indians wanted for a long time - to put Pakistan on the backfoot. Yes, Pakistan had a calibrated response the next day but Pak has been remembering Gandhi and Nehru ever since. Everyone would like peace. But Pakistan's bravado in using non state actors against India and thinking India can't respond has vaporized. Even if one buys every Pak argument that only trees were hit and that they shot down 2 jets and India didn't shoot down anything - then too, the point was that India will strike inside Pak if it wants to escalate and is willing to bet the odds in such a scenario. It almost certainly takes out Pakistani non state actors from the India Pak equation for the foreseeable future. And Pak can't attack India with its regular armed forces. That's it.
Your words would have mattered if there won't have been any response on 27th Feb,but we all know what happened that day.It also tells that Pakistan would retaliate no matter how much Bharatis are going to chest thump.
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The article misses the point. Modi had a domestic audience to please, yes. But he did something Indians wanted for a long time - to put Pakistan on the backfoot. Yes, Pakistan had a calibrated response the next day but Pak has been remembering Gandhi and Nehru ever since. Everyone would like peace. But Pakistan's bravado in using non state actors against India and thinking India can't respond has vaporized. Even if one buys every Pak argument that only trees were hit and that they shot down 2 jets and India didn't shoot down anything - then too, the point was that India will strike inside Pak if it wants to escalate and is willing to bet the odds in such a scenario. It almost certainly takes out Pakistani non state actors from the India Pak equation for the foreseeable future. And Pak can't attack India with its regular armed forces. That's it.
Lolz... we attacked india .. took ur 2 jets ... captured ur pilots and u r claiming Pakistan cannot attack India ... what stuff are u smoking man
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Also the writer due to high on drugs mentioned they want to test the Pakistan response from the government , opposition and military but didn’t highlight the fact that as soon as it’s India , then all internal things are aside
Pakistan nation came as one behind armed forces and gave clear message that every single soul will fight and take on the fight to India deep inside

actually with these actions they have brought up thier own weaknesses and more divided Indian nation
Also the writer due to high on drugs mentioned they want to test the Pakistan response from the government , opposition and military but didn’t highlight the fact that as soon as it’s India , then all internal things are aside
Pakistan nation came as one behind armed forces and gave clear message that every single soul will fight and take on the fight to India deep inside

actually with these actions they have brought up thier own weaknesses and more divided Indian nation

This guy wants PAF to buy F-35. Also wants 2-3 nuclear powered subs.
The article misses the point. Modi had a domestic audience to please, yes. But he did something Indians wanted for a long time - to put Pakistan on the backfoot. Yes, Pakistan had a calibrated response the next day but Pak has been remembering Gandhi and Nehru ever since. Everyone would like peace. But Pakistan's bravado in using non state actors against India and thinking India can't respond has vaporized. Even if one buys every Pak argument that only trees were hit and that they shot down 2 jets and India didn't shoot down anything - then too, the point was that India will strike inside Pak if it wants to escalate and is willing to bet the odds in such a scenario. It almost certainly takes out Pakistani non state actors from the India Pak equation for the foreseeable future. And Pak can't attack India with its regular armed forces. That's it.

On the flip side, the retaliation from PAF exposed India's BVR handicap for everyone to see. This would make GOI to think twice before employing IAF to attack Pakistan in near future (at least for 2 or 3 years). Pakistan's political leadership on the other hand has clearly witnessed the edge that PAF commands in BVR arena. This would embolden them with confidence to handle future encounters that stop short of an all out war.

The incompetence of IAF to keep technical parity with PAF has screwed India big time.
A Rubicon has been crossed that day.
Even Pakistan doesn't deny India bombs dropped 60Km inside pakistan proper.
Gahfoor didn't know SoWs were used, hence first tweeted Indian jets came and dropped their pay load in the jungle and left.

Pakistan would always respond, it's not that India didn't take into account Pakistan's retaliatory response and likely escalation when they launched Balakot strikes.
Now with Balakot, has told the world it wont hesitate to do kinetic action inside Pakistan if terrorism is perpetrated on its soil. Last time war was avoided by whisker after Pakistan agreed to return Abhinandan, next time to it'll be unavoidable. We are in hair trigger situation.
Lies and just lies
India was not able to do anything about return of abhinondone just like their spy lol

it was done in the name of peace and not weakness but may not happen next time or next pilot might not live to tell the fake story like a coward who was looking for target and got hit in the back side
The article misses the point. Modi had a domestic audience to please, yes. But he did something Indians wanted for a long time - to put Pakistan on the backfoot. Yes, Pakistan had a calibrated response the next day but Pak has been remembering Gandhi and Nehru ever since. Everyone would like peace. But Pakistan's bravado in using non state actors against India and thinking India can't respond has vaporized. Even if one buys every Pak argument that only trees were hit and that they shot down 2 jets and India didn't shoot down anything - then too, the point was that India will strike inside Pak if it wants to escalate and is willing to bet the odds in such a scenario. It almost certainly takes out Pakistani non state actors from the India Pak equation for the foreseeable future. And Pak can't attack India with its regular armed forces. That's it.

The rest of the world doesn't agree with what you said. Everyone was expecting that India is big and will create a difference between conventional capabilities so big that Pakistan wont be able to retaliate in the same terms. But it didn't happened. The world was expecting Pakistan to make racket and then get used to it. But nothing happened. Now tell me is IAF as of today will again fight a skirmish knowing that they are at a disadvantage???

BTW we haven't been lost in Nehru Gandhi India, for us India is India irrespective of whom its governed by. Previous ones didn't tried to do this because they thought that they weren't ready. Current one thought that he is and he tried to do it.
India has gone and bought latest long range BVR for Su30 Mki, latest version R-77s. That's not the issue. And if real war breaks out , pakistan and India are so close, few KM differnce in range of BVR wouldn't make a difference.
On 27th Feb, presence of limited number of aircraft at the scene made it easy for pakistan to launch Sows and even then ABhi's Mig 21 crossed LoC. Had he been killed, Modi would have left with no option but to escalate.

You shoud check how India and pakistan were threatening each other of missile strike a day before IK announced Abhinandan release with Saudi and US intervention.
Show me any evidence of saudi and us intervention? If not then no point in discussion with you
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