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Assassination Attempt on Imran Khan: One Killed, Multiple Injuried Including Imran Khan - 11/22

that bit*h on tv right now is taking the narrative to same direction blaming IK of this incidence.
cover up .....

release of statement by attacker and claiming that he was all alone is nothing but big cover up ....

How & who has given orders for this interview ???

He is admitting that it was a conspiracy, conspired when the long march started in Lahore. He said "sasish", then stepped back.

Ignore his overall statement, but listen to his words.

Conspiracy requires pre planning, especially in collusion with others, or instigated by others.
Gentlemen greetings ,
I came here after many months as this incident happened.
Let me recount a very similar incident which happened to a former pm of mine , rajiv gandhi .
He too was 100 sure of comeback in 1991 general elections, and opposition was in dis array .
He too was fond of going among common folk and interacting with them .
He was assassinated in a bomb blast,
I know i sound manhoos here for the lack of better word , but still could not stop thinking about it , imran khan is most popular right now , and if elections are held He will come back with a thumping majority.
Praise be to the almighty that, he survived and I most strongly believe that He survived because he is bound to come back again .
His enemies ( the combined opposition who ever they are , people here know better about them ) cam try all they want but this man , Imran khan niazi will come back.
By doing this they have made him unsurmountable and PTI will now be a juggernaut.
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