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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

1.Mr masturbation specialist (wonder how it is with uncircumcised?), we will be pretty sure if Indian half-baked rockets are aimed at Dhaka, it will land somewhere else. From our Cox's Bazar coast we watch your rockets firing from Chandpuri and landing back on top of the firing pad routinely. The quality and strength of the few nukes you have is also quite doubtful. And by the time your bureaucratic and political leaders get their act together for an use, there would be enough time for one to land on your heads from the west or north, or both. We are not exactly friendless. And some people are impatient to sort out the huge and hollow bully called India.

2. And worry not, once we see a nuclear danger truly exists we will acquire some for ourselves. Not too difficult these days.

"If wishes were horses then Bangladeshis would ride these imaginary horses and defeat a country 20 times its size"
Come back to reality..you have no chance of survival in a war against India.

Just look at your geography, your fire power, your resources(if you want I can draw a comparison) ...it is pathetic!!

Get over your wet dreams of ever defeating India...you are just tiny blip...surrounded by India
It took us two weeks to carve out your country..we can decimate it in less than half that time...if you so wish it to be.
Islam spread more in East Bengal than West although Islamic Sultanate was based on West bengal and East was mainly administrated by small time hindu kings and jamindars.

I don't think historians say anything different in effect, people in rural Bengal and punjab were out caste ie they didn't belong to any of four varnas. There was a void which Islam filled up.

what u mean they are out of caste and therr was a " void " that Islam filled up ??

Talking up of Punjab either they were devout practing hindus ,any of its several hues or Buddist simultaneously belonged to different traditional clan of jatt ,guggers ,Arins or chamars etc with defined position in the caste hirarchy . So was the case in Bengal where people caste identity along religious affiliation of Hinduism or Buddhism though Buddhists were identified by their style of living and abiding by the principles of Buddha rather than caste or clan.They weren't looking something that Islam eventually filled up .

Each countries that suffred islamic invasion is a muslim country today except for Indian subcont which is roughly 50 % muslim .Longer the muslim rule bigger is the muslim population of a region, Spain was islamic untill muslim rule ended and crushders were victorious. .So there is no questions religious voids being filled in kafir lands as soon as muslim invaders appearing at their borders.

One could say its inherent strengh of Hinduism that prevented total wipe out of Hindu religion in india in the period of muslim rule. Consequently since Bengal and punjab were more of Buddist majority at the time of their islamic conquest ,and the hindu were in minority ,Islam had greater success in this two regions compared to other regions of india who too came under the muslim rules .
BODOs gained some political strength and say over their lands only after BJP govt granted the Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) in 2003 .And hence the courge to fight invasions of BDs on the land in what media see a ethinic riot.

This is a throne in the eye of the congress govt that is trying dilute it power of BTC.
The demography affected by the so-called 'Love Jihad' is supposedly Dravidian.

Why do you defend this ****** menace so much being a former soldier dude? Do you really believe in that "aryan-dravidian" trash that the British invented?

BODOs gained some political strength and say over their lands only after BJP govt granted the Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) in 2003 .And hence the courge to fight invasions of BDs on the land in what media see a ethinic riot.

This is a throne in the eye of the congress govt that is trying dilute it power of BTC.

Exactly. By terming the Bodo retaliation against fundamentalist lunatics, the JNU jholawalas are trying to gain political mileage. I hope the Bodos thrash this menace and oust everything resembling UPA's ideals out of Northeast in the future.

He was proclaiming "bring it on" some days back.

Let's see if the stateless Razakaar comes in to fight for the illegal aliens from his hideout. ;)

Well with the types of shearers around here, I don't really think we need an external enemy. :D.

I don't think the picture is of Assam, they look Kashmiri to me.

Well that's not Pakistani flag as such but the Islamic flag. The terrain behind them doesn't seem Himalayan. But I know what you're talking. The jih adi variety are basically cowards and use photo propaganda (a communist habit usually) to try to discourage the enemy.

But you must admit; there is problem in Assam and Meghalaya and it is increasing by the day.

You guys from other states cannot keep ignoring us all the time. We've got issues too and believe me, if it affects us now, it is going to create havoc for you guys in the later years.

I seen Hindus and Muslim Bengalis in the same side in this conflict. So stop your utter rubbish. When it comes to saving own A$$ they will flock together.

Don't talk through your wrong end. Bengalis are not illegal migrants in their own country. Your kind is. Whether language common or not, you chose a separate country and didn't become a part of India. This is the path your leaders chose for you people.

So stay in your country rather than land-grabbing here. What Bodos did back to your kind was only a sample of what is to come if you keep pushing us. We may be Bhutias, Nepalis, Gurkhas, Monpas, Nagas, Mizo, Ahom etc inside India; but when the enemy is common you will get all 8 Levels of Hell from all the 8 Northeastern Indian states together.

Add the 9th state of West Bengal whose crowd is losing its patience daily.
I don't think North India is any more warrior than East India/ West India or South India, however most people in North India were in the fold of four varnas unlike rural Bengal or rural Punjab, which I think played it's part.

Not that I think it has any significance in today's world.

What I meant is that north Indians are now not the fighter variety that they used to be 300 years ago when they fought invasions. These days, pretending to be a victim, using liberal/secularist political parties and human rights bodies to grab land is the new fashion and this is specifically seen in groups of people with Islamist tendencies.

If this was simply a mob fight, it would have never gotten so big. I don't understand why the so-called leaders in Delhi continue to remain apathetic to the problems in Northeast. They are disgusting.
What I meant is that north Indians are now not the fighter variety that they used to be 300 years ago when they fought invasions. These days, pretending to be a victim, using liberal/secularist political parties and human rights bodies to grab land is the new fashion and this is specifically seen in groups of people with Islamist tendencies.

If this was simply a mob fight, it would have never gotten so big. I don't understand why the so-called leaders in Delhi continue to remain apathetic to the problems in Northeast. They are disgusting.

Hindu society has gone widespead modification since the first reforms led by Raja Rammohan Roy started. In Hindi belt it was Dayanand Saraswati who led reforms.
Assam has suffered a lot in past many decades due to migration of bengalis . bengalis irrespective of religion has come to assam in huge no.s since the time of british, which led to clashes & threat among assamese ppl abt thier culture. the day is not far when assamese will become minority in their own state thanks to bulk migration of bengalis over the years. i may sound racist but bengalis irrespective of religion have somewhat destroyed the culture of assam.
Church slams Centre, Assam govt for Kokrajhar violence - India - DNA

Accusing the Union and Assam governments of lacking in "political will" to prevent influx, National Council of Churches in India has said the "disaster" in the northeastern state could have been averted had infiltration of migrants been properly checked at all levels.

"We believe that this disaster (Assam violence) could have been averted, if both the Centre and the Assam government would have taken careful steps, with a strong political will, to check the infiltration of migrants to India, especially to Assam," NCCI general secretary Roger Gaikwad said in a letter to the Union Home Minister P Chidambaram yesterday.

Gaikwad said, "About 10,000 sq km land have been occupied by the migrants and they are now spreading over to other districts. Such influx and occupation will definitely create a fear psychosis among the indigenous people; being helpless, they are bound to retaliate."

He said the ongoing ethnic violence in Assam, especially in the districts of Kokrajhar, Dhubri and Chirang since July 19, was a "repetition" of the 2008 carnage in Kokrajhar where 55 people were killed and thousands others displaced.

Gaikwad expressed "regret" that leaders were not able to read early warnings.

Expressing concern at the relocation process of the displaced people, he said, "It is also a matter of great concern and upsetting to see that this unwanted episode is being repeated, displacing people, destroying property, and annihilating human lives."

Now that the "other" minority has spoken, we can hope that Madamji and Gogoi bhai will be a bit more active in this problem, which would have been brushed under the carpet otherwise.

Waise, it is indeed funny to see the Church defending the riots in context of land issues, which in other cases would have screamed blue murder like in Kandhmal ;)
Why do you defend this ****** menace so much being a former soldier dude? Do you really believe in that "aryan-dravidian" trash that the British invented?

What am I supposed to be defending? My comment pointed out to a Bangladeshi poster of obviously limited information and even more limited knowledge that his assumptions were wrong.

And regarding the Aryan-Dravidian trash, there is nobody in his senses except a few yobs who believe that Aryan and Dravidian are races. On the other hand, they are valid names for language groups. Perhaps you should stop slavishly toeing the Sangh Parivar line and do some independent reading for a change.

Finally, what does 'supposedly' signal to you?

Well with the types of shearers around here, I don't really think we need an external enemy. :D.

If you are accusing me of disloyalty, step right up and spell it out.
Church slams Centre, Assam govt for Kokrajhar violence - India - DNA

Now that the "other" minority has spoken, we can hope that Madamji and Gogoi bhai will be a bit more active in this problem, which would have been brushed under the carpet otherwise.

Waise, it is indeed funny to see the Church defending the riots in context of land issues, which in other cases would have screamed blue murder like in Kandhmal ;)

Sadly, we don't have the leadership that can take the required strong action.

Indian citizens of any faith should be given the due protection.

Any illegal aliens should be kicked out without mercy.
Shoot them or line them up and force them to enter BD. Enough of tackling them. Parasites. Stop Anna Hazzare, first start Anti Illegal BD people.
What am I supposed to be defending? My comment pointed out to a Bangladeshi poster of obviously limited information and even more limited knowledge that his assumptions were wrong.

And regarding the Aryan-Dravidian trash, there is nobody in his senses except a few yobs who believe that Aryan and Dravidian are races. On the other hand, they are valid names for language groups. Perhaps you should stop slavishly toeing the Sangh Parivar line and do some independent reading for a change.

Finally, what does 'supposedly' signal to you?

May be you have your reasons for hating RSS but can you point out where did the Sangh promote the Aryan/Dravidian divide or call them different races?

Also, Tamil is probably the only Dravidian language that doesn't have heavy Sanskrit influence. All the three other major South Indian "Dravidian" languages are heavily influenced by Sanskrit.
Sadly, we don't have the leadership that can take the required strong action.

Indian citizens of any faith should be given the due protection.

Any illegal aliens should be kicked out without mercy.

Mate - not going to happen and going to stay as wishful thinking for the majority of us. Jaiswals and Saikias were forced to backdown due to the votebank politics. Guwahati high court has stated that these illegals are becoming king makers. Supreme court has stated it is external aggression against India and Assam.

But why do these politicians going to care? And the pseudo secularists and the NGOs are always there to spin it into a story of aggression against minorities.

That is the unfortunate truth.
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