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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

This is our National Media !!!


Nobody takes this "Sagarika Ghosh" seriously.

Her only claim to fame is being the wife of Rajdeep Sardesai. She is the biggest idiot on TV and I have stopped watching IBN because of both their pathetic antics.
What I meant is that north Indians are now not the fighter variety that they used to be 300 years ago when they fought invasions. These days, pretending to be a victim, using liberal/secularist political parties and human rights bodies to grab land is the new fashion and this is specifically seen in groups of people with Islamist tendencies.

If this was simply a mob fight, it would have never gotten so big. I don't understand why the so-called leaders in Delhi continue to remain apathetic to the problems in Northeast. They are disgusting.

Indeed, I agree. The GoI should pay more importance to you people.
Dude, Moghul/Bengal never invaded North East. We used to send troops to beat you up so that they dont create nonsense in the Bengal borders. Capital was transferred from Murshidabad to Dhaka to check robbery from Portugese/Mogh in the south and Assamese/tribes in the north. So, if you think you repelled Moghul and feel important then so be it.

You (meaning Bangladeshis) were only famous for one thing in the Mughal court.

Supplying the Eunuchs for the Harem. Most of them used to be from Sylhet.

Else you have always been irrelevant as is the case today.
There will be no place for any Indian whether Muslims or Hindus in Bangladesh & that is the final point. But the Aryan inspired Genocide should be stopped to secure the humanity. Any sacrifice of blood is not meaningless. It is the chronicle of the history.
Nobody takes this "Sagarika Ghosh" seriously.

Her only claim to fame is being the wife of Rajdeep Sardesai. She is the biggest idiot on TV and I have stopped watching IBN because of both their pathetic antics.

Vinod bhai its not to say that you or I believe her, but just to show how half-baked cookies with vested interests are occupying top slots, and that too very influential ones like Deputy Editor in one of the biggest news channels in India.

Far more enemies of India exist within our country and system than outside our borders.
You (meaning Bangladeshis) were only famous for one thing in the Mughal court.

Supplying the Eunuchs for the Harem. Most of them used to be from Sylhet.

Else you have always been irrelevant as is the case today.

Well, even if that makes you feel more important then so be it too. I have no problem with that.
And regarding the Aryan-Dravidian trash, there is nobody in his senses except a few yobs who believe that Aryan and Dravidian are races. On the other hand, they are valid names for language groups.

Nope the are not. They were made to be so, so that India stands divided under the ceremonial veil of "difference". But it is heartening to know that JNU didn't beat this last bit out of you.

Perhaps you should stop slavishly toeing the Sangh Parivar line and do some independent reading for a change.

You really fear the Hindus don't you, Joe? Just like how our hosts here worry day and night about Jews/Israelis, you've a morbid fear of Hindus.

I can understand since you hate them so much; that's why you fear them. :D

There's no Sangh in Sikkim and neither have I ever worked with them. But yes, the karsevaks were noble and selfless enough to do a lot of relief work here whenever disaster has struck as recently as the earthquake. And if respecting their dedication is something you flinch.. then I can deduce which variety you belong to.

If you are accusing me of disloyalty, step right up and spell it out.

Oh trust me, I am the last one to mince words when it comes to telling people a piece of my mind.

I am just saying that you really are strange for being a soldier of everytime going on the defensive whenever anything related to jihad or something like that comes up. What stops you from admitting the grim reality?

It won't kill you to admit that jihad is a problem and it is affecting us as much as it is affecting the Hindus of our country.

BTW just to bring to your notice, the Church has also given your mentors the red flag about "lack of political will" to resolve the situation in a righteous manner.

I hope now you don't start seeing Saffron flags everywhere. :coffee:
I didn't knew that Bangladeshis celebrated moharram 2 days back since my photo is two days old.
Why would they be carrying a Pakistani flag if they have been taught to hate Pakistan since birth?
it is really frustrating to see that Assam govt, central govt & media are ignoring the root cause of trouble in assam, which is illegal migration. Just wait for couple of decades & then these migrants will show their true colours. india will one day realize its blunder of accepting & harboring migrants but it would be very late by then thanks to impotent govt, greedy politicians under the cover of fake secularism, Blind & partial media & those sh!tty human rights groups & NGO's.
Nobody takes this "Sagarika Ghosh" seriously.

Her only claim to fame is being the wife of Rajdeep Sardesai. She is the biggest idiot on TV and I have stopped watching IBN because of both their pathetic antics.

Dude,it is because of fathers being absent or spoling their daughters too much,if she got a tight slap at 12 years,sar tijj jaata iski.

May be you have your reasons for hating RSS but can you point out where did the Sangh promote the Aryan/Dravidian divide or call them different races?

Also, Tamil is probably the only Dravidian language that doesn't have heavy Sanskrit influence. All the three other major South Indian "Dravidian" languages are heavily influenced by Sanskrit.

Even Tamil has too many sanskrit words,mainland and srilankan.

Just the sound is less pronounced,thats all.

This antithesis to what is said by leftist liberal historians to that Islam spread in the sub cont as caste ridden Hinduism mistreated its lower caste who found Islam much more egalitarian than Hindu religion. Its been a stick to hit hindus and shame them.

And what we see is , Islam actually spread more in Punjab and West Bengal where caste hierarchy was less rigid compared to say north or south india and more over these regions were actually Bhuddist majority before the conquest of Muslim invaders.

Thats all random propoganda.Buddhism & Jainism already got the lower castes off the hook of rigid hinduism.

Islam spread just by the sword,all that sufi nonsense(well the sufis are gerat people),but the whole idea that Sufis made the warriors drop their swords is all time pass bakchodi excuses given by some people who converted to Islam just to get power and money and land.

I support NE independence but I think they will prefer their free land not as part of another country.

They already have that,right now the only threat is the mindless multiplication of bengali population.

Why would they be carrying a Pakistani flag if they have been taught to hate Pakistan since birth?

Thats the muslim flag dude.

Non-sequitor?? Well this makes me understand that you were unable comprehend to my reply...

I'm as much as RSS educated

Good to know that you finally agreed that you are Shakha educated as that makes my job easy.

Again quoting marxists are we ?" Socialist, secular Bharat.

Socialist, secular Bharat. ---- Read my previous post properly dear, the quote wasn't for Islamic conquest of India but for present contents in academics of RSS Shakhas. This just proves that your not reading my posts and then rushing to conclusion.

Since you are so intent on speaking about Chachnamas and Firmans of muslim kings, then also take into account all of them and don't be selective as it may burst your bubble.

William Dalrymple in his book about Aurangzeb says “What is little spoken is that he was an extremely generous donor of various ashrams and maths. Just the sheer data that can be gathered about his donations to Hindu monasteries is extraordinary…”

In 1664, Aurangzeb issued a Firman banning sati which I believe that hindus of now would be thankful to him.

There are also many firmans issued by him which is still at Banaras Hindu University and which speaks about strict orders to the local chieftains to protect the brahmins from harassment.

Though I wouldn't describe him as chivalrous emperor but he did do some good deeds and as you yourself accepted in your following posts that Islam also spread through Sufism. That answers my contentions as this is what I wanted you to accept as you have been reluctant to accept the fact that Islam spread through Sufism and missionary work(So I welcome you to the REAL world). Yes there were forced conversions but not at the scale as you and your Shakha graduates try to stir up.

Also since we are quoting western historians please read about what Will Durant has to say about the Islamic conquest of India.
Now comparing Will Durant's description of Islamic India is like comparing Rudyard kipling's description of Indian hindus.

LOLZ Somnath temple was demolished SIXTEEN times?? But dear it has been well established fact that it was destroyed SIX times. Were the remaining 10 times a flight of imagination of Shakha graduates.

Everyone knows about Gandhiji's sudden love for Islam starting with his pioneering work of mixing religion with politics ala the Khilafat movement. Also while we are at it, why not talk about Gandhiji's insistence to dissolve the Congress and also his "views" on banning conversions in India ?
It doesn't really concern me if he made it out of sheer respect or opportunism but what stands out is he made this statement.

But to say that the sword "did not absolutely" play any role in spread of Islam is only cheating yourself
Never did I ever mention that there were no forced conversions at all as it has been a part of history of all religions including hinduism, Islam, Christianity and even Buddhism . But I was against this statement of your brethren who keep on parroting this "Ohh our ancestors remained unconquered" whereas the matter of fact is that majority of Hindu kings were subjugated by muslim rulers and had their been mass 'culling' or forced conversion as you guys state then you guys wouldn't have been existent forget about being in absolute majority":agree:
Nope the are not. They were made to be so, so that India stands divided under the ceremonial veil of "difference". But it is heartening to know that JNU didn't beat this last bit out of you.

Are you stating in cold print that there is no distinction between Aryan and Dravidian languages?

I have no connections with the JNU, but they have fine scholars, as well as the usual collection of politically motivated ones. Like most other universities the world over, in fact.

You really fear the Hindus don't you, Joe? Just like how our hosts here worry day and night about Jews/Israelis, you've a morbid fear of Hindus.

A silly statement.

There is nothing especially fearful about the Hindu religion, except that it is a religion, in all its various divisions, and religions ar inherently negative, holding back the progress of the human race.

What I do oppose is Hindu bigots and their nationalist manifestation, which is thankfully well on the way to wiping itself out, along with the incredibly incompetent and corrupt counterpart, the Congress. While they last, however, they have infected a generation of young Indians with a bias against modern thoughts and concepts, a belief that India lived in a mythical golden age before the incursion of Islam, and a xenophobia of massive proportions.

I can understand since you hate them so much; that's why you fear them. :D

Don't be silly. It is the narrow-minded bigot I hate, not the broad masses practising it in their own way. Like I hate bigots from every religion.

There's no Sangh in Sikkim and neither have I ever worked with them. But yes, the karsevaks were noble and selfless enough to do a lot of relief work here whenever disaster has struck as recently as the earthquake. And if respecting their dedication is something you flinch.. then I can deduce which variety you belong to.

It is clear that you are not merely ill-informed, but stubborn and obstinate in denying facts that don't suit you.

You are aware, I hope, that precisely the same role is played by the Jamaat-ud-Dawa, and for precisely the same reasons?

It is not their dedication that I abhor, but the perverted uses to which they put the admiration that it evokes.

Oh trust me, I am the last one to mince words when it comes to telling people a piece of my mind.

Trust has very little to do with it.

I am just saying that you really are strange for being a soldier of everytime going on the defensive whenever anything related to jihad or something like that comes up. What stops you from admitting the grim reality?

What on earth was that supposed to mean? Where have you read me getting defensive about jihad (of the militant, anti-Muslim sort), or related matters? Why don't you admit that your opposition is purely directed at my criticism of the Sangh Parivar and its working?

It won't kill you to admit that jihad is a problem and it is affecting us as much as it is affecting the Hindus of our country.

Jihad in the militant sense is a Pakistani problem, not an Indian problem. We can do nothing to solve it. Pakistan has to solve it on her own. We can only support Pakistani elements who are against the way it has destroyed their country.

Jihad may become an Indian problem. If it does, much of the responsibility will lie with those myopic idiots who insist on fracturing the country with their religious bigotry and bias. That includes their sycophants and hanger-on.

BTW just to bring to your notice, the Church has also given your mentors the red flag about "lack of political will" to resolve the situation in a righteous manner.

And which mentors are these?

I hope now you don't start seeing Saffron flags everywhere. :coffee:

Fewer than ever before, but still too many.

Until that entire way of thinking is eradicated, we will remain a divided country, vulnerable to external attack. Every time we have been divided internally, we have fallen victim to external aggression. That is why this brand of exclusive politics and its underlying intolerant religious motif is so dangerous. Along with corruption induced by contempt of the law and of transparent democratic functioning, which is rooted in the same mediaeval mind-set.
May be you have your reasons for hating RSS but can you point out where did the Sangh promote the Aryan/Dravidian divide or call them different races?

The RSS never stated that there is an Aryan-Dravidian divide, nor the contrary, as far as I know.

There IS no divide in racial terms. Genetic analysis has clearly established that. So much of the protests that emanate from Tamil quarters about this supposed internal colonization of the south by the north is unnecessary. It is clear that such a thing never happened.

On the other hand, there are two distinct language groups, out of the three that are to be seen commonly in India, which belong to what is still being called Aryan and Dravidian. This distinction in linguistic terms is still valid.

Also, Tamil is probably the only Dravidian language that doesn't have heavy Sanskrit influence. All the three other major South Indian "Dravidian" languages are heavily influenced by Sanskrit.

The point being?
Good to know that you finally agreed that you are Shakha educated as that makes my job easy.

Looks like you missed the second part - "as much as you are a madarsah graduate". So by taking me to be a Shahka student you agree that you are a madarsah graduate.

Socialist, secular Bharat. ---- Read my previous post properly dear, the quote wasn't for Islamic conquest of India but for present contents in academics of RSS Shakhas. This just proves that your not reading my posts and then rushing to conclusion.

No where did I quote a single source from RSS sources. So its is irrelevant as to what they teach in RSS shakhas. But whatever they teach, its always better than the trash they disseminate in the madarsahs.

Ofcourse it was for the "Islamic conquest of India" - how it panned out in reality and how the marxists portray it as one of french kisses and red-roses. That you could not understand that simple statement either says you are brainwashed by your Mullahs or you are exhibiting willfull ignorace here.

Since you are so intent on speaking about Chachnamas and Firmans of muslim kings, then also take into account all of them and don't be selective as it may burst your bubble.

Yeah JuD also does some charity work..your point being ?

William Dalrymple in his book about Aurangzeb says “What is little spoken is that he was an extremely generous donor of various ashrams and maths. Just the sheer data that can be gathered about his donations to Hindu monasteries is extraordinary…”

In 1664, Aurangzeb issued a Firman banning sati which I believe that hindus of now would be thankful to him.

There are also many firmans issued by him which is still at Banaras Hindu University and which speaks about strict orders to the local chieftains to protect the brahmins from harassment.

Why talk about Aurangazeb from a third person point of view cherry picking isolated incidents to try paint a rosy picture.

Let his firmans speak for himself.

Aurangzeb, as he was according to Mughal Records

Though I wouldn't describe him as chivalrous emperor but he did do some good deeds and as you yourself accepted in your following posts that Islam also spread through Sufism.

He was a murderous, Islamofascist bigot languishing in the trashbin of history. FULL STOP.

That answers my contentions as this is what I wanted you to accept as you have been reluctant to accept the fact that Islam spread through Sufism and missionary work(So I welcome you to the REAL world). Yes there were forced conversions but not at the scale as you and your Shakha graduates try to stir up.

I have already explained through a generalization how Islam spread in variousparts of India - Arab taders in Kerala, Sufis (with the protection of sword) in Bengal and the Sword with some doses of sufis in North/North-West.

That you madarsah graduates try to white-wash it out of a feeling of guilt does not matter.

It doesn't really concern me if he made it out of sheer respect or opportunism but what stands out is he made this statement.

It doesn't matter who says what - I would take the words of contemporary muslim historians/chroniclers themselves over someone who spoke out of sheer opportunism. And he was no God either.

Never did I ever mention that there were no forced conversions at all as it has been a part of history of all religions including hinduism, Islam, Christianity and even Buddhism..

1) Good that you accepted "forceful conversions" was indeed there.

2) Not remotely in the scale of Islam or Christianity worldwide.

But I was against this statement of your brethren who keep on parroting this "Ohh our ancestors remained unconquered" whereas the matter of fact is that majority of Hindu kings were subjugated by muslim rulers and had their been mass 'culling' or forced conversion as you guys state then you guys wouldn't have been existent forget about being in absolute majority"

That is out-dated logic people use - if my aunty had a mush he would have been an uncle.

Yes, our ancestors remained unconquered - maybe not physically, but definitely spiritually. We may have been physically subjugated. That was temporary, but never mentally. We dont bow before Arabia five times a day. Enough said. Not that I have a problem with it, but when some one comes and tries to whitewash everything and portrays that fateful era as some kind of God's gift to India, then I do have a problem.
What I do oppose is Hindu bigots and their nationalist manifestation, which is thankfully well on the way to wiping itself out,

You in some surprise, surprise in the coming years.

The "bigots" as you like to classify them (a classic case of everything looking yellow through jaundiced eyes) and politically right wing (those who dont agree with the tactics of buf00ns like Sri Ram Sene, but equally with the likes of pseudo-secularists who think the Hindus owe the Muslims and Christians their weight in blood, just because they are minorities) as I would call them are clearly on the rise and this kind of denialism about their existence or growth only works in their favor. ;)
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