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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

The thread has been converted by some vested interests to a clash b/n Hindus & Muslims..No its a clash b/n Bodos & Illegal Bangaldeshi Migrants.

Actually it's a clash between India and illegal Bangladeshis muslims...... "incidently" same riots going on between illegal Bangladeshi muslims and Burmese.
No only 5% bodos are christians, rest of us are hindu/bathoist ,we are small tribe if compared with rest of the population ,less then a million people if sister tribes in upper assam and southern assam are excluded..

oh..didnt knew...i thought i read somewhere that majority are christians..may be some other tribe...

Anyways..the problem is Congress thinks it will get assured votes from muslims while others will generally not vote for them ..and that is why the gov in central and state turn a blind eye towards these illegal aliens...
oh..didnt knew...i thought i read somewhere that majority are christians..may be some other tribe...

Anyways..the problem is Congress thinks it will get assured votes from muslims while others will generally not vote for them ..and that is why the gov in central and state turn a blind eye towards these illegal aliens...

Exactly ..this is what has been happening for last three decades , congress is too corrupt to do any thing and the regional parties are equally weak and clueless. In coming years clashes will only increase in intensity and severity because the illegal -migrants population have been growing quite alarmingly specially in western assam in district of dhubri & goalpara and now they are spilling over to other districts of assam even in areas which had no bengali-muslim population just a decade ago.
Alternatievly Some people here belive that the current clash has been instigated by some members of congress party themselve to divert attention from the all the bad publicity the news channel ,NEWSLIVE have been recieving, due to their involvement in recent guwahati molestation case as the cahnnel owner is a powerdul member of congress party. whatever, but it only highlights the facts that natives extreme dislike for the illegal migrants and small incidence can turn into bigger clashes..:angry:
Lakhs of people take refuge in Dhubri; No govt. help yet: Residents

Guwahati: Lakhs of Bengali speaking (illigal immigrants)Muslims have left their homes in Kokrajhar district in last 72 hours due to attacks from Bodos. They have entered neighboring Dhubri district to save their life, but the government has not yet erected any relief camp here, leave alone relief materials, said victims and locals. People have taken shelter in schools and panchayat offices. Hundreds of victims camping in Kokrajhar-Dhubri border areas are fearing for life here also from Bodos and so running to safer destinations.

A displaced person from Kokrajhar was taking refuge at a school near NH-31 on the border of Kokrajhar-Dhubri. Locals had created the relief camp. But when TCN called him on phone an hour ago he said he along with others was rushing from the camp as Bodos were coming to attack. “Right now I am running to save my life. Please call me later,” said the man adding there was no support from the govt. in last three days.

Principal of the school which is on the border of Kokrajhar and Dhubri said: around 500 people were taking shelter at his school and two other neighboring schools. Local villagers were collecting for food, no support has come from the govt. He said lakhs of people have left their homes in Kokrajhar to save their life from the onslaught of Bodos.

A journalist with Asomya Pratidin in Dhubri told TCN that about 3 lakh people have entered Dhubri from Kokrajhar, but the govt does not acknowledge it and so has not erected any relief camp. He said situation is very dangerous. “Even the situation is becoming hostile in Dhubri, no relief has reached from govt. locals are collecting for relief,” said the journalist. He informed that govt figures about deaths (25) are very low from the actual toll.

Three days back a clash between Bodos and Police took different turn and Bodos started attacking Bengali speaking Muslims in Bodoland Territorial Area Districts which include Kokrajhar also.
.good job bodo.:chilli::chilli:

Lakhs of people take refuge in Dhubri; No govt. help yet: Residents

Guwahati: Lakhs of Bengali speaking (illigal immigrants)Muslims have left their homes in Kokrajhar district in last 72 hours due to attacks from Bodos. They have entered neighboring Dhubri district to save their life, but the government has not yet erected any relief camp here, leave alone relief materials, said victims and locals. People have taken shelter in schools and panchayat offices. Hundreds of victims camping in Kokrajhar-Dhubri border areas are fearing for life here also from Bodos and so running to safer destinations.

A displaced person from Kokrajhar was taking refuge at a school near NH-31 on the border of Kokrajhar-Dhubri. Locals had created the relief camp. But when TCN called him on phone an hour ago he said he along with others was rushing from the camp as Bodos were coming to attack. “Right now I am running to save my life. Please call me later,” said the man adding there was no support from the govt. in last three days.

Principal of the school which is on the border of Kokrajhar and Dhubri said: around 500 people were taking shelter at his school and two other neighboring schools. Local villagers were collecting for food, no support has come from the govt. He said lakhs of people have left their homes in Kokrajhar to save their life from the onslaught of Bodos.

A journalist with Asomya Pratidin in Dhubri told TCN that about 3 lakh people have entered Dhubri from Kokrajhar, but the govt does not acknowledge it and so has not erected any relief camp. He said situation is very dangerous. “Even the situation is becoming hostile in Dhubri, no relief has reached from govt. locals are collecting for relief,” said the journalist. He informed that govt figures about deaths (25) are very low from the actual toll.

Three days back a clash between Bodos and Police took different turn and Bodos started attacking Bengali speaking Muslims in Bodoland Territorial Area Districts which include Kokrajhar also.
.good one bodo.:chilli::chilli:


these people should be sent to bangladesh and not into another district,....
these people should be sent to bangladesh and not into another district,....

1. If there are Bangladeshis in a place, that is BD territory.

2. From inception Indian Intel has been creating various underground groups to incite in-fights among the Muslims, Bengalees, Tribals and local Ahomees, etc. Like it misfired with LTTE, it has backfired in NE in most instances. The local people, a peaceful happy lot, are paying the price in this chess-board game played at New Delhi.

3. The Muslims are either local for generations or those taking refuge from the atrocities of Narendra Modi, Bal Thacjery, Advani,Tegadia, etc. The Bengalees are also 100% local for generations including those that went across in 1947.

4. All problems of NE would be over once Indian occupation is vacated.
Lakhs of people take refuge in Dhubri; No govt. help yet: Residents

Guwahati: Lakhs of Bengali speaking (illigal immigrants)Muslims have left their homes in Kokrajhar district in last 72 hours due to attacks from Bodos. They have entered neighboring Dhubri district to save their life, but the government has not yet erected any relief camp here, leave alone relief materials, said victims and locals. People have taken shelter in schools and panchayat offices. Hundreds of victims camping in Kokrajhar-Dhubri border areas are fearing for life here also from Bodos and so running to safer destinations.

A displaced person from Kokrajhar was taking refuge at a school near NH-31 on the border of Kokrajhar-Dhubri. Locals had created the relief camp. But when TCN called him on phone an hour ago he said he along with others was rushing from the camp as Bodos were coming to attack. “Right now I am running to save my life. Please call me later,” said the man adding there was no support from the govt. in last three days.

Principal of the school which is on the border of Kokrajhar and Dhubri said: around 500 people were taking shelter at his school and two other neighboring schools. Local villagers were collecting for food, no support has come from the govt. He said lakhs of people have left their homes in Kokrajhar to save their life from the onslaught of Bodos.

A journalist with Asomya Pratidin in Dhubri told TCN that about 3 lakh people have entered Dhubri from Kokrajhar, but the govt does not acknowledge it and so has not erected any relief camp. He said situation is very dangerous. “Even the situation is becoming hostile in Dhubri, no relief has reached from govt. locals are collecting for relief,” said the journalist. He informed that govt figures about deaths (25) are very low from the actual toll.

Three days back a clash between Bodos and Police took different turn and Bodos started attacking Bengali speaking Muslims in Bodoland Territorial Area Districts which include Kokrajhar also.
.good one bodo.:chilli::chilli:


good Bhaag DK Bose DK Bhaag - I hope they are running towards their swampland and not into interior India. :undecided:
Such violence is symptomatic in India. North Eastern Indian states, Naxals in over 120 districts in almost 10 Indian states, Indian Occupied Kashmir, Muslim massacres in Gujarat and elsewhere.

Where the Hindu hardliners are unable punish a local minority, they initiate a divide and rule policy to instigate clashes between various minorities. Then blame one minority and commit horrible atrocities against them.

But what has happened over a period of time is that the situation has gotten out of hand due to such policies and now most of India is ungovernable and government writ can not be established.

This raises an important question. Is India failing as a so-called united nation state?

India has 140 known Secessionist/Freedom Movements operating in its 28 States and 7 Union Territories « dbsjeyaraj.com

India has 140 known Secessionist/Freedom Movements operating in its 28 States and 7 Union Territories
12 July 2012, 10:31 pm

by Khan.A.Sufyan

“We arrived in Darzo (Mizoram, India) about ten in the morning. My orders were to get the villagers to collect whatever moveable property they could, and set their own village on fire at seven in the evening.

Night fell, I lit a torch myself and set fire to one of the houses. I knew I was carrying out orders, and would hate to do such a thing if I had my way.

My soldiers also started torching other buildings, and the whole place was soon ablaze. Women were wailing and shouting and cursing. Children were frightened and cried. But the grown men were silent; not a whimper or a whisper from them. When it was time for the world to sleep, we marched out of Darzo .

We walked fifteen miles and the morning saw us in Hnahthial. I hated myself that night. I had done the job of an executioner. I called the Darzo Village Council President and his village elders and ordered them to sign a document saying that they had voluntarily asked to be resettled under the protection of the Security Forces as they were being harassed by the insurgents and that no force or coercion was used by the Security Forces.
They refused to sign. So I called them in one man at a time. On my table was a loaded revolver, and in the corner stood two NCOs with loaded sten-guns. This frightened them, and one by one they signed the documents.)

- Lalkhama 2006. A Mizo Civil Servant’s Random Reflections. Ghazaibad:
Express Print House, pp.177-180

In September 2011, state assembly of Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) debated a report which uncovered presence of more than 2,000 unmarked mass graves not far from the Line of Control that divides Pakistan from IOK. The report, by Indian government appointed State Human Rights Commission, also issued its first official acknowledgment of the presence of these mass graves.

Such incidents have not only been reported from IOK but many other parts of India. The atrocities committed to counter many ongoing insurgencies in the name of democratic Union of India are wide-spread, horrendous and shameful, yet only a handful of the perpetrators has ever been brought to justice.

India has been able to bring some of these insurgencies under a measure of control. Yet the wanton atrocities committed by Indian security forces and the coercive manipulation of democratic process probably has been some of the major causes why India houses one of the largest number of freedom movements and secessionist groups, insurgencies and extremist groups and in any one country in the world. Currently, there are around 140 such known groups operating in 28 Indian States and 7 Union Territories.

There are parts of India where diverse set of freedom movement groups run their own independent governments, collect taxes, maintain functional bureaucratic institutions, judiciary and maintain well organized regular and trained armies. On 30 June 2012, the Army of Government of People’s Republic of Nagaland held an openly announced passing out parade of a batch of officers at their military base Khehoi, merely 40 kilometers from Rangapahar, Dimapur. Rangapahar is the Headquarters of Indian Army 3 Corps and is a big cantonment also housing large Para-military force nearby. Yet the Indian Army and other security apparatus did not have the courage to establish the writ of Indian government.

Over 120 Indian Army battalions and over 250 para-military battalions are deployed in Occupied Kashmir. Close to 70 Indian Army battalions and over 220 para-military battalions are deployed in North East of India. Over 80 para-military battalions are also deployed in the rest of India to combat insurgencies. These forces have committed massive human rights violations. They are protected under the law, particularly the Armed Forces Special Power Act (AFSPA) for protection of Indian Army, giving it blanket cover for killing or torturing anyone.

Does anybody in the so-called civilized world know that a lady known by the name of Irom Sharmila Chanu, also known as the Iron Lady of Manipur, has been on hunger strike for the past 12 years and is being force-fed. She went on a hunger strike on 4 November 2000 in an effort to have the Government of India withdraw AFSPA from Manipur and other parts of India.

India has always blamed her neighbors, mainly Pakistan for presence of such a large number of secessionist groups. However, according to Indian media sources only 32 such groups operate in IOK, presence of which is conveniently blamed on Pakistan. Large majority of the IOK populace however blame oppression of Indian Security Forces in the killings of over 100,000 Kashmiri people.

Bulk of the remaining groups around 72 in number operate in the North East of India, while the remaining are spread over the rest of Indian territory. Overall, around 30-40 percent of Indian territory has been inflicted by freedom movements and insurgencies due to un-equal treatment meted out to the local populace and atrocities committed by Indian Security Forces, who are protected by law through manipulation of democratic institutions.

In addition to this, Naxalite movement alone has spread to over 40 percent of India and is fast getting out of hand. These are poor people who have risen up in arms against a manipulative democratic dispensation in which the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer without any future. Even with oppressive application of large number of security forces, India is clearly losing her writ on almost 50 percent of its territory.

The neo-colonial attitude followed by Indian political elite has further exacerbated the dichotomies present in the democratic and political dispensation meted out to the population at large.

Their indifferent internal economic policies sustained through oppressive application of security strategies kept hidden from the world at large through adroit media handling in order to achieve some unattainable foreign policy precepts may lead to undesirable consequences.

The blind followers of Indianized Kingdom or Indianization through attempted assimilation of neo-colonial cultural fail to understand that US achieved the objectives of its state-hood as a result of a civil war in 1860s.

India apparently is fast approaching this red line, where these freedom movements and insurgencies may result in internecine civil wars in different parts of India. In their ambition to undo the 1947 partition of India, the Indian neo-colonial dispensators may further fuel the disintegration of India through a democracy soaked in blood of her own people.
1. If there are Bangladeshis in a place, that is BD territory.

2. From inception Indian Intel has been creating various underground groups to incite in-fights among the Muslims, Bengalees, Tribals and local Ahomees, etc. Like it misfired with LTTE, it has backfired in NE in most instances. The local people, a peaceful happy lot, are paying the price in this chess-board game played at New Delhi.

3. The Muslims are either local for generations or those taking refuge from the atrocities of Narendra Modi, Bal Thacjery, Advani,Tegadia, etc. The Bengalees are also 100% local for generations including those that went across in 1947.

4. All problems of NE would be over once Indian occupation is vacated.

these people should be sent to bangladesh and not into another district,....

I think there is too many of them to be sent back now. What we can do is, use these illegal immigrants as slave labourers and use them to build the infrastructure in the North East.

Numbers don't matter, no matter how big a group they become they ll always be the runt of the society. And as long as they are the runt we can use them however we like.
I think there is too many of them to be sent back now. What we can do it, use these illegal immigrants as slave labourers and use them to build the infrastructure in the North East.

Numbers don't matter, no matter how big a group they become they ll always be the runt of the society. And as long as they are the runt we can use them however we like.

And, the men should be castrated or should be kept away from their women - these A-holes breed like cockroaches.
India's Assam issues 'shoot on sight' orders amid violence

Security forces in India's Assam state have been given "shoot on sight" orders amid violence that has killed at least 21 people.

The move follows fierce fighting between indigenous tribespeople and Muslim settlers in Kokrajhar and Chirang districts.

More than 60,000 people have fled their homes for relief camps.

There have been tensions between indigenous groups and Muslim Bengali migrants to Assam for many years.

After the latest outbreak of violence, an indefinite curfew was imposed in the worst-affected Kokrajhar district.

"The situation is very tense. Both Bodos and Muslims are setting fire to each other's homes. People are fleeing homes as rumours of rioting are spreading. The paramilitary forces have had to fire to control mobs in some areas, and the army has also been deployed," Kokrajhar district commissioner Donald Gilfellan told the BBC.

Police say that the clashes began when unidentified men killed four youths on Friday night in Kokrajhar district, an area dominated by the Bodo tribe.

They say that armed Bodos attacked Muslims in retaliation, suspecting them to be behind the killings.

Soon afterwards unidentified groups set houses, schools, and vehicles ablaze, police said, firing indiscriminately from automatic weapons in populated areas.

Assam is sandwiched between China and Bangladesh and is only joined to the rest of India by a 22km corridor.

BBC News - India's Assam issues 'shoot on sight' orders amid violence

140 separatist movement, are you high on world's finest drug. :laugh:

1. If there are Bangladeshis in a place, that is BD territory.

2. From inception Indian Intel has been creating various underground groups to incite in-fights among the Muslims, Bengalees, Tribals and local Ahomees, etc. Like it misfired with LTTE, it has backfired in NE in most instances. The local people, a peaceful happy lot, are paying the price in this chess-board game played at New Delhi.

3. The Muslims are either local for generations or those taking refuge from the atrocities of Narendra Modi, Bal Thacjery, Advani,Tegadia, etc. The Bengalees are also 100% local for generations including those that went across in 1947.

4. All problems of NE would be over once Indian occupation is vacated.

In short you are saying,"Poont koira dimu."
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