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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

This is not slavery dude..get ur green classes away from ur eyes which have made u blind.
i challenge obama to take that so called slavery away from india..They are dependent on india n china...for harware n software.

achi baat hai :)...god bless her.

Oh, so now you are going to beg Obama. Please be my guest
This is not slavery dude..get ur green classes away from ur eyes which have made u blind.
i challenge obama to take that so called slavery away from india..They are dependent on india n china...for harware n software.

Ok Paan Singh, if u guyz r OK with cheap outsourcing of jobs and slave labor who r we to stop you. Continue. But I have a request. An honest request. Please tell Indians, they can work for any cheap outsourcing jobs except for CALL CENTERS and CUSTOMER SERVICE. You can ask any person living in USA how hard it is to understand Indian accent. I had a trouble with my Dell computer and I called their customer service and it was a worst nightmare. First that Indian guy got insulted by me, then his manager for providing such poor customer service. And then I emailed Dell for not ever buying their product in the future unless they improve their customer service. There are like 1645 complaints filed on Dell poor customer service (including 1 by me) and their satisfaction rating is 1.5 out of 5 (which is POOR).

1,645 Complaints and Reviews about Dell Customer Service
Ok Paan Singh, if u guyz r OK with cheap outsourcing of jobs and slave labor who r we to stop you. Continue. But I have a request. An honest request. Please tell Indians, they can work for any cheap outsourcing jobs except for CALL CENTERS and CUSTOMER SERVICE. You can ask any person living in USA how hard it is to understand Indian accent. I had a trouble with my Dell computer and I called their customer service and it was a worst nightmare. First that Indian guy got insulted by me, then his manager for providing such poor customer service. And then I emailed Dell for not ever buying their product in the future unless they improve their customer service. There are like 1645 complaints filed on Dell poor customer service (including 1 by me) and their satisfaction rating is 1.5 out of 5 (which is POOR).

1,645 Complaints and Reviews about Dell Customer Service

A pakistani guy complaining about Indian accent ........ that is classic .....
Ok Paan Singh, if u guyz r OK with cheap outsourcing of jobs and slave labor who r we to stop you. Continue. But I have a request. An honest request. Please tell Indians, they can work for any cheap outsourcing jobs except for CALL CENTERS and CUSTOMER SERVICE. You can ask any person living in USA how hard it is to understand Indian accent. I had a trouble with my Dell computer and I called their customer service and it was a worst nightmare. First that Indian guy got insulted by me, then his manager for providing such poor customer service. And then I emailed Dell for not ever buying their product in the future unless they improve their customer service. There are like 1645 complaints filed on Dell poor customer service (including 1 by me) and their satisfaction rating is 1.5 out of 5 (which is POOR).

1,645 Complaints and Reviews about Dell Customer Service

ok... i will :D :rofl:
Again call center jobs are outsourced to india and philipines mostly.Even ppl living in different states of india have different way of speaking english.There is no such thing called as indian english.I speak in different way n my frnd from orissa in different way. :lol:
so point here is that west is dependent on us due to low price market but it is as per their standard...we living in asia have much less gdp ppp as compare to west.Second,we are well paid n taking the jobs of the western people and making them job less.This is not only to india but in whole asia..

so lemme tell u one more incident..
i got a call from paksitan with prefix number or code as +92.He said ur number have won 100000 Rs as lottery..gimme ur acct number,we will transfer it...i knew that its from pak and he spoke in pure hindi which we usually dont speak like he said namaskaar sir :rofl:

then i told him politely...i know u r from paksitan and pls dont call me back and i wasted 24 Rs on that call :lol:
are we incapable of teaching them a lesson ?

Yes indeed you are because of rising inequality among masses and divisions based on religion,caste,language and color.India is currently suppressing a lot of independence movements e.g kashmiries,sikhs and maoists but one wonders how long it could be maintained this way.Except 5,6 cities on which indians boast of their great progress india is full of poverty and hatred among inhabitants of any area.Soon we all are gonna see this fake indian bubble rupturing giving birth to plenty of new nations and thats gonna be good for the whole world.

P.S..Its surprising ISI name has not yet come for assam massacres..some one in delhi must be trying to establish the link though...or may be its gonna be abu jundals next revelation:lol:
ok... i will :D :rofl:
Again call center jobs are outsourced to india and philipines mostly.Even ppl living in different states of india have different way of speaking english.There is no such thing called as indian english.I speak in different way n my frnd from orissa in different way. :lol:
so point here is that west is dependent on us due to low price market but it is as per their standard...we living in asia have much less gdp ppp as compare to west.Second,we are well paid n taking the jobs of the western people and making them job less.This is not only to india but in whole asia..

so lemme tell u one more incident..
i got a call from paksitan with prefix number or code as +92.He said ur number have won 100000 Rs as lottery..gimme ur acct number,we will transfer it...i knew that its from pak and he spoke in pure hindi which we usually dont speak like he said namaskaar sir :rofl:

then i told him politely...i know u r from paksitan and pls dont call me back and i wasted 24 Rs on that call :lol:

ha ha ha ........ paan singh bha ji tusi great O ........ ha ha ha.

Ambarsar ja ke ashnan wi kar lena
wow....bas itni si reply :/

haan! Bcoz u agreed that u will stop Indians from sitting at call centers n customer service. By the way, u know, USA has this "customer is always right" policy and if a company provides poor customer service, u get free gift cards, discounts, rebates etc once u file the complaint. I have filed so many complaints against the poor customer service (read Indians) :lol:

Btw, r u Khalsa Sikh or Mona Sikh?
Yet another thread has been hijacked :rolleyes:

From twitter @ScorpiusMaximus

>>"At Magurmary High School, the violence has brought Bodos, Adivasis, Nepalis and Bengalis together like never before"-The Hindu.
>>"For, they have a common enemy in the invaders who made them flee their homes"- The Hindu does not name them, but its quite obvious.
>>"Of the 27 camps in Kokrajhar, 21 are being used by Bodos and five by Muslims"- The Hindu.
>>" Of the 33,517 people residing in these camps, 26,117 are Bodos, 5,700 Muslim and 1,700 others"- The Hindu
From twitter @ScorpiusMaximus

>>"At Magurmary High School, the violence has brought Bodos, Adivasis, Nepalis and Bengalis together like never before"-The Hindu.
>>"For, they have a common enemy in the invaders who made them flee their homes"- The Hindu does not name them, but its quite obvious.
>>"Of the 27 camps in Kokrajhar, 21 are being used by Bodos and five by Muslims"- The Hindu.
>>" Of the 33,517 people residing in these camps, 26,117 are Bodos, 5,700 Muslim and 1,700 others"- The Hindu

You copied it from Bharat Rakshak forum.. Oh Pakistani... :rofl:

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