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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

I also want India to attack Bangladesh, it will destroy India's already screwed economy which will leader to their bankruptcy as we will make America's attack on Vietnam a walk in the park. A bankruptcy will lead to breaking up of India into different states and we will get our west bengal, tripura and assam back.

Go aazidane Go. :)
I also want India to attack Bangladesh, it will destroy India's already screwed economy which will leader to their bankruptcy as we will make America's attack on Vietnam a walk in the park. A bankruptcy will lead to breaking up of India into different states and we will get our west bengal, tripura and assam back.
you are saying as if war is playing games on on ur ps3.dude war is different. a lot of ppl will get killed (of course u wont ,u will hide in canada). u might underestimate the indian defence forces but dont underestimate life of ur ex-countrymen i.e bangladesh.
I also want India to attack Bangladesh, it will destroy India's already screwed economy which will lead to their bankruptcy as we will make America's attack on Vietnam a walk in the park. A bankruptcy will lead to breaking up of India into different states and we will get our west bengal, tripura and assam back.

Opening the sluice gates of Farakka Barrage doesn't cost much.
you are saying as if war is playing games on on ur ps3.dude war is different. a lot of ppl will get killed (of course u wont ,u will hide in canada). u might underestimate the indian defence forces but dont underestimate life of ur ex-countrymen i.e bangladesh.

Few bloods have to be shed for the greater good, my friend. After the breakup of India, it will be in the interest of West Bengal and Tripura to join Bangladesh. Mittal, Dr. Younus, Tagore, Bose and top secretarial posts and adviser positions are held by Bangalis in India. We Bangalis are the brains of India. imagine who will be the economical powerhouse second to China in the region.
you are saying as if war is playing games on on ur ps3.dude war is different. a lot of ppl will get killed (of course u wont ,u will hide in canada). u might underestimate the indian defence forces but dont underestimate life of ur ex-countrymen i.e bangladesh.

As if India is gonna come out unscathed from a 3 front war. And Indian forces are not being underestimated. Read the force ratio environment explained in an earlier post.
I also want India to attack Bangladesh, it will destroy India's already screwed economy which will lead to their bankruptcy as we will make America's attack on Vietnam a walk in the park. A bankruptcy will lead to breaking up of India into different states and we will get our west bengal, tripura and assam back.
Do you think india need to attack BD when it can get it can rule it through proxy awami leaguers.:no:
If the , ESPECIALLY , Pakistani and Bangladeshis , see it as a religious battle of Indians(Hindus , christians, buddhidts) vs !slam , then SO BE IT!! there is NO mohammad bin qasim coming to save U guys coz YOU are in the wrong. we will butcher the Bangladesis and dont even think for a second that we will give their na-paak bodies a proper burial but rather load their already mangled bodies into the nozzle of our tanks and aim towards banglabesh OR , capture those P!gs alive and use them as Human centipedes , ie. break their knees and make them crawl while the middle persons mouth been sewn to the first persons an|_|s and third persons mouth be sewed to second persons a|\|us !!!
and we will call them Bangla Bangers !!
Rant over.:angry:
Few bloods have to be shed for the greater good, my friend. After the breakup of India, it will be in the interest of West Bengal and Tripura to join Bangladesh. Mittal, Dr. Younus, Tagore, Bose and top secretarial posts and adviser positions are held by Bangalis in India. We Bangalis are the brains of India. imagine who will be the economical powerhouse second to China in the region.
u ppl will balkanize india and join the WB with u :woot::woot: dude in ur dreams. if u r so interested in war get any gun u want and try to fight with BSF by firing from ur bangladeshi side.why dont u shed ur blood first.why hide in a kafir country canada?
Do you think india need to attack BD when it can get it can rule it through proxy awami leaguers.:no:

Hasina is no proxy, she is simply a Bangali nationalist. Ever wonder why she keeps quiet on the BSF shootings? it is simply because the "cattle trading is a booming business"
Hasina is no proxy, she is simply a Bangali nationalist. Ever wonder why she keeps quiet on the BSF shootings? it is simply because the "cattle trading is a booming business"
Nah!!! Its what the BD blame her for being indian stooge:)

Seems like best gift India can give to BD is Book of panchtantra.:)
East Bengalis will simply move to west bengal if that happens.

It would hard to swim against the current, besides 99% of Bangladesh can't swim.

Instead of boasting over here, tell your government to do that.

But then, aunty needs to have balls to become an uncle.

Why are you getting your panties bunched up, its all just banter anyways. Maybe ask the Bangladeshis to declare war on India?:lol:
As if India is gonna come out unscathed from a 3 front war. And Indian forces are not being underestimated. Read the force ratio environment explained in an earlier post.
why u pakistani ppl always try to prove the idiom
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