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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

Why not,
after all any illeagl immegrant, wether it is banagladesi or tibetter or any, they are eating from our plate. The resources they use are meant only for Indian. They dont give any tax, they are just a burden. If some migrant community has some issues at their home country, we should accept them for a bounded time period, after that they should leave. There is no reason why they should stay, after all, we will suffer becuse of them.

There is no Illegal in Assam. Better accept it or Leave Assam. Let the people make the score and let the fittest to survive there.

Blah Blah..I checked the news. The only one fleeing is the Bangladeshis. Also keep the Muslim card to yourself.

Who enforced Bandh? Muslims.
Who made the train to go back? Muslims

Now, it could be the case that Muslim did not indulge to indiscriminate killing but they certainly in the open and the streets are in their control.
If Indian security forces has the guts and the capability and capacity, push them back in to Bangladesh. Can you kill all of them, go ahead and do that.

Otherwise, treat the Piles in your mouth and keep quite.
Who enforced Bandh? Muslims.
Who made the train to go back? Muslims

Now, it could be the case that Muslim did not indulge to indiscriminate killing but they certainly in the open and the streets are in their control.

Trains in India are even stopped by 10 morons with flags. So no big deal.

Who gets killed and made to flee? Bangladeshis. Again don't use the M word. They are illegal Bangladeshis.Period.
Assam riots: Hundreds of villages burned, toll rises to 26

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/member...ges-burned-toll-rises-26-a.html#ixzz21YX8upXT

GUWAHATI: Police shot dead four rioters in Assam on Tuesday as security forces struggled to contain ethnic fighting that has killed 26 people and left remote hamlets in flames, forcing tens of thousands from their homes.

Rioting between Bodo tribespeople and Muslim settlers has raged for days. Some of the victims died of machete wounds, aid workers who has seen the bodies said.

Police opened fire on a mob that was burning property in the Bodo-dominated Kokrajhar district, killing the four, police inspector general S.N. Singh told Reuters.

Earlier, hundreds of men armed with spears, clubs and rocks attacked an express train passing through Kokrajhar, injuring several passengers. In another incident, several people suffered bullet wounds and others were injured in a stampede when police fired to disperse a gang of 400, a senior police official said.

Soldiers and federal paramilitary troops patrolled Kokrajhar town and outlying areas on armoured vehicles mounted with machine guns. The government said more security reinforcements were travelling to the region.

In defiance of an overnight curfew, rival mobs spread to rural areas and neighbouring districts overnight, targeting hamlets along river banks and in the jungle. Some 500 villages have been destroyed by arson.

"The security forces were silent spectators when village after village was burnt down," veteran local politician Urkhao Gwra Brahma told Reuters.

Ringed by China, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Bhutan, India's northeast is home to more than 200 ethnic and tribal groups and has been racked by separatist revolts since India's independence from Britain in 1947.

In recent years Hindu and Christian tribes have vented strong anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim sentiment against Bangladeshi settlers. The Bodo tribe has clashed with Bengalis in deadly riots several times since the 1950s.

The latest violence was sparked on Friday night when unidentified men killed four youths in Kokrajhar district, police and district officials said. In retaliation, armed Bodos attacked Muslims, suspecting them of being behind the killings.

Hagrama Mohilary, the leader of the tribal council governing the region, warned that former separatist rebels had joined the violence to protect Bodo villages. He called for the rebels, who are officially observing a ceasefire, to lay down their arms.

Bodo tribes shot at Muslim villages close to the border with Bhutan on Monday night, a senior police officer who asked not to be named told Reuters. He said no casualties had been reported.

Assam's chief minister, Tarun Gogoi, told TV network CNN-IBN that he hoped the situation would be under control within two days. He said some 30,000 villagers have fled their homes and taken shelter in relief camps, but local officials said the numbers were at least twice that.

The main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) criticised Gogoi for not stopping the rioting and Prime Minister Manomhan Singh called the chief minister asking him to do everything possible to stop the violence. The Hindu nationalist BJP has in the past been accused of fanning religious conflicts.

Tribal leader Mohilary said relief camps were overcrowded and suffering a shortage of food and medicine because roadblocks across the region had stopped supply trucks.
good job bodo.send back them to their own homeland.they are illigal immigrants.

Assam riots: Hundreds of villages burned, toll rises to 26 - The Times of India
If Indian security forces has the guts and the capability and capacity, push them back in to Bangladesh. Can you kill all of them, go ahead and do that.

Otherwise, treat the Piles in your mouth and keep quite.

Its the Indian Politicians that lack the guts, capability and capacity.
Ya in your dream. Its the first time in the history of Assam, Muslim is in offensive. Bodo or Godo needs to be submissive and accept who is the Boss.
Beta dont wory about boss, if these lligal poll vaulters makes lot of trouble than to prove the boss Indian Army will come, and once native Assamese (Indian Nationals) deiced to clean the dirt with help of army, no boss of the world will be able to rescue these illigal poll vaulters.
There is no Illegal in Assam. Better accept it or Leave Assam. Let the people make the score and let the fittest to survive there.

Completely agree. The Govt and Army should stay out and I am sure Bodos and other tribals and even ULFA will have a field day finishing off the BD pole vaulters.
There is no Illegal in Assam. Better accept it or Leave Assam. Let the people make the score and let the fittest to survive there.

Who enforced Bandh? Muslims.
Who made the train to go back? Muslims

Now, it could be the case that Muslim did not indulge to indiscriminate killing but they certainly in the open and the streets are in their control.
Stop trying to give this a religion colour. Issue is between native and illigal poll vaulters. Wait for some times, once we get rif of the fake secular kangress gov, these polevaulter will either land in there home country or in bay of bangal.
Completely agree. The Govt and Army should stay out and I am sure Bodos and other tribals and even ULFA will have a field day finishing off the BD pole vaulters.


Yap.. and keep ULFA out of it. ULFA is our stooge there waiting for our direction.. LOL

Stop trying to give this a religion colour. Issue is between native and illigal poll vaulters. Wait for some times, once we get rif of the fake secular kangress gov, these polevaulter will either land in there home country or in bay of bangal.

Stop giving it a immigrant color. Its between Muslim/Bengali vs Bodos.
Where is Assamese? Why are not they get involved. I am eager to see the big game. Lets settle it this time.
Let the people make the score and let the fittest to survive there.

I'm sure you follow the same logic in Burma as well. Too bad your proud Army is getting slaughtered there.

Yap.. and keep ULFA out of it. ULFA is our stooge there waiting for our direction.. LOL

You know one of the reasons for the formation of ULFA is the illegal immigration to Assam. Anyways ULFA is toothless tiger now.
Beta dont wory about boss, if these lligal poll vaulters makes lot of trouble than to prove the boss Indian Army will come, and once native Assamese (Indian Nationals) deiced to clean the dirt with help of army, no boss of the world will be able to rescue these illigal poll vaulters.

ULFA already shown they can be boss. You dont want another ULFA from Bengalis, do you?

You know one of the reasons for the formation of ULFA is the illegal immigration to Assam. Anyways ULFA is toothless tiger now.

And we just check mated diverting them against Indian Army who is their real enemy not the Bengalis. Bengalis have no problem with ULFA.

The main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) criticised Gogoi for not stopping the rioting and Prime Minister Manomhan Singh called the chief minister asking him to do everything possible to stop the violence. The Hindu nationalist BJP has in the past been accused of fanning religious conflicts.

BJP's call for ending the violence only proved that Muslim have the upper hand this time.
Most of the killed are BDians.
Bodos are eliminating them.I hope more are eliminated.

UPDATE:2 more bangladeshis eliminated by Bodo patriots.
500 Bangladeshi homes destroyed.

Bodos are doing what our BSF are supposed to be doing.

And we just check mated diverting them against Indian Army who is their real enemy not the Bengalis. Bengalis have no problem with ULFA.

Or may be the ULFA was just being opportunistic..Sticking to Chanakya's ..Enemy of my enemy is my friend.
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