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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

Thank you for highlighting his list of some articles. I'll definitely go through these as well.

He is not the only one who talks about Indian aspirations of IOR domination and a blue water navy. After all why would you want a three aircraft carrier and 6-9 nuclear subs navy with over 140 surface ships and an amphibious brigade - obviously not for anti-piracy operations. You need to read the statements of your naval chiefs and the maritime time strategy.

And don't criticise good analysts because you don't agree with what they write.

Your last point is incessantly being raised in the manner by Indian posters and I was saying the same thing.

Discuss india, when we are discussing India and don't qualify it by saying hey it happens in other places as well.

The acquisition of tools for naval power projection, is a more recent phenomenon. The author, who you cited, cites the deployment of US 5th and 7th fleet in the region as factors that undermined "indian aspirations". The realpolitiks of US-India relations aside, the 5th and he 7th were deployed at a time when the indian navy was barely a brown water force, whose influence and aspirations, apparently were undermined.
Please post some sane posts here. Obviously communal violance is loose loose situation for both sides. All these blood shading for nothing. Only politicians will drive milage and haterd will forever be place among both communities.

Its not a communal violence..its a fight for land and natural resources b/n natives and foreigners.
We should throw the illigal immegrants out of country, be they of any religion. They are creating lots of problems.
Assam is sandwiched between China and Bangladesh and is only joined to the rest of India by a 22km corridor.
BBC News - India's Assam issues 'shoot on sight' orders amid violence
Before highlighting this you should have paid a visit to Google Maps.

#BBC_Geography_Fail #Sandwich_Reference_Fail

We should throw the illigal immegrants out of country, be they of any religion. They are creating lots of problems.

I disagree. We should throw out economic refugees aka Bangladeshis only. Do you really want Tibetans along with Dalai Lama to be deported to Tibet to their certain death or imprisonment or deport back the Sikhs from AF or Hindus from Pakistan or Tamils from SL who came to India in search of safe sanctuary.
WTF? Shining India, the soooooopa duper power of the world is also suffering from violence? I thought that only happened in Pakistan since that was the only issue on the tongues of the Indians here. What goes around comes around.
WTF? Shining India, the soooooopa duper power of the world is also suffering from violence? I thought that only happened in Pakistan since that was the only issue on the tongues of the Indians here. What goes around comes around.

Still death toll less than what Karachi scores in a day during 'open season'.
Please avoid such racist rants. Thank you.

It is our country matter .........These illegal immigrant a$$holes has been creating problems throughout NE and it's time to root them out ........Taking any extreme measures is inevitable and their is nothing racist in it .....thank you..
Why not,
after all any illeagl immegrant, wether it is banagladesi or tibetter or any, they are eating from our plate. The resources they use are meant only for Indian. They dont give any tax, they are just a burden. If some migrant community has some issues at their home country, we should accept them for a bounded time period, after that they should leave. There is no reason why they should stay, after all, we will suffer becuse of them.
It is our country matter .........These illegal immigrant a$$holes has been creating problems throughout NE and it's time to root them out ........Taking any extreme measures is inevitable and their is nothing racist in it .....thank you..

Only NE?? How about Kerala?? Illegal BDs was caught in Kerala doing all type of mischiefs including distribution of fake currency.
I disagree. We should throw out economic refugees aka Bangladeshis only. Do you really want Tibetans along with Dalai Lama to be deported to Tibet to their certain death or imprisonment or deport back the Sikhs from AF or Hindus from Pakistan or Tamils from SL who came to India in search of safe sanctuary.

Agreed completely .........

We have to legally accept tibetan , pakistani ans sl refugees .......

At same time we have to kickout the entire bangladeshi pests out of our country through any means avaliable (even if it means giving a blind eye towards ULFA ) ......
Why not,
after all any illeagl immegrant, wether it is banagladesi or tibetter or any, they are eating from our plate. The resources they use are meant only for Indian. They dont give any tax, they are just a burden. If some migrant community has some issues at their home country, we should accept them for a bounded time period, after that they should leave. There is no reason why they should stay, after all, we will suffer becuse of them.

To my knowledge SL Tamils are now going back as the Civil War in SL is over. As for the others the condition in their home country is still not suitable for their return.
Indian govt. not having guts to deport illegal BDesi to BD so better allow Bodos to kill that parasites without mercy. If India really taking care its people means CRPF should assist Bodos in killing those illegal immigrants.

Ya in your dream. Its the first time in the history of Assam, Muslim is in offensive. Bodo or Godo needs to be submissive and accept who is the Boss.
Ya in your dream. Its the first time in the history of Assam, Muslim is in offensive. Bodo or Godo needs to be submissive and accept who is the Boss.

Blah Blah..I checked the news. The only one fleeing is the Bangladeshis. Also keep the Muslim card to yourself.
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