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Assam: Four million risk losing India citizenship

Hopefully they do in the next round. Assam isn't a Muslim state, and those Muslims don't look like Assamese by a long shot.

If assam is a indian state and those are indian muslims whats the problem???
This is an internal Indian issue.
Why are muslims from across the border having a problem?

We dont were as happy as can be

This was the whole point of Jinnah's insistence on Partitioning the sub continent

Jinnah was adamant about the two nation theory and he understood the psychological damage caused to the hindu psyche from 1000 years of muslim domination

He was sure that as a minority even a large minority there would be bloodshed and abuse of muslim rights unless we created Pakistan where we could rule

Whats happening to india today is ultimate justification of the brilliance of Jinnah's message :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

we are interested /happy for two other main reasons

1- A secular democratic inclusive india was a threat to us..
A hindutva india creating insurmountable divisions and hatred in india suits our strategic interests perfectly both for Kashmir and for creating the anger and hatred within india for the ISI to manipulate and utilise

2- The slap on the face of indian muslims and Bangladeshis is wonderrrfullll!!!!!!:lol::lol:
Especially the "indian" indian muslims :lol:
Welcome to reality boys:rofl::rofl::chilli: @KapitaanAli @South

Now the indian muslims know what to do, its not like we haven't told them:coffee:
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