2) I've always wonder and asked myself how you could hold elections in israel in a terror state while as you know free elections are impossible in terror state .. so how really you do it? your so-called government was founded base on terror and war something that has continued so far:
On June 1946 Irgun Blew up the king David hotel at least 91 people were killed.
On April 9 1946 Irgun attacked Deir Yassin, of approximately 700 inhabitants 245 women, children and elderly were massacred.
According to a count conducted by International Red Cross representative Jacques de Reynier, apart from bodies left lying in the streets, 150 corpses were found in one cistern alone, among them people who had been either decapitated or disemboweled. Several villagers were taken prisoner and may have been killed after being paraded through the streets of West Jerusalem. Morris wrote that there were also cases of mutilation and rape.
Israeli Colonel Meir Pa’el on his retirement, remorsefully admitted that,
”The Irgun and LEHI men came out of hiding and began to `clean’ the houses. They shot whoever they saw, women and children included, the commanders did not try to stop the massacre ….”
Zvi Ankori, who commanded the Zionist Unit at Deir Yassin gave this statement on April 9, 1982:
“I went into 6 to 7 houses. I saw cut off genitalia and women’s crushed stomachs. According to the shooting signs on the bodies, it was direct murder.” (New York Jewish Newsletter in October 1960)
The Zionists had bayoneted the wombs of pregnant Palestinian women and crushed the heads and bodies of dozens of children and babies.
Irgun held a press conference claimed responsibility and warned this massacre was the beginning of the zioninst conquest of Palestine and Transjordan.
Years later Menachem Begin that was actually proud of Deir Yassin boasted that the massacre he ordered induced the terror that the Jews needed to help ethnically cleanse the Palestinians from the new Zionist State. Quote:
“The massacre was not only justified, but there would not have been a state of Israel without the victory at Deir Yassin.” (New York Jewish Newsletter in October 1960)