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Can any iranian plz reply to my posr #107 i m really curious
We are Biggest in Middle East






if you look,many people goes to arab countries like UAE,Saudi and kuwait etc for earning bucks but why not iran? .

Iran have more oil than other arab countries but still not popular.

Any reason?? I mean petro dollars
What do iranians think about hinduism

Most of Iranians don't know much about religions of India, Hinduism Sikhism etc, they are neutral about them..

if you look,many people goes to arab countries like UAE,Saudi and kuwait etc for earning bucks but why not iran? .

Iran have more oil than other arab countries but still not popular.

Any reason?? I mean petro dollars

Iran don't have more oil than Saudia
Kuwait and UAE and Qatar are miniature countries, the bigger thee country is, the harder you can run it

Do Iranians watch Hindi cinema? Do they like India?

These days everyone only watches Hollywood movies but in past Indian films were very popular here, I still remember Sholay lol, it's very famous in Iran
Most of Iranians don't know much about religions of India, Hinduism Sikhism etc, they are neutral about them..

Iran don't have more oil than Saudia
Kuwait and UAE and Qatar are miniature countries, the bigger thee country is, the harder you can run it

These days everyone only watches Hollywood movies but in past Indian films were very popular here, I still remember Sholay lol, it's very famous in Iran

amitabh bachan :enjoy:
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