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Ask your question about Iran

Yes u can take that one for example
I mean i have heard that i Iran if a woman has some affair with some other guy even if she is a widow then there r punishments like people through stones at her untill she dies n all but man aren't punished much...
Plus the they need to be fully covered up i mean even ankles should not be visible

I m a bit confused here as to whether its Iran or Saudi or both???:undecided:

your answer :

if a man rape a girl or woman >>> :butcher:

for other crimes >>> Jail :coffee:
I teach Zoroastrian kids about our religion and history as part of our community service on the weekends.

I want to bring them to Iran, but not as part of the very expensive group pilgrimage tours that most Parsis join.

Is there some student/backpacker website where I can learn about basics like taxi/bus fares, dorm/hotel rates, vaccination/emigration rules, inter-city routes, timetables, trains, etc.?

The group may be 20 kids max with 3-4 adults.

Have you been in Iran? How majority of Parsis look like? Are they more similar to Iranians, or Indians?

I don't know much about arabs so n ya r Iranians Arabs or they classify themselves as Persians only unlike most ME??

Would you reword this question please :D
let me ask it again :

How Iranian feel about Shia killings in Pakistan especially Hazara muslim in Balochistan ?
No I've never been to Iran yet. Google Image for "Parsis" man. Or ask Surenas to help you. :)


Which ethic group in Iran is at the top? Like the WASPs in the USA. Or the Ashkenazi in Israel.
Good thread. My question:
You say Iran is not seeking nuclear weapons. Just wonder why the world does not share your view and imposes harsh sanctions!
Are they all brainwashed and stupid?

There is much too talk about this issue however here is not the proper place.
West's problem is not Iran's nuclear program It's just an excuse to impose sanctions on Iran.
Their problem is Islamic Republic itself. since revolution They imposed sanctions on Iran and its not some thing new for us.They just exacerbate them. Western nations know better than every one that Iran is not going to acquire Nukes.
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